-*- mode:org -*-
* Requirements:
-** lua 5.1 ( http://www.lua.org/ )
-** Apache HTTPD 2.2 ( http://httpd.apache.org/ ) or Apache HTTPD 2.3
+** lua 5.1, 5.2 ( http://www.lua.org/ ) or LuaJIT 2.x ( http://www.luajit.org/ )
+** Apache HTTPD 2.3 ( http://httpd.apache.org/ ) or higher
* Documentation
See docs/README
types, pooled and singleton. On the other hand, singleton would work
fine for almost all cases -- the exception being a process or server
pool, and then we could stay singleton anyway and lock around it.
- The current "server scope" behavior could, instead, fall into
- connection scope, for long-lived connections, really we want thread
- scope (which Brian Akins knows how to do). Is there a pool
- associated with a thread? Contention on the pool is a pain in a
- highly concurrent environment.
- Could use apr_thread_data_(get|set) if I can find a way to hook into
- thread destruction. Looks like apr threads let you use the standard
- APR_POOL_DECLARE_ACCESSOR(thread); defined method, just need to look
- up what form that takes. -- apr_thread_pool_get -- just attach to
- that pool.
- Given that, we can associate a hash of lua_State instances with
- arbitrary pools, such as the request pool, thread pool, server pool,
- etc. We then use the file as key into the hash. Users, able to
- specify the handler function, can then make use of the same file
- with different handlers to reuse states.
* Task List
it is pre-handler, will prolly be on the request_config somewhere,
but sometimes cannot put there, so... fun
** TODO Mapping in the server_rec
-** TODO Connection scoped vms
** TODO Figure out how reentrancy works regarding filter chain stuff.
Do we need new "threads"?
-** TODO Flesh out apw_*getvm for each flavor we allow
-** TODO Rework apw_sgetvm to use the create_vm stuff like apw_rgetvm
-** TODO apw_rgetvm needs to handle connection scoped vms
-** TODO provide means to implement authn and authz providers
** TODO: Flatten LuaHook* to LuaHook phase file fn ?
** TODO: document or remove block sections
** TODO: test per-dir behavior of block sections
** Stefan Fritsch
** Eric Covener
** Daniel Gruno
+** Günter Knauf