finder = cls._path_importer_cache(entry)
except ImportError:
- loader = finder.find_module(fullname)
- if loader:
- return loader
+ if finder:
+ loader = finder.find_module(fullname)
+ if loader:
+ return loader
return None
self.assert_(path in sys.path_importer_cache)
self.assert_(sys.path_importer_cache[path] is importer)
+ def test_path_importer_cache_has_None(self):
+ # Test that if sys.path_importer_cache has None that None is returned.
+ clear_cache = {path: None for path in sys.path}
+ with util.import_state(path_importer_cache=clear_cache):
+ for name in ('asynchat', 'sys', '<test module>'):
+ self.assert_(machinery.PathFinder.find_module(name) is None)
+ def test_path_importer_cache_has_None_continues(self):
+ # Test that having None in sys.path_importer_cache causes the search to
+ # continue.
+ path = '<test path>'
+ module = '<test module>'
+ importer = util.mock_modules(module)
+ with util.import_state(path=['1', '2'],
+ path_importer_cache={'1': None, '2': importer}):
+ loader = machinery.PathFinder.find_module(module)
+ self.assert_(loader is importer)
class DefaultPathFinderTests(unittest.TestCase):