size_t numberOfSockets = 1;
std::set<int> cpus;
- if(vars.count("source")) {
- /* handle source in the following forms:
- - v4 address ("")
- - v6 address ("2001:DB8::1")
- - interface name ("eth0")
- - v4 address and interface name ("")
- - v6 address and interface name ("2001:DB8::1@eth0")
- */
- const string source = boost::get<string>(vars["source"]);
- bool parsed = false;
- std::string::size_type pos = source.find("@");
- if (pos == std::string::npos) {
- /* no '@', try to parse that as a valid v4/v6 address */
- try {
- sourceAddr = ComboAddress(source);
- parsed = true;
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- }
- }
- if (parsed == false)
- {
- /* try to parse as interface name, or v4/v6@itf */
- sourceItfName = source.substr(pos == std::string::npos ? 0 : pos + 1);
- unsigned int itfIdx = if_nametoindex(sourceItfName.c_str());
- if (itfIdx != 0) {
- if (pos == 0 || pos == std::string::npos) {
- /* "eth0" or "@eth0" */
- sourceItf = itfIdx;
- }
- else {
- /* "" */
- sourceAddr = ComboAddress(source.substr(0, pos));
- sourceItf = itfIdx;
- }
+ if(vars.count("source")) {
+ /* handle source in the following forms:
+ - v4 address ("")
+ - v6 address ("2001:DB8::1")
+ - interface name ("eth0")
+ - v4 address and interface name ("")
+ - v6 address and interface name ("2001:DB8::1@eth0")
+ */
+ const string source = boost::get<string>(vars["source"]);
+ bool parsed = false;
+ std::string::size_type pos = source.find("@");
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+ /* no '@', try to parse that as a valid v4/v6 address */
+ try {
+ sourceAddr = ComboAddress(source);
+ parsed = true;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsed == false)
+ {
+ /* try to parse as interface name, or v4/v6@itf */
+ sourceItfName = source.substr(pos == std::string::npos ? 0 : pos + 1);
+ unsigned int itfIdx = if_nametoindex(sourceItfName.c_str());
+ if (itfIdx != 0) {
+ if (pos == 0 || pos == std::string::npos) {
+ /* "eth0" or "@eth0" */
+ sourceItf = itfIdx;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* "" */
+ sourceAddr = ComboAddress(source.substr(0, pos));
+ sourceItf = itfIdx;
+ }
- /* we need to retain CAP_NET_RAW to be able to set SO_BINDTODEVICE in the health checks */
- g_capabilitiesToRetain.insert("CAP_NET_RAW");
+ /* we need to retain CAP_NET_RAW to be able to set SO_BINDTODEVICE in the health checks */
+ g_capabilitiesToRetain.insert("CAP_NET_RAW");
- }
- else
- {
- warnlog("Dismissing source %s because '%s' is not a valid interface name", source, sourceItfName);
- }
- }
- }
- if (vars.count("sockets")) {
- numberOfSockets = std::stoul(boost::get<string>(vars["sockets"]));
- if (numberOfSockets == 0) {
- warnlog("Dismissing invalid number of sockets '%s', using 1 instead", boost::get<string>(vars["sockets"]));
- numberOfSockets = 1;
- }
- }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warnlog("Dismissing source %s because '%s' is not a valid interface name", source, sourceItfName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (vars.count("sockets")) {
+ numberOfSockets = std::stoul(boost::get<string>(vars["sockets"]));
+ if (numberOfSockets == 0) {
+ warnlog("Dismissing invalid number of sockets '%s', using 1 instead", boost::get<string>(vars["sockets"]));
+ numberOfSockets = 1;
+ }
+ }
if(client) {
// do not construct DownstreamState now, it would try binding sockets.
ret=std::make_shared<DownstreamState>(serverAddr, sourceAddr, sourceItf, sourceItfName, numberOfSockets);
- if(vars.count("qps")) {
- int qpsVal=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["qps"]));
- ret->qps=QPSLimiter(qpsVal, qpsVal);
- }
- if(vars.count("order")) {
- ret->order=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["order"]));
- }
- if(vars.count("weight")) {
- try {
- int weightVal=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["weight"]));
- if(weightVal < 1) {
- errlog("Error creating new server: downstream weight value must be greater than 0.");
- return ret;
- }
- ret->setWeight(weightVal);
- }
- catch(std::exception& e) {
- // std::stoi will throw an exception if the string isn't in a value int range
- errlog("Error creating new server: downstream weight value must be between %s and %s", 1, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
- return ret;
- }
- }
- if(vars.count("retries")) {
- ret->retries=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["retries"]));
- }
- if(vars.count("checkInterval")) {
- ret->checkInterval=static_cast<unsigned int>(std::stoul(boost::get<string>(vars["checkInterval"])));
- }
- if(vars.count("tcpConnectTimeout")) {
- ret->tcpConnectTimeout=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["tcpConnectTimeout"]));
- }
- if(vars.count("tcpSendTimeout")) {
- ret->tcpSendTimeout=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["tcpSendTimeout"]));
- }
- if(vars.count("tcpRecvTimeout")) {
- ret->tcpRecvTimeout=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["tcpRecvTimeout"]));
- }
- if(vars.count("tcpFastOpen")) {
- bool fastOpen = boost::get<bool>(vars["tcpFastOpen"]);
- if (fastOpen) {
+ if(vars.count("qps")) {
+ int qpsVal=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["qps"]));
+ ret->qps=QPSLimiter(qpsVal, qpsVal);
+ }
+ if(vars.count("order")) {
+ ret->order=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["order"]));
+ }
+ if(vars.count("weight")) {
+ try {
+ int weightVal=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["weight"]));
+ if(weightVal < 1) {
+ errlog("Error creating new server: downstream weight value must be greater than 0.");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret->setWeight(weightVal);
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e) {
+ // std::stoi will throw an exception if the string isn't in a value int range
+ errlog("Error creating new server: downstream weight value must be between %s and %s", 1, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if(vars.count("retries")) {
+ ret->retries=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["retries"]));
+ }
+ if(vars.count("checkInterval")) {
+ ret->checkInterval=static_cast<unsigned int>(std::stoul(boost::get<string>(vars["checkInterval"])));
+ }
+ if(vars.count("tcpConnectTimeout")) {
+ ret->tcpConnectTimeout=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["tcpConnectTimeout"]));
+ }
+ if(vars.count("tcpSendTimeout")) {
+ ret->tcpSendTimeout=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["tcpSendTimeout"]));
+ }
+ if(vars.count("tcpRecvTimeout")) {
+ ret->tcpRecvTimeout=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["tcpRecvTimeout"]));
+ }
+ if(vars.count("tcpFastOpen")) {
+ bool fastOpen = boost::get<bool>(vars["tcpFastOpen"]);
+ if (fastOpen) {
- ret->tcpFastOpen=true;
+ ret->tcpFastOpen=true;
- warnlog("TCP Fast Open has been configured on downstream server %s but is not supported", boost::get<string>(vars["address"]));
+ warnlog("TCP Fast Open has been configured on downstream server %s but is not supported", boost::get<string>(vars["address"]));
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ if(vars.count("name")) {
+ ret->name=boost::get<string>(vars["name"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("name")) {
- ret->name=boost::get<string>(vars["name"]);
- }
+ if (vars.count("id")) {
+ ret->setId(boost::lexical_cast<boost::uuids::uuid>(boost::get<string>(vars["id"])));
+ }
- if (vars.count("id")) {
- ret->setId(boost::lexical_cast<boost::uuids::uuid>(boost::get<string>(vars["id"])));
- }
+ if(vars.count("checkName")) {
+ ret->checkName=DNSName(boost::get<string>(vars["checkName"]));
+ }
- if(vars.count("checkName")) {
- ret->checkName=DNSName(boost::get<string>(vars["checkName"]));
- }
+ if(vars.count("checkType")) {
+ ret->checkType=boost::get<string>(vars["checkType"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("checkType")) {
- ret->checkType=boost::get<string>(vars["checkType"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("checkClass")) {
+ ret->checkClass=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["checkClass"]));
+ }
- if(vars.count("checkClass")) {
- ret->checkClass=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["checkClass"]));
- }
+ if(vars.count("checkFunction")) {
+ ret->checkFunction= boost::get<DownstreamState::checkfunc_t>(vars["checkFunction"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("checkFunction")) {
- ret->checkFunction= boost::get<DownstreamState::checkfunc_t>(vars["checkFunction"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("checkTimeout")) {
+ ret->checkTimeout = std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["checkTimeout"]));
+ }
- if(vars.count("checkTimeout")) {
- ret->checkTimeout = std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["checkTimeout"]));
- }
+ if(vars.count("setCD")) {
+ ret->setCD=boost::get<bool>(vars["setCD"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("setCD")) {
- ret->setCD=boost::get<bool>(vars["setCD"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("mustResolve")) {
+ ret->mustResolve=boost::get<bool>(vars["mustResolve"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("mustResolve")) {
- ret->mustResolve=boost::get<bool>(vars["mustResolve"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("useClientSubnet")) {
+ ret->useECS=boost::get<bool>(vars["useClientSubnet"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("useClientSubnet")) {
- ret->useECS=boost::get<bool>(vars["useClientSubnet"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("disableZeroScope")) {
+ ret->disableZeroScope=boost::get<bool>(vars["disableZeroScope"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("disableZeroScope")) {
- ret->disableZeroScope=boost::get<bool>(vars["disableZeroScope"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("ipBindAddrNoPort")) {
+ ret->ipBindAddrNoPort=boost::get<bool>(vars["ipBindAddrNoPort"]);
+ }
- if(vars.count("ipBindAddrNoPort")) {
- ret->ipBindAddrNoPort=boost::get<bool>(vars["ipBindAddrNoPort"]);
- }
+ if(vars.count("addXPF")) {
+ ret->xpfRRCode=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["addXPF"]));
+ }
- if(vars.count("addXPF")) {
- ret->xpfRRCode=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["addXPF"]));
- }
+ if(vars.count("maxCheckFailures")) {
+ ret->maxCheckFailures=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["maxCheckFailures"]));
+ }
- if(vars.count("maxCheckFailures")) {
- ret->maxCheckFailures=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["maxCheckFailures"]));
- }
+ if(vars.count("rise")) {
+ ret->minRiseSuccesses=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["rise"]));
+ }
- if(vars.count("rise")) {
- ret->minRiseSuccesses=std::stoi(boost::get<string>(vars["rise"]));
- }
+ if(vars.count("cpus")) {
+ for (const auto cpu : boost::get<vector<pair<int,string>>>(vars["cpus"])) {
+ cpus.insert(std::stoi(cpu.second));
+ }
+ }
- if(vars.count("cpus")) {
- for (const auto cpu : boost::get<vector<pair<int,string>>>(vars["cpus"])) {
- cpus.insert(std::stoi(cpu.second));
- }
- }
+ /* this needs to be done _AFTER_ the order has been set,
+ since the server are kept ordered inside the pool */
+ auto localPools = g_pools.getCopy();
+ if(vars.count("pool")) {
+ if(auto* pool = boost::get<string>(&vars["pool"])) {
+ ret->pools.insert(*pool);
+ }
+ else {
+ auto pools = boost::get<vector<pair<int, string> > >(vars["pool"]);
+ for(auto& p : pools) {
+ ret->pools.insert(p.second);
+ }
+ }
+ for(const auto& poolName: ret->pools) {
+ addServerToPool(localPools, poolName, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ addServerToPool(localPools, "", ret);
+ }
+ g_pools.setState(localPools);
- /* this needs to be done _AFTER_ the order has been set,
- since the server are kept ordered inside the pool */
- auto localPools = g_pools.getCopy();
- if(vars.count("pool")) {
- if(auto* pool = boost::get<string>(&vars["pool"])) {
- ret->pools.insert(*pool);
- }
- else {
- auto pools = boost::get<vector<pair<int, string> > >(vars["pool"]);
- for(auto& p : pools) {
- ret->pools.insert(p.second);
- }
- }
- for(const auto& poolName: ret->pools) {
- addServerToPool(localPools, poolName, ret);
- }
- }
- else {
- addServerToPool(localPools, "", ret);
- }
- g_pools.setState(localPools);
+ if (ret->connected) {
+ ret->threadStarted.test_and_set();
+ if(g_launchWork) {
+ g_launchWork->push_back([ret,cpus]() {
+ ret->tid = thread(responderThread, ret);
+ if (!cpus.empty()) {
+ mapThreadToCPUList(ret->tid.native_handle(), cpus);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ ret->tid = thread(responderThread, ret);
+ if (!cpus.empty()) {
+ mapThreadToCPUList(ret->tid.native_handle(), cpus);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (ret->connected) {
- ret->threadStarted.test_and_set();
- if(g_launchWork) {
- g_launchWork->push_back([ret,cpus]() {
- ret->tid = thread(responderThread, ret);
- if (!cpus.empty()) {
- mapThreadToCPUList(ret->tid.native_handle(), cpus);
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- ret->tid = thread(responderThread, ret);
- if (!cpus.empty()) {
- mapThreadToCPUList(ret->tid.native_handle(), cpus);
- }
- }
- }
- auto states = g_dstates.getCopy();
- states.push_back(ret);
- std::stable_sort(states.begin(), states.end(), [](const decltype(ret)& a, const decltype(ret)& b) {
- return a->order < b->order;
- });
- g_dstates.setState(states);
- return ret;
- } );
+ auto states = g_dstates.getCopy();
+ states.push_back(ret);
+ std::stable_sort(states.begin(), states.end(), [](const decltype(ret)& a, const decltype(ret)& b) {
+ return a->order < b->order;
+ });
+ g_dstates.setState(states);
+ return ret;
+ } );
- [](boost::variant<std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>, int> var)
- {
+ [](boost::variant<std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>, int> var)
+ {
shared_ptr<DownstreamState> server;
auto* rem = boost::get<shared_ptr<DownstreamState>>(&var);
states.erase(remove(states.begin(), states.end(), server), states.end());
- } );
+ } );
g_lua.writeFunction("setServerPolicy", [](ServerPolicy policy) {