--- /dev/null
+# Test the build system for basic consistency (Cmake/idf.py version)
+# A bash script that tests some likely build failure scenarios in a row
+# Assumes PWD is an out-of-tree build directory, and will create a
+# subdirectory inside it to run build tests in.
+# Environment variables:
+# IDF_PATH - must be set
+# ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT - Can override git clone source for template app. Otherwise github.
+# NOCLEANUP - Set to '1' if you want the script to leave its temporary directory when done, for post-mortem.
+# Internals:
+# * The tests run in sequence & the system keeps track of all failures to print at the end.
+# * BUILD directory is set to default BUILD_DIR_BASE
+# * The "print_status" function both prints a status line to the log and keeps track of which test is running.
+# * Calling the "failure" function prints a failure message to the log and also adds to the list of failures to print at the end.
+# * The function "assert_built" tests for a file relative to the BUILD directory.
+# * The function "take_build_snapshot" can be paired with the functions "assert_rebuilt" and "assert_not_rebuilt" to compare file timestamps and verify if they were rebuilt or not since the snapshot was taken.
+# To add a new test case, add it to the end of the run_tests function. Note that not all test cases do comprehensive cleanup
+# (although very invasive ones like appending CRLFs to all files take a copy of the esp-idf tree), however the clean_build_dir
+# function can be used to force-delete all files from the build output directory.
+# Set up some variables
+# override ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT to point to a local dir if you're testing and want fast iterations
+[ -z ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT} ] && ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT=https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf-template.git
+# uncomment next line to produce a lot more debug output
+#export V=1
+export PATH="$IDF_PATH/tools:$PATH" # for idf.py
+function run_tests()
+ STATUS="Starting"
+ print_status "Checking prerequisites"
+ [ -z ${IDF_PATH} ] && echo "IDF_PATH is not set. Need path to esp-idf installation." && exit 2
+ print_status "Cloning template from ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT}..."
+ git clone ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT} template
+ cd template
+ git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} || echo "Using esp-idf-template default branch..."
+ print_status "Try to clean fresh directory..."
+ idf.py fullclean || exit $?
+ # all relative to the build directory
+ BOOTLOADER_BINS="bootloader/bootloader.elf bootloader/bootloader.bin"
+ APP_BINS="app-template.elf app-template.bin"
+ PARTITION_BIN="partition_table/partition-table.bin"
+ print_status "Initial clean build"
+ # if build fails here, everything fails
+ idf.py build || exit $?
+ # check all the expected build artifacts from the clean build
+ print_status "Updating component source file rebuilds component"
+ # touch a file & do a build
+ take_build_snapshot
+ touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/cpu_start.c
+ idf.py build || failure "Failed to partial build"
+ assert_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} esp32/libesp32.a esp32/CMakeFiles/esp32.dir/cpu_start.c.obj
+ assert_not_rebuilt lwip/liblwip.a freertos/libfreertos.a ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} ${PARTITION_BIN}
+ print_status "Bootloader source file rebuilds bootloader"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/bootloader/subproject/main/bootloader_start.c
+ idf.py build || failure "Failed to partial build bootloader"
+ assert_rebuilt ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} bootloader/CMakeFiles/bootloader.elf.dir/main/bootloader_start.c.obj
+ assert_not_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} ${PARTITION_BIN}
+ print_status "Partition CSV file rebuilds partitions"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp.csv
+ idf.py build || failure "Failed to build partition table"
+ assert_rebuilt ${PARTITION_BIN}
+ assert_not_rebuilt app-template.bin app-template.elf ${BOOTLOADER_BINS}
+ print_status "Partial build doesn't compile anything by default"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ # verify no build files are refreshed by a partial make
+ ALL_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -type f | sed "s@${BUILD}/@@" | grep -v '^.')
+ idf.py build || failure "Partial build failed"
+ assert_not_rebuilt ${ALL_BUILD_FILES}
+ print_status "Moving BUILD_DIR_BASE out of tree"
+ clean_build_dir
+ idf.py -B "${OUTOFTREE_BUILD}" build || failure "Failed to build with out-of-tree build dir"
+ if [ -z "${NEW_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "No files found in new build directory!"
+ fi
+ DEFAULT_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -mindepth 1)
+ if [ -n "${DEFAULT_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "Some files were incorrectly put into the default build directory: ${DEFAULT_BUILD_FILES}"
+ fi
+ print_status "BUILD_DIR_BASE inside default build directory"
+ clean_build_dir
+ idf.py -B "build/subdirectory" build || failure "Failed to build with build dir as subdir"
+ NEW_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD}/subdirectory -type f)
+ if [ -z "${NEW_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "No files found in new build directory!"
+ fi
+ print_status "Can still clean build if all text files are CRLFs"
+ clean_build_dir
+ find . -path .git -prune -exec unix2dos {} \; # CRLFify template dir
+ # make a copy of esp-idf and CRLFify it
+ CRLF_ESPIDF=${TESTDIR}/esp-idf-crlf
+ mkdir -p ${CRLF_ESPIDF}
+ cp -r ${IDF_PATH}/* ${CRLF_ESPIDF}
+ # don't CRLFify executable files, as Linux will fail to execute them
+ find ${CRLF_ESPIDF} -name .git -prune -name build -prune -type f ! -perm 755 -exec unix2dos {} \;
+ IDF_PATH=${CRLF_ESPIDF} idf.py build || failure "Failed to build with CRLFs in source"
+ # do the same checks we do for the clean build
+ print_status "Updating rom ld file should re-link app and bootloader"
+ clean_build_dir
+ idf.py build
+ take_build_snapshot
+ sleep 1 # ninja may ignore if the timestamp delta is too low
+ cp ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld .
+ echo "/* (Build test comment) */" >> ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
+ tail ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
+ idf.py build || failure "Failed to rebuild with modified linker script"
+ assert_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} ${BOOTLOADER_BINS}
+ mv esp32.rom.ld ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/
+ print_status "Updating app-only ld file should only re-link app"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ cp ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/esp32.common.ld .
+ sleep 1 # ninja may ignore if the timestamp delta is too low
+ echo "/* (Build test comment) */" >> ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/esp32.common.ld
+ idf.py build || failure "Failed to rebuild with modified linker script"
+ assert_rebuilt ${APP_BINS}
+ assert_not_rebuilt ${BOOTLOADER_BINS}
+ mv esp32.common.ld ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/ld/
+ print_status "sdkconfig update triggers full recompile"
+ clean_build_dir
+ idf.py build
+ take_build_snapshot
+ # need to actually change config, or cmake is too smart to rebuild
+ idf.py build
+ # check the sdkconfig.h file was rebuilt
+ assert_rebuilt sdkconfig.h
+ # pick one each of .c, .cpp, .S that #includes sdkconfig.h
+ # and therefore should rebuild
+ assert_rebuilt newlib/CMakeFiles/newlib.dir/syscall_table.c.obj
+ assert_rebuilt nvs_flash/CMakeFiles/nvs_flash.dir/src/nvs_api.cpp.obj
+ assert_rebuilt freertos/CMakeFiles/freertos.dir/xtensa_vectors.S.obj
+ print_status "Updating project CMakeLists.txt triggers full recompile"
+ clean_build_dir
+ idf.py build
+ take_build_snapshot
+ # Need to actually change the build config, or CMake won't do anything
+ sed -i 's/^project(/add_compile_options("-DUSELESS_MACRO_DOES_NOTHING=1")\nproject\(/' CMakeLists.txt
+ idf.py build
+ # similar to previous test
+ assert_rebuilt newlib/CMakeFiles/newlib.dir/syscall_table.c.obj
+ assert_rebuilt nvs_flash/CMakeFiles/nvs_flash.dir/src/nvs_api.cpp.obj
+ assert_rebuilt freertos/CMakeFiles/freertos.dir/xtensa_vectors.S.obj
+ print_status "All tests completed"
+ if [ -n "${FAILURES}" ]; then
+ echo "Some failures were detected:"
+ echo -e "${FAILURES}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "Build tests passed."
+ fi
+function print_status()
+ echo "******** $1"
+ STATUS="$1"
+function failure()
+ echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+ echo "FAILURE: $1"
+ echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+mkdir -p ${TESTDIR}
+# set NOCLEANUP=1 if you want to keep the test directory around
+# for post-mortem debugging
+[ -z ${NOCLEANUP} ] && trap "rm -rf ${TESTDIR}" EXIT KILL
+# copy all the build output to a snapshot directory
+function take_build_snapshot()
+ rm -rf ${SNAPSHOT}
+ cp -ap ${TESTDIR}/template/build ${SNAPSHOT}
+# verify that all the arguments are present in the build output directory
+function assert_built()
+ until [ -z "$1" ]; do
+ if [ ! -f "${BUILD}/$1" ]; then
+ failure "File $1 should be in the build output directory"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+# Test if a file has been rebuilt.
+function file_was_rebuilt()
+ # can't use [ a -ot b ] here as -ot only gives second resolution
+ # but stat -c %y seems to be microsecond at least for tmpfs, ext4..
+ if [ "$(stat -c %y ${SNAPSHOT}/$1)" != "$(stat -c %y ${BUILD}/$1)" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# verify all the arguments passed in were rebuilt relative to the snapshot
+function assert_rebuilt()
+ until [ -z "$1" ]; do
+ assert_built "$1"
+ if [ ! -f "${SNAPSHOT}/$1" ]; then
+ failure "File $1 should be in original build snapshot"
+ fi
+ if ! file_was_rebuilt "$1"; then
+ failure "File $1 should have been rebuilt"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+# verify all the arguments are in the build directory & snapshot,
+# but were not rebuilt
+function assert_not_rebuilt()
+ until [ -z "$1" ]; do
+ assert_built "$1"
+ if [ ! -f "${SNAPSHOT}/$1" ]; then
+ failure "File $1 should be in snapshot build directory"
+ fi
+ if file_was_rebuilt "$1"; then
+ failure "File $1 should not have been rebuilt"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+# do a "clean" that doesn't depend on idf.py
+function clean_build_dir()
+ rm -rf --preserve-root ${BUILD}/* ${BUILD}/.*
+cd ${TESTDIR}
file(APPEND "${file}" "${line}${line_ending}")
-# Add a linker script to the target, including a link-time dependency
+# Add one or more linker scripts to the target, including a link-time dependency
# Automatically adds a -L search path for the containing directory (if found),
# and then adds -T with the filename only. This allows INCLUDE directives to be
# used to include other linker scripts in the same directory.
-function(target_linker_script target scriptfile)
- get_filename_component(abs_script "${scriptfile}" ABSOLUTE)
- get_filename_component(search_dir "${abs_script}" DIRECTORY)
- get_filename_component(scriptname "${abs_script}" NAME)
- get_target_property(link_libraries "${target}" LINK_LIBRARIES)
- list(FIND "${link_libraries}" "-L ${search_dir}" found_search_dir)
- if(found_search_dir EQUAL "-1") # not already added as a search path
- target_link_libraries("${target}" "-L ${search_dir}")
- endif()
+function(target_linker_script target)
+ foreach(scriptfile ${ARGN})
+ get_filename_component(abs_script "${scriptfile}" ABSOLUTE)
+ message(STATUS "Adding linker script ${abs_script}")
+ get_filename_component(search_dir "${abs_script}" DIRECTORY)
+ get_filename_component(scriptname "${abs_script}" NAME)
+ get_target_property(link_libraries "${target}" LINK_LIBRARIES)
+ list(FIND "${link_libraries}" "-L ${search_dir}" found_search_dir)
+ if(found_search_dir EQUAL "-1") # not already added as a search path
+ target_link_libraries("${target}" "-L ${search_dir}")
+ endif()
- target_link_libraries("${target}" "-T ${scriptname}")
+ target_link_libraries("${target}" "-T ${scriptname}")
- # Note: In ESP-IDF, most targets are libraries and libary LINK_DEPENDS don't propagate to
- # executable(s) the library is linked to. This is done manually in components.cmake.
- set_property(TARGET "${target}" APPEND PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS "${abs_script}")
+ # Note: In ESP-IDF, most targets are libraries and libary LINK_DEPENDS don't propagate to
+ # executable(s) the library is linked to. This is done manually in components.cmake.
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" APPEND PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS "${abs_script}")
+ endforeach()
# Convert a CMake list to a JSON list and store it in a variable