# Only the clean target can be used if a config was not provided.\r
-!IF "$(CFGSET)" == "FALSE"\r
- @-erase /s *.dll 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.exp 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.idb 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.lib 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.obj 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.pch 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.pdb 2> NUL\r
- @-erase /s *.res 2> NUL\r
+!IF "$(CFGSET)" != "FALSE"\r
# A mode was provided, so the library can be built.\r
!include CURL_OBJS.inc\r
!ENDIF # End of case where a config was provided.\r
+ @-erase /s *.dll 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.exp 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.idb 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.lib 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.obj 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.pch 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.pdb 2> NUL\r
+ @-erase /s *.res 2> NUL\r
+ @if exist $(LIB_DIROBJ) rd /s/q $(LIB_DIROBJ)\r
+ @if exist $(CURL_DIROBJ)rd /s/q $(CURL_DIROBJ)\r
+ @if exist $(DIRDIST) rd /s/q $(DIRDIST)\r