double radius; /* Arc radius */
double increment; /* Angle per segment */
double angle_shift = 0;
- double a1, a2, a3, angle;
+ double a1, a2, a3;
int is_circle = LW_FALSE;
int points_added = 0;
int reverse = 0;
+ int segments = 0;
LWDEBUG(2, "lwarc_linearize called.");
* we want shrink the increment enough so that we get two segments
* for a standard arc, or three segments for a complete circle. */
int min_segs = is_circle ? 3 : 2;
- if ( ceil(total_angle / increment) < min_segs)
+ segments = ceil(total_angle / increment);
+ if (segments < min_segs)
+ segments = min_segs;
increment = total_angle / min_segs;
/* Number of complete steps */
- int steps = trunc(total_angle / increment);
+ segments = trunc(total_angle / increment);
/* Figure out the angle remainder, i.e. the amount of the angle
* that is left after we can take no more complete angle
* increments. */
- double angle_remainder = total_angle - ( increment * steps );
+ double angle_remainder = total_angle - (increment * segments);
/* Shift the starting angle by half of the remainder. This
* will have the effect of evenly distributing the remainder
* among the first and last segments in the arc. */
angle_shift = angle_remainder / 2.0;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "lwarc_linearize RETAIN_ANGLE operation requested - "
- "total angle %g, steps %d, increment %g, remainder %g",
- total_angle * 180 / M_PI, steps, increment * 180 / M_PI,
- angle_remainder * 180 / M_PI);
+ "lwarc_linearize RETAIN_ANGLE operation requested - "
+ "total angle %g, steps %d, increment %g, remainder %g",
+ total_angle * 180 / M_PI,
+ segments,
+ increment * 180 / M_PI,
+ angle_remainder * 180 / M_PI);
/* Number of segments in output */
- int segs = ceil(total_angle / increment);
+ segments = ceil(total_angle / increment);
/* Tweak increment to be regular for all the arc */
- increment = total_angle/segs;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "lwarc_linearize SYMMETRIC operation requested - "
- "total angle %g degrees - LINESTRING(%g %g,%g %g,%g %g) - S:%d - I:%g",
- total_angle*180/M_PI, p1->x, p1->y, center.x, center.y, p3->x, p3->y,
- segs, increment*180/M_PI);
+ increment = total_angle / segments;
+ "lwarc_linearize SYMMETRIC operation requested - "
+ "total angle %g degrees - LINESTRING(%g %g,%g %g,%g %g) - S:%d - I:%g",
+ total_angle * 180 / M_PI,
+ p1->x,
+ p1->y,
+ center.x,
+ center.y,
+ p3->x,
+ p3->y,
+ segments,
+ increment * 180 / M_PI);
if( is_circle )
increment = fabs(increment);
+ segments = ceil(total_angle / increment);
+ if (segments < 3)
+ {
+ segments = 3;
+ increment = total_angle / 3;
+ }
a3 = a1 + 2.0 * M_PI;
a2 = a1 + M_PI;
clockwise = LW_FALSE;
+ angle_shift = 0.0;
LWDEBUGF(2, "lwarc_linearize angle_shift:%g, increment:%g",
/* Sweep from a1 to a3 */
- if ( angle_shift ) angle_shift -= increment;
+ int seg_start = 1; /* First point is added manually */
+ int seg_end = segments;
+ if (angle_shift != 0.0)
+ {
+ /* When we have extra angles we need to add the extra segments at the
+ * start and end that cover those parts of the arc */
+ seg_start = 0;
+ seg_end = segments + 1;
+ }
LWDEBUGF(2, "a1:%g (%g deg), a3:%g (%g deg), inc:%g, shi:%g, cw:%d",
a1, a1 * 180 / M_PI, a3, a3 * 180 / M_PI, increment, angle_shift, clockwise);
- for ( angle = a1 + increment + angle_shift; clockwise ? angle > a3 : angle < a3; angle += increment )
+ for (int s = seg_start; s < seg_end; s++)
+ double angle = a1 + increment * s + angle_shift;
LWDEBUGF(2, " SA: %g ( %g deg )", angle, angle*180/M_PI);
pt.x = center.x + radius * cos(angle);
pt.y = center.y + radius * sin(angle);
int flags)
LWGEOM *geom;
- POINTARRAY *ptarray = NULL, *ptarray_out = NULL;
+ POINTARRAY *ptarray = NULL;
uint32_t i, j;
return NULL;
- ptarray_out = ptarray_remove_repeated_points(ptarray, 0.0);
- ptarray_free(ptarray);
- return lwline_construct(icompound->srid, NULL, ptarray_out);
+ ptarray_remove_repeated_points_in_place(ptarray, 0.0, 2);
+ return lwline_construct(icompound->srid, NULL, ptarray);