- Fixed wrong signature initialization in imagepng (Takeshi Abe)
- Added optimization for imageline with horizontal and vertial lines (Pierre)
- Fixed bug #39454 (Returning a SOAP array segfaults PHP). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #39445 (Calling debug_backtrace() in the __toString() function
+ produces a crash). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #39414 (Syntax error while compiling with Sun Workshop Complier).
- Fixed bug #39398 (Booleans are not automatically translated to integers).
--- /dev/null
+Bug #39445 (Calling debug_backtrace() in the __toString() function produces a crash)
+class test {
+ public function __toString() {
+ debug_backtrace();
+ return 'lowercase';
+ }
+ $test = new test();
+ echo strtoupper($test);
while (--arg_count >= 0) {
arg = (zval **) p++;
if (*arg) {
+ if ((*arg)->type != IS_OBJECT) {
+ }
add_next_index_zval(arg_array, *arg);
} else {