. Implemented https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pcre2-migration (Anatol, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #75355 (preg_quote() does not quote # control character).
+ (Michael Moravec)
- PDO_DBlib:
. Implemented request #69592 (allow 0-column rowsets to be skipped
- PDO SQLite
. Add support for additional open flags
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #75355 (preg_quote() does not quote # control character).
+ (Majkl578)
- phar:
. Fixed bug #74991 (include_path has a 4096 char limit in some cases).
--- /dev/null
+Bug #75355 (preg_quote() does not quote # control character)
+var_dump(preg_match('~^(' . preg_quote('hello#world', '~') . ')\z~x', 'hello#world', $m));
+string(2) "\#"
+string(11) "hello#world"