static int
arg_str_or_nr_or_list(type_T *type, argcontext_T *context)
- if (type->tt_type == VAR_STRING
- || type->tt_type == VAR_NUMBER
- || type->tt_type == VAR_LIST)
+ if (type->tt_type == VAR_ANY
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_STRING
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_NUMBER
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_LIST)
return OK;
arg_type_mismatch(&t_string, type, context->arg_idx + 1);
return FAIL;
def Test_popup_atcursor()
CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['popup_atcursor({"a": 10}, {})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got dict<number>', 'E450: buffer number, text or a list required')
CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['popup_atcursor("a", [1, 2])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict<any> but got list<number>', 'E715: Dictionary required')
+ # Pass variable of type 'any' to popup_atcursor()
+ var what: any = 'Hello'
+ var popupID = what->popup_atcursor({moved: 'any'})
+ assert_equal(0, popupID->popup_getoptions().tabpage)
+ popupID->popup_close()
def Test_popup_beval()
CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['popup_beval("a", [1, 2])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict<any> but got list<number>', 'E715: Dictionary required')
+def Test_popup_create()
+ # Pass variable of type 'any' to popup_create()
+ var what: any = 'Hello'
+ var popupID = what->popup_create({})
+ assert_equal(0, popupID->popup_getoptions().tabpage)
+ popupID->popup_close()
def Test_popup_dialog()
CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['popup_dialog({"a": 10}, {})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got dict<number>', 'E450: buffer number, text or a list required')
CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['popup_dialog("a", [1, 2])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict<any> but got list<number>', 'E715: Dictionary required')
setline(1, ['abcdefgh'])
cursor(1, 4)
assert_equal(4, virtcol('.'))
+ assert_equal(4, virtcol([1, 4]))
assert_equal(9, virtcol([1, '$']))
assert_equal(0, virtcol([10, '$']))