- Performance doc "drop-in replace" wikified by Igor from Sander's
presentation: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PerformanceScalingUp
- What's missing are reviews regarding statements made about Windows,
- as well as: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PerformanceScalingOut for
- a follow up -- these days it's *all* about scaling, really.
+ as well as: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PerformanceScalingOut
+ They both need review and updates to reflect the current state
+ of the art.
- Windows platform docs are in desperate need of rewrites/updates for 2.x.
- Bill Rowe is a good contact for tech questions.
- explain what the following command line options do
(perhaps in the developer/debugging docs):
+ -D ONE_PROCESS -- is this the same as -X, if not, should it be?
one-process-mode == no threads, i.e. only one
process handling the requests in a single loop?
- platform/ebcdic.xml - needs major rework for 2.0
- SSL docs need serious update and enhancement
- compat docs are wrong
- - no basic how to setup ssl doc
+ - A basic how to has been started here:
+ http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/SettingUpModSSL
+ but it needs some work...
- API documentation
- Ben Laurie has written some hooks documentation