Problem: Some global functions can be local to the file.
Solution: Add "static". (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #4917)
* Find a timer by ID. Returns NULL if not found;
- timer_T *
+ static timer_T *
find_timer(long id)
timer_T *timer;
- void
+ static void
timer_T *timer;
- void
+ static void
add_timer_info(typval_T *rettv, timer_T *timer)
list_T *list = rettv->vval.v_list;
- void
+ static void
add_timer_info_all(typval_T *rettv)
timer_T *timer;
rettv->vval.v_number = filewritable(tv_get_string(&argvars[0]));
- void
+ static void
typval_T *argvars UNUSED,
typval_T *rettv,
return len;
- void
+ static void
sp = 0;
static int dbcs_char2cells(int c);
static int dbcs_ptr2cells_len(char_u *p, int size);
static int dbcs_ptr2char(char_u *p);
+static int dbcs_head_off(char_u *base, char_u *p);
* Lookup table to quickly get the length in bytes of a UTF-8 character from
return 0;
- int
+ static int
dbcs_head_off(char_u *base, char_u *p)
char_u *q;
# if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
- void
+ static void
typval_T *argvars,
typval_T *rettv,
* Send SIGINT to a child process if "c" is an interrupt character.
- void
+ static void
may_send_sigint(int c UNUSED, pid_t pid UNUSED, pid_t wpid UNUSED)
# ifdef SIGINT
long proftime_time_left(proftime_T *due, proftime_T *now);
timer_T *create_timer(long msec, int repeat);
long check_due_timer(void);
-timer_T *find_timer(long id);
void stop_timer(timer_T *timer);
-void stop_all_timers(void);
-void add_timer_info(typval_T *rettv, timer_T *timer);
-void add_timer_info_all(typval_T *rettv);
int set_ref_in_timer(int copyID);
void timer_free_all(void);
void f_timer_info(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_exepath(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_filereadable(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_filewritable(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
-void findfilendir(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int find_what);
void f_finddir(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_findfile(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_fnamemodify(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void hangul_input_state_toggle(void);
void hangul_keyboard_set(void);
int hangul_input_process(char_u *s, int len);
-void hangul_input_clear(void);
char_u *hangul_string_convert(char_u *buf, int *p_len);
char_u *hangul_composing_buffer_get(int *p_len);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
int mb_strnicmp(char_u *s1, char_u *s2, size_t nn);
void show_utf8(void);
int latin_head_off(char_u *base, char_u *p);
-int dbcs_head_off(char_u *base, char_u *p);
int dbcs_screen_head_off(char_u *base, char_u *p);
int utf_head_off(char_u *base, char_u *p);
void mb_copy_char(char_u **fp, char_u **tp);
void line_breakcheck(void);
void fast_breakcheck(void);
char_u *get_cmd_output(char_u *cmd, char_u *infile, int flags, int *ret_len);
-void get_cmd_output_as_rettv(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int retlist);
void f_system(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_systemlist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
int goto_im(void);
int mch_report_winsize(int fd, int rows, int cols);
void mch_set_shellsize(void);
void mch_new_shellsize(void);
-void may_send_sigint(int c, pid_t pid, pid_t wpid);
int mch_call_shell(char_u *cmd, int options);
void mch_job_start(char **argv, job_T *job, jobopt_T *options, int is_terminal);
char *mch_job_status(job_T *job);
void f_term_wait(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void term_send_eof(channel_T *ch);
job_T *term_getjob(term_T *term);
-void term_free_conpty(term_T *term);
int use_conpty(void);
int terminal_enabled(void);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
int undo_allowed(void);
int u_savecommon(linenr_T top, linenr_T bot, linenr_T newbot, int reload);
void u_compute_hash(char_u *hash);
-char_u *u_get_undo_file_name(char_u *buf_ffname, int reading);
void u_write_undo(char_u *name, int forceit, buf_T *buf, char_u *hash);
void u_read_undo(char_u *name, char_u *hash, char_u *orig_name);
void u_undo(int count);
int anyBufIsChanged(void);
int bufIsChangedNotTerm(buf_T *buf);
int curbufIsChanged(void);
-void u_eval_tree(u_header_T *first_uhp, list_T *list);
void f_undofile(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
void f_undotree(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
#define PTY_DONE
#ifdef _IBMR2
-int aixhack = -1;
+static int aixhack = -1;
// Terminals that need to be freed soon.
-term_T *terminals_to_free = NULL;
+static term_T *terminals_to_free = NULL;
* Free a terminal and everything it refers to.
pResizePseudoConsole(term->tl_conpty, consize);
- void
+ static void
term_free_conpty(term_T *term)
if (term->tl_siex.lpAttributeList != NULL)
* When "reading" is FALSE use the first name where the directory exists.
* Returns NULL when there is no place to write or no file to read.
- char_u *
+ static char_u *
u_get_undo_file_name(char_u *buf_ffname, int reading)
char_u *dirp;
* For undotree(): Append the list of undo blocks at "first_uhp" to "list".
* Recursive.
- void
+ static void
u_eval_tree(u_header_T *first_uhp, list_T *list)
u_header_T *uhp = first_uhp;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2021,