Users often need to be able to push the current branch so that they
can publish their recent changes to anyone they are collaborating
with on the project. Associating a keyboard action with this will
make it easier for keyboard-oriented users to quickly activate the
push features.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
menu .mbar.push
.mbar.push add command -label {Push...} \
- -command do_push_anywhere
+ -command do_push_anywhere \
+ -accelerator $M1T-P
if {[is_MacOSX]} {
bind . <$M1B-Key-n> do_create_branch
bind . <$M1B-Key-N> do_create_branch
+if {[is_enabled transport]} {
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-p> do_push_anywhere
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-P> do_push_anywhere
bind . <Key-F5> do_rescan
bind . <$M1B-Key-r> do_rescan