?? ??? 2006, PHP 5.2.0
+- Removed ze1 compatibility mode.
+- Added support for constructors in interfaces to force constructor signature
+ checks in implementations. (Marcus)
+- Changed __toString to be called whereever applicable. (Marcus)
+- Improved SPL: (Marcus)
+ . Added RegExIterator and RecursiveRegExIterator
+ . Added full caching support and ArrayAccess to CachingIterator.
+ . Added array functions to ArrayObject/ArrayIterator and made them faster.
+ . Added support for reading csv and skipping empty lines in SplFileObject.
- Added run-time configurable backtracking/recursion limits for PCRE. (Andrei)
- Added preg_last_error(). (Andrei)
- Added support for Apache 2.2 handler in the Windows distro. (Edin)