if (*glob) PUTT("%.*s", Screen_cols, glob);
/*###### Small Utility routines ########################################*/
- /*
- * Get a string from the user */
+// Get a string from the user
static char *ask4str (const char *prompt)
static char buf[GETBUFSIZ];
- /*
- * Get a float from the user */
+// Get a float from the user
static float get_float (const char *prompt)
char *line;
- /*
- * Get an integer from the user */
+// Get an integer from the user
static int get_int (const char *prompt)
char *line;
L_EITHER - must L_status, else 64-bit math, __udivdi3 on 32-bit !
keys head fmts width scale sort desc lflg
------ ----------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ---------------------- -------- */
- { "AaAa", " PID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, SF(PID), "Process Id", L_NONE },
- { "BbBb", " PPID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, SF(PPD), "Parent Process Pid", L_EITHER },
- { "CcQq", "RUSER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(URR), "Real user name", L_RUSER },
- { "DdCc", " UID ", "%4u ", -1, -1, SF(UID), "User Id", L_NONE },
- { "EeDd", "USER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(URE), "User Name", L_EUSER },
- { "FfNn", "GROUP ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(GRP), "Group Name", L_GROUP },
- { "GgGg", "TTY ", "%-8.8s ", 8, -1, SF(TTY), "Controlling Tty", L_stat },
- { "HhHh", " PR ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(PRI), "Priority", L_stat },
- { "IiIi", " NI ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(NCE), "Nice value", L_stat },
- { "JjYy", "#C ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
- { "KkEe", "%CPU ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, SF(CPU), "CPU usage", L_stat },
- { "LlWw", " TIME ", "%6.6s ", 6, -1, SF(TME), "CPU Time", L_stat },
- { "MmRr", " TIME+ ", "%9.9s ", 9, -1, SF(TME), "CPU Time, hundredths", L_stat },
- { "NnFf", "%MEM ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, SF(RES), "Memory usage (RES)", L_statm },
- { "OoMm", " VIRT ", "%5.5s ", 5, SK_Kb, SF(VRT), "Virtual Image (kb)", L_statm },
- { "PpOo", "SWAP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SWP), "Swapped size (kb)", L_statm },
- { "QqTt", " RES ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(RES), "Resident size (kb)", L_statm },
- { "RrKk", "CODE ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(COD), "Code size (kb)", L_statm },
- { "SsLl", "DATA ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(DAT), "Data+Stack size (kb)", L_statm },
- { "TtPp", " SHR ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SHR), "Shared Mem size (kb)", L_statm },
- { "UuJj", "nFLT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(FLT), "Page Fault count", L_stat },
- { "VvSs", "nDRT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(DRT), "Dirty Pages count", L_statm },
+ { "AaAa", " PID", " %5u", -1, -1, SF(PID), "Process Id", L_NONE },
+ { "BbBb", " PPID", " %5u", -1, -1, SF(PPD), "Parent Process Pid", L_EITHER },
+ { "CcQq", " RUSER ", " %-8.8s", -1, -1, SF(URR), "Real user name", L_RUSER },
+ { "DdCc", " UID", " %4u", -1, -1, SF(UID), "User Id", L_NONE },
+ { "EeDd", " USER ", " %-8.8s", -1, -1, SF(URE), "User Name", L_EUSER },
+ { "FfNn", " GROUP ", " %-8.8s", -1, -1, SF(GRP), "Group Name", L_GROUP },
+ { "GgGg", " TTY ", " %-8.8s", 8, -1, SF(TTY), "Controlling Tty", L_stat },
+ { "HhHh", " PR", " %3d", -1, -1, SF(PRI), "Priority", L_stat },
+ { "IiIi", " NI", " %3d", -1, -1, SF(NCE), "Nice value", L_stat },
+ { "JjYy", " #C", " %2u", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
+ { "KkEe", " %CPU", " %#4.1f", -1, -1, SF(CPU), "CPU usage", L_stat },
+ { "LlWw", " TIME", " %6.6s", 6, -1, SF(TME), "CPU Time", L_stat },
+ { "MmRr", " TIME+ ", " %9.9s", 9, -1, SF(TME), "CPU Time, hundredths", L_stat },
+ { "NnFf", " %MEM", " %#4.1f", -1, -1, SF(RES), "Memory usage (RES)", L_statm },
+ { "OoMm", " VIRT", " %5.5s", 5, SK_Kb, SF(VRT), "Virtual Image (kb)", L_statm },
+ { "PpOo", " SWAP", " %4.4s", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SWP), "Swapped size (kb)", L_statm },
+ { "QqTt", " RES", " %4.4s", 4, SK_Kb, SF(RES), "Resident size (kb)", L_statm },
+ { "RrKk", " CODE", " %4.4s", 4, SK_Kb, SF(COD), "Code size (kb)", L_statm },
+ { "SsLl", " DATA", " %4.4s", 4, SK_Kb, SF(DAT), "Data+Stack size (kb)", L_statm },
+ { "TtPp", " SHR", " %4.4s", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SHR), "Shared Mem size (kb)", L_statm },
+ { "UuJj", " nFLT", " %4.4s", 4, SK_no, SF(FLT), "Page Fault count", L_stat },
+ { "VvSs", " nDRT", " %4.4s", 4, SK_no, SF(DRT), "Dirty Pages count", L_statm },
#ifdef USE_LIB_STA3
- { "WwVv", "STA ", "%3.3s ", -1, -1, SF(STA), "Process Status", L_stat },
+ { "WwVv", " STA", " %3.3s", -1, -1, SF(STA), "Process Status", L_stat },
- { "WwVv", "S ", "%c ", -1, -1, SF(STA), "Process Status", L_EITHER },
+ { "WwVv", " S", " %c", -1, -1, SF(STA), "Process Status", L_EITHER },
// next entry's special: '.head' will be formatted using table entry's own
// '.fmts' plus runtime supplied conversion args!
- { "XxXx", "COMMAND ", "%-*.*s ", -1, -1, SF(CMD), "Command name/line", L_EITHER },
- { "YyUu", "WCHAN ", "%-9.9s ", -1, -1, SF(WCH), "Sleeping in Function", L_stat },
+ { "XxXx", " COMMAND", " %-*.*s", -1, -1, SF(CMD), "Command name/line", L_EITHER },
+ { "YyUu", " WCHAN ", " %-9.9s", -1, -1, SF(WCH), "Sleeping in Function", L_stat },
// next entry's special: the 0's will be replaced with '.'!
- { "ZzZz", "Flags ", "%08lX ", -1, -1, SF(FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat },
- { "ZzZz", "Flags ", "%08lx ", -1, -1, SF(FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat },
+ { "ZzZz", " Flags ", " %08lx", -1, -1, SF(FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat },
#if 0
- { "..Qq", " A ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(PID), "Accessed Page count", L_stat },
- { "..Nn", " TRS ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(PID), "Code in memory (kb)", L_stat },
- { "..Rr", " WP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(PID), "Unwritable Pages", L_stat },
- { "Jj[{", "#C ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
- { "..\\|","Bad ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "-- must ignore | --", 0 },
- { "..]}", "Bad ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "-- not used --", 0 },
- { "..^~", "Bad ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "-- not used --", 0 },
+ { "..Qq", " A", " %4.4s", 4, SK_no, SF(PID), "Accessed Page count", L_stat },
+ { "..Nn", " TRS", " %4.4s", 4, SK_Kb, SF(PID), "Code in memory (kb)", L_stat },
+ { "..Rr", " WP", " %4.4s", 4, SK_no, SF(PID), "Unwritable Pages", L_stat },
+ { "Jj[{", " #C", " %2u", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
+ { "..\\|"," Bad", " %2u", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "-- must ignore | --", 0 },
+ { "..]}", " Bad", " %2u", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "-- not used --", 0 },
+ { "..^~", " Bad", " %2u", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "-- not used --", 0 },
#undef SF
for (i = 0; i < w->maxpflgs; i++) {
h = Fieldstab[w->procflags[i]].head;
// oops, won't fit -- we're outta here...
- if (Screen_cols < (int)((s - w->columnhdr) + strlen(h))) break;
+ if (Screen_cols+1 < (int)((s - w->columnhdr) + strlen(h))) break;
s = scat(s, h);
// heading via maxcmdln - it may be a fib if P_CMD wasn't encountered,
// but that's ok because it won't be displayed anyway
w->maxpflgs = i;
- w->maxcmdln = Screen_cols
- - (strlen(w->columnhdr) - strlen(Fieldstab[P_CMD].head)) - 1;
+ w->maxcmdln = Screen_cols - (strlen(w->columnhdr) - strlen(Fieldstab[P_CMD].head));
// finally, we can build the true run-time columns header, format the
// command column heading, if P_CMD is really being displayed, and
// rebuild the all-important PROC_FILLxxx flags that will be used
// until/if we're we're called again
*(s = w->columnhdr) = '\0';
- if (Rc.mode_altscr) s = scat(s, fmtmk("%d", w->winnum));
+// if (Rc.mode_altscr) s = scat(s, fmtmk("%d", w->winnum));
for (i = 0; i < w->maxpflgs; i++) {
+ int advance = (i==0) && !Rc.mode_altscr;
h = Fieldstab[w->procflags[i]].head;
if (P_WCH == w->procflags[i]) needpsdb = 1;
if (P_CMD == w->procflags[i]) {
- s = scat(s, fmtmk(Fieldstab[P_CMD].fmts, w->maxcmdln, w->maxcmdln, h));
+ s = scat(s, fmtmk(Fieldstab[P_CMD].fmts+advance, w->maxcmdln, w->maxcmdln, "COMMAND"/*h*/ ));
if (CHKw(w, Show_CMDLIN)) {
Frames_libflags |= L_CMDLINE;
// if (w->maxcmdln > Frames_maxcmdln) Frames_maxcmdln = w->maxcmdln;
} else
- s = scat(s, h);
+ s = scat(s, h+advance);
Frames_libflags |= Fieldstab[w->procflags[i]].lflg;
+ if (Rc.mode_altscr) w->columnhdr[0] = w->winnum + '0';
if (Rc.mode_altscr) w = w->next;
} while (w != Curwin);
// Display information for a single task row.
static void task_show (const WIN_t *q, const proc_t *p)
- char rbuf[ROWBUFSIZ], *rp;
+ char rbuf[ROWBUFSIZ];
+ char *rp = rbuf;
int j, x, pad;
- // we must begin a row with a possible window number in mind...
- *(rp = rbuf) = '\0';
- if ((pad = Rc.mode_altscr)) rp = scat(rp, " ");
+ *rp = '\0';
+ pad = Rc.mode_altscr;
+// if (pad) rp = scat(rp, " ");
for (x = 0; x < q->maxpflgs; x++) {
char cbuf[ROWBUFSIZ], _z[ROWBUFSIZ];
unsigned s = Fieldstab[i].scale; // string must be altered !
unsigned w = Fieldstab[i].width;
+ int advance = (x==0) && !Rc.mode_altscr;
switch (i) {
case P_CMD:
{ char tmp[ROWBUFSIZ];
case P_PRI:
if (unlikely(-99 > p->priority) || unlikely(999 < p->priority)) {
- f = " RT ";
+ f = " RT";
} else
case P_WCH:
if (No_ksyms) {
- f = "%08lX ";
- f = "%08lx ";
+ f = " %08lx ";
} else {
MKCOL(wchan(p->wchan, p->XXXID));
} /* end: switch 'procflag' */
- rp = scat(rp, cbuf);
+ rp = scat(rp, cbuf+advance);
} /* end: for 'maxpflgs' */
Screen_cols + pad,
- Cap_clr_eol
+ "" /*Cap_clr_eol*/
#undef MKCOL