if maxsize is not None and not isinstance(maxsize, int):
raise TypeError('Expected maxsize to be an integer or None')
- def decorating_function(user_function):
- wrapper = _lru_cache_wrapper(user_function, maxsize, typed, _CacheInfo)
- return update_wrapper(wrapper, user_function)
- return decorating_function
-def _lru_cache_wrapper(user_function, maxsize, typed, _CacheInfo):
# Constants shared by all lru cache instances:
sentinel = object() # unique object used to signal cache misses
make_key = _make_key # build a key from the function arguments
PREV, NEXT, KEY, RESULT = 0, 1, 2, 3 # names for the link fields
- cache = {}
- hits = misses = 0
- full = False
- cache_get = cache.get # bound method to lookup a key or return None
- lock = RLock() # because linkedlist updates aren't threadsafe
- root = [] # root of the circular doubly linked list
- root[:] = [root, root, None, None] # initialize by pointing to self
- if maxsize == 0:
- def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
- # No caching -- just a statistics update after a successful call
- nonlocal misses
- result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
- misses += 1
- return result
- elif maxsize is None:
- def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
- # Simple caching without ordering or size limit
- nonlocal hits, misses
- key = make_key(args, kwds, typed)
- result = cache_get(key, sentinel)
- if result is not sentinel:
- hits += 1
+ def decorating_function(user_function):
+ cache = {}
+ hits = misses = 0
+ full = False
+ cache_get = cache.get # bound method to lookup a key or return None
+ lock = RLock() # because linkedlist updates aren't threadsafe
+ root = [] # root of the circular doubly linked list
+ root[:] = [root, root, None, None] # initialize by pointing to self
+ if maxsize == 0:
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ # No caching -- just a statistics update after a successful call
+ nonlocal misses
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ misses += 1
return result
- result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
- cache[key] = result
- misses += 1
- return result
- else:
+ elif maxsize is None:
- def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
- # Size limited caching that tracks accesses by recency
- nonlocal root, hits, misses, full
- key = make_key(args, kwds, typed)
- with lock:
- link = cache_get(key)
- if link is not None:
- # Move the link to the front of the circular queue
- link_prev, link_next, _key, result = link
- link_prev[NEXT] = link_next
- link_next[PREV] = link_prev
- last = root[PREV]
- last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = link
- link[PREV] = last
- link[NEXT] = root
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ # Simple caching without ordering or size limit
+ nonlocal hits, misses
+ key = make_key(args, kwds, typed)
+ result = cache_get(key, sentinel)
+ if result is not sentinel:
hits += 1
return result
- result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
- with lock:
- if key in cache:
- # Getting here means that this same key was added to the
- # cache while the lock was released. Since the link
- # update is already done, we need only return the
- # computed result and update the count of misses.
- pass
- elif full:
- # Use the old root to store the new key and result.
- oldroot = root
- oldroot[KEY] = key
- oldroot[RESULT] = result
- # Empty the oldest link and make it the new root.
- # Keep a reference to the old key and old result to
- # prevent their ref counts from going to zero during the
- # update. That will prevent potentially arbitrary object
- # clean-up code (i.e. __del__) from running while we're
- # still adjusting the links.
- root = oldroot[NEXT]
- oldkey = root[KEY]
- oldresult = root[RESULT]
- root[KEY] = root[RESULT] = None
- # Now update the cache dictionary.
- del cache[oldkey]
- # Save the potentially reentrant cache[key] assignment
- # for last, after the root and links have been put in
- # a consistent state.
- cache[key] = oldroot
- else:
- # Put result in a new link at the front of the queue.
- last = root[PREV]
- link = [last, root, key, result]
- last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = cache[key] = link
- full = (len(cache) >= maxsize)
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ cache[key] = result
misses += 1
- return result
+ return result
- def cache_info():
- """Report cache statistics"""
- with lock:
- return _CacheInfo(hits, misses, maxsize, len(cache))
+ else:
- def cache_clear():
- """Clear the cache and cache statistics"""
- nonlocal hits, misses, full
- with lock:
- cache.clear()
- root[:] = [root, root, None, None]
- hits = misses = 0
- full = False
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ # Size limited caching that tracks accesses by recency
+ nonlocal root, hits, misses, full
+ key = make_key(args, kwds, typed)
+ with lock:
+ link = cache_get(key)
+ if link is not None:
+ # Move the link to the front of the circular queue
+ link_prev, link_next, _key, result = link
+ link_prev[NEXT] = link_next
+ link_next[PREV] = link_prev
+ last = root[PREV]
+ last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = link
+ link[PREV] = last
+ link[NEXT] = root
+ hits += 1
+ return result
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ with lock:
+ if key in cache:
+ # Getting here means that this same key was added to the
+ # cache while the lock was released. Since the link
+ # update is already done, we need only return the
+ # computed result and update the count of misses.
+ pass
+ elif full:
+ # Use the old root to store the new key and result.
+ oldroot = root
+ oldroot[KEY] = key
+ oldroot[RESULT] = result
+ # Empty the oldest link and make it the new root.
+ # Keep a reference to the old key and old result to
+ # prevent their ref counts from going to zero during the
+ # update. That will prevent potentially arbitrary object
+ # clean-up code (i.e. __del__) from running while we're
+ # still adjusting the links.
+ root = oldroot[NEXT]
+ oldkey = root[KEY]
+ oldresult = root[RESULT]
+ root[KEY] = root[RESULT] = None
+ # Now update the cache dictionary.
+ del cache[oldkey]
+ # Save the potentially reentrant cache[key] assignment
+ # for last, after the root and links have been put in
+ # a consistent state.
+ cache[key] = oldroot
+ else:
+ # Put result in a new link at the front of the queue.
+ last = root[PREV]
+ link = [last, root, key, result]
+ last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = cache[key] = link
+ full = (len(cache) >= maxsize)
+ misses += 1
+ return result
- wrapper.cache_info = cache_info
- wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear
- return update_wrapper(wrapper, user_function)
+ def cache_info():
+ """Report cache statistics"""
+ with lock:
+ return _CacheInfo(hits, misses, maxsize, len(cache))
- from _functools import _lru_cache_wrapper
-except ImportError:
- pass
+ def cache_clear():
+ """Clear the cache and cache statistics"""
+ nonlocal hits, misses, full
+ with lock:
+ cache.clear()
+ root[:] = [root, root, None, None]
+ hits = misses = 0
+ full = False
+ wrapper.cache_info = cache_info
+ wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear
+ return update_wrapper(wrapper, user_function)
+ return decorating_function
from test import support
import unittest
from weakref import proxy
- import threading
-except ImportError:
- threading = None
import functools
return self.value == other.value
-class TestLRU:
+class TestLRU(unittest.TestCase):
def test_lru(self):
def orig(x, y):
return 3 * x + y
- f = self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=20)(orig)
+ f = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=20)(orig)
hits, misses, maxsize, currsize = f.cache_info()
self.assertEqual(maxsize, 20)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 0)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
# test size zero (which means "never-cache")
- @self.module.lru_cache(0)
+ @functools.lru_cache(0)
def f():
nonlocal f_cnt
f_cnt += 1
self.assertEqual(currsize, 0)
# test size one
- @self.module.lru_cache(1)
+ @functools.lru_cache(1)
def f():
nonlocal f_cnt
f_cnt += 1
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
# test size two
- @self.module.lru_cache(2)
+ @functools.lru_cache(2)
def f(x):
nonlocal f_cnt
f_cnt += 1
self.assertEqual(currsize, 2)
def test_lru_with_maxsize_none(self):
- @self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
self.assertEqual([fib(n) for n in range(16)],
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610])
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=28, misses=16, maxsize=None, currsize=16))
+ functools._CacheInfo(hits=28, misses=16, maxsize=None, currsize=16))
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=None, currsize=0))
- def test_lru_with_maxsize_negative(self):
- @self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=-10)
- def eq(n):
- return n
- for i in (0, 1):
- self.assertEqual([eq(n) for n in range(150)], list(range(150)))
- self.assertEqual(eq.cache_info(),
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=300, maxsize=-10, currsize=1))
+ functools._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=None, currsize=0))
def test_lru_with_exceptions(self):
# Verify that user_function exceptions get passed through without
# creating a hard-to-read chained exception.
# http://bugs.python.org/issue13177
for maxsize in (None, 128):
- @self.module.lru_cache(maxsize)
+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize)
def func(i):
return 'abc'[i]
self.assertEqual(func(0), 'a')
def test_lru_with_types(self):
for maxsize in (None, 128):
- @self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize, typed=True)
+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize, typed=True)
def square(x):
return x * x
self.assertEqual(square(3), 9)
self.assertEqual(square.cache_info().misses, 4)
def test_lru_with_keyword_args(self):
- @self.module.lru_cache()
+ @functools.lru_cache()
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610]
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=28, misses=16, maxsize=128, currsize=16))
+ functools._CacheInfo(hits=28, misses=16, maxsize=128, currsize=16))
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=128, currsize=0))
+ functools._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=128, currsize=0))
def test_lru_with_keyword_args_maxsize_none(self):
- @self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
self.assertEqual([fib(n=number) for number in range(16)],
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610])
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=28, misses=16, maxsize=None, currsize=16))
+ functools._CacheInfo(hits=28, misses=16, maxsize=None, currsize=16))
- self.module._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=None, currsize=0))
- def test_lru_cache_decoration(self):
- def f(zomg: 'zomg_annotation'):
- """f doc string"""
- return 42
- g = self.module.lru_cache()(f)
- for attr in self.module.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS:
- self.assertEqual(getattr(g, attr), getattr(f, attr))
- @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'This test requires threading.')
- def test_lru_cache_threaded(self):
- def orig(x, y):
- return 3 * x + y
- f = self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=20)(orig)
- hits, misses, maxsize, currsize = f.cache_info()
- self.assertEqual(currsize, 0)
- def full(f, *args):
- for _ in range(10):
- f(*args)
- def clear(f):
- for _ in range(10):
- f.cache_clear()
- orig_si = sys.getswitchinterval()
- sys.setswitchinterval(1e-6)
- try:
- # create 5 threads in order to fill cache
- threads = []
- for k in range(5):
- t = threading.Thread(target=full, args=[f, k, k])
- t.start()
- threads.append(t)
- for t in threads:
- t.join()
- hits, misses, maxsize, currsize = f.cache_info()
- self.assertEqual(hits, 45)
- self.assertEqual(misses, 5)
- self.assertEqual(currsize, 5)
- # create 5 threads in order to fill cache and 1 to clear it
- cleaner = threading.Thread(target=clear, args=[f])
- cleaner.start()
- threads = [cleaner]
- for k in range(5):
- t = threading.Thread(target=full, args=[f, k, k])
- t.start()
- threads.append(t)
- for t in threads:
- t.join()
- finally:
- sys.setswitchinterval(orig_si)
+ functools._CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=None, currsize=0))
def test_need_for_rlock(self):
# This will deadlock on an LRU cache that uses a regular lock
- @self.module.lru_cache(maxsize=10)
+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=10)
def test_func(x):
'Used to demonstrate a reentrant lru_cache call within a single thread'
return x
def f():
-class TestLRUC(TestLRU, unittest.TestCase):
- module = c_functools
-class TestLRUPy(TestLRU, unittest.TestCase):
- module = py_functools
class TestSingleDispatch(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple_overloads(self):
-- Issue #14373: Added C implementation of functools.lru_cache(). Based on
- patches by Matt Joiner and Alexey Kachayev.
- Issue 24230: The tempfile module now accepts bytes for prefix, suffix and dir
parameters and returns bytes in such situations (matching the os module APIs).
of the sequence in the calculation, and serves as a default when the\n\
sequence is empty.");
-/* lru_cache object **********************************************************/
-/* this object is used delimit args and keywords in the cache keys */
-static PyObject *kwd_mark = NULL;
-struct lru_list_elem;
-struct lru_cache_object;
-typedef struct lru_list_elem {
- PyObject_HEAD
- struct lru_list_elem *prev, *next; /* borrowed links */
- PyObject *key, *result;
-} lru_list_elem;
-static void
-lru_list_elem_dealloc(lru_list_elem *link)
- _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK(link);
- Py_XDECREF(link->key);
- Py_XDECREF(link->result);
- PyObject_GC_Del(link);
-static int
-lru_list_elem_traverse(lru_list_elem *link, visitproc visit, void *arg)
- Py_VISIT(link->key);
- Py_VISIT(link->result);
- return 0;
-static int
-lru_list_elem_clear(lru_list_elem *link)
- Py_CLEAR(link->key);
- Py_CLEAR(link->result);
- return 0;
-static PyTypeObject lru_list_elem_type = {
- PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
- "functools._lru_list_elem", /* tp_name */
- sizeof(lru_list_elem), /* tp_basicsize */
- 0, /* tp_itemsize */
- /* methods */
- (destructor)lru_list_elem_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
- 0, /* tp_print */
- 0, /* tp_getattr */
- 0, /* tp_setattr */
- 0, /* tp_reserved */
- 0, /* tp_repr */
- 0, /* tp_as_number */
- 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
- 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
- 0, /* tp_hash */
- 0, /* tp_call */
- 0, /* tp_str */
- 0, /* tp_getattro */
- 0, /* tp_setattro */
- 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
- 0, /* tp_doc */
- (traverseproc)lru_list_elem_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
- (inquiry)lru_list_elem_clear, /* tp_clear */
-typedef PyObject *(*lru_cache_ternaryfunc)(struct lru_cache_object *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
-typedef struct lru_cache_object {
- lru_list_elem root; /* includes PyObject_HEAD */
- Py_ssize_t maxsize;
- PyObject *maxsize_O;
- PyObject *func;
- lru_cache_ternaryfunc wrapper;
- PyObject *cache;
- PyObject *cache_info_type;
- Py_ssize_t misses, hits;
- int typed;
- PyObject *dict;
- int full;
-} lru_cache_object;
-static PyTypeObject lru_cache_type;
-static PyObject *
-lru_cache_make_key(PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds, int typed)
- PyObject *key, *sorted_items;
- Py_ssize_t key_size, pos, key_pos;
- /* short path, key will match args anyway, which is a tuple */
- if (!typed && !kwds) {
- Py_INCREF(args);
- return args;
- }
- if (kwds && PyDict_Size(kwds) > 0) {
- sorted_items = PyDict_Items(kwds);
- if (!sorted_items)
- return NULL;
- if (PyList_Sort(sorted_items) < 0) {
- Py_DECREF(sorted_items);
- return NULL;
- }
- } else
- sorted_items = NULL;
- key_size = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
- if (sorted_items)
- key_size += PyList_GET_SIZE(sorted_items);
- if (typed)
- key_size *= 2;
- if (sorted_items)
- key_size++;
- key = PyTuple_New(key_size);
- if (key == NULL)
- goto done;
- key_pos = 0;
- for (pos = 0; pos < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); ++pos) {
- PyObject *item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, pos);
- Py_INCREF(item);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(key, key_pos++, item);
- }
- if (sorted_items) {
- Py_INCREF(kwd_mark);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(key, key_pos++, kwd_mark);
- for (pos = 0; pos < PyList_GET_SIZE(sorted_items); ++pos) {
- PyObject *item = PyList_GET_ITEM(sorted_items, pos);
- Py_INCREF(item);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(key, key_pos++, item);
- }
- }
- if (typed) {
- for (pos = 0; pos < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); ++pos) {
- PyObject *item = (PyObject *)Py_TYPE(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, pos));
- Py_INCREF(item);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(key, key_pos++, item);
- }
- if (sorted_items) {
- for (pos = 0; pos < PyList_GET_SIZE(sorted_items); ++pos) {
- PyObject *tp_items = PyList_GET_ITEM(sorted_items, pos);
- PyObject *item = (PyObject *)Py_TYPE(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tp_items, 1));
- Py_INCREF(item);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(key, key_pos++, item);
- }
- }
- }
- assert(key_pos == key_size);
- if (sorted_items)
- Py_DECREF(sorted_items);
- return key;
-static PyObject *
-uncached_lru_cache_wrapper(lru_cache_object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- PyObject *result = PyObject_Call(self->func, args, kwds);
- if (!result)
- return NULL;
- self->misses++;
- return result;
-static PyObject *
-infinite_lru_cache_wrapper(lru_cache_object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- PyObject *result;
- PyObject *key = lru_cache_make_key(args, kwds, self->typed);
- if (!key)
- return NULL;
- result = PyDict_GetItemWithError(self->cache, key);
- if (result) {
- Py_INCREF(result);
- self->hits++;
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return result;
- }
- if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return NULL;
- }
- result = PyObject_Call(self->func, args, kwds);
- if (!result) {
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (PyDict_SetItem(self->cache, key, result) < 0) {
- Py_DECREF(result);
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_DECREF(key);
- self->misses++;
- return result;
-static void
-lru_cache_extricate_link(lru_list_elem *link)
- link->prev->next = link->next;
- link->next->prev = link->prev;
-static void
-lru_cache_append_link(lru_cache_object *self, lru_list_elem *link)
- lru_list_elem *root = &self->root;
- lru_list_elem *last = root->prev;
- last->next = root->prev = link;
- link->prev = last;
- link->next = root;
-static PyObject *
-bounded_lru_cache_wrapper(lru_cache_object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- lru_list_elem *link;
- PyObject *key, *result;
- key = lru_cache_make_key(args, kwds, self->typed);
- if (!key)
- return NULL;
- link = (lru_list_elem *)PyDict_GetItemWithError(self->cache, key);
- if (link) {
- lru_cache_extricate_link(link);
- lru_cache_append_link(self, link);
- self->hits++;
- result = link->result;
- Py_INCREF(result);
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return result;
- }
- if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return NULL;
- }
- result = PyObject_Call(self->func, args, kwds);
- if (!result) {
- Py_DECREF(key);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (self->full && self->root.next != &self->root) {
- /* Use the oldest item to store the new key and result. */
- PyObject *oldkey, *oldresult;
- /* Extricate the oldest item. */
- link = self->root.next;
- lru_cache_extricate_link(link);
- /* Remove it from the cache.
- The cache dict holds one reference to the link,
- and the linked list holds yet one reference to it. */
- if (PyDict_DelItem(self->cache, link->key) < 0) {
- lru_cache_append_link(self, link);
- Py_DECREF(key);
- Py_DECREF(result);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Keep a reference to the old key and old result to
- prevent their ref counts from going to zero during the
- update. That will prevent potentially arbitrary object
- clean-up code (i.e. __del__) from running while we're
- still adjusting the links. */
- oldkey = link->key;
- oldresult = link->result;
- link->key = key;
- link->result = result;
- if (PyDict_SetItem(self->cache, key, (PyObject *)link) < 0) {
- Py_DECREF(link);
- Py_DECREF(oldkey);
- Py_DECREF(oldresult);
- return NULL;
- }
- lru_cache_append_link(self, link);
- Py_INCREF(result); /* for return */
- Py_DECREF(oldkey);
- Py_DECREF(oldresult);
- } else {
- /* Put result in a new link at the front of the queue. */
- link = (lru_list_elem *)PyObject_GC_New(lru_list_elem,
- &lru_list_elem_type);
- if (link == NULL) {
- Py_DECREF(key);
- Py_DECREF(result);
- return NULL;
- }
- link->key = key;
- link->result = result;
- _PyObject_GC_TRACK(link);
- if (PyDict_SetItem(self->cache, key, (PyObject *)link) < 0) {
- Py_DECREF(link);
- return NULL;
- }
- lru_cache_append_link(self, link);
- Py_INCREF(result); /* for return */
- self->full = (PyDict_Size(self->cache) >= self->maxsize);
- }
- self->misses++;
- return result;
-static PyObject *
-lru_cache_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
- PyObject *func, *maxsize_O, *cache_info_type;
- int typed;
- lru_cache_object *obj;
- Py_ssize_t maxsize;
- PyObject *(*wrapper)(lru_cache_object *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
- static char *keywords[] = {"user_function", "maxsize", "typed",
- "cache_info_type", NULL};
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "OOpO:lru_cache", keywords,
- &func, &maxsize_O, &typed,
- &cache_info_type)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!PyCallable_Check(func)) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "the first argument must be callable");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* select the caching function, and make/inc maxsize_O */
- if (maxsize_O == Py_None) {
- wrapper = infinite_lru_cache_wrapper;
- /* use this only to initialize lru_cache_object attribute maxsize */
- maxsize = -1;
- } else if (PyIndex_Check(maxsize_O)) {
- maxsize = PyNumber_AsSsize_t(maxsize_O, PyExc_OverflowError);
- if (maxsize == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
- return NULL;
- if (maxsize == 0)
- wrapper = uncached_lru_cache_wrapper;
- else
- wrapper = bounded_lru_cache_wrapper;
- } else {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "maxsize should be integer or None");
- return NULL;
- }
- obj = (lru_cache_object *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
- if (obj == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (!(obj->cache = PyDict_New())) {
- Py_DECREF(obj);
- return NULL;
- }
- obj->root.prev = &obj->root;
- obj->root.next = &obj->root;
- obj->maxsize = maxsize;
- Py_INCREF(maxsize_O);
- obj->maxsize_O = maxsize_O;
- Py_INCREF(func);
- obj->func = func;
- obj->wrapper = wrapper;
- obj->misses = obj->hits = 0;
- obj->typed = typed;
- Py_INCREF(cache_info_type);
- obj->cache_info_type = cache_info_type;
- return (PyObject *)obj;
-static lru_list_elem *
-lru_cache_unlink_list(lru_cache_object *self)
- lru_list_elem *root = &self->root;
- lru_list_elem *link = root->next;
- if (link == root)
- return NULL;
- root->prev->next = NULL;
- root->next = root->prev = root;
- return link;
-static void
-lru_cache_clear_list(lru_list_elem *link)
- while (link != NULL) {
- lru_list_elem *next = link->next;
- Py_DECREF(link);
- link = next;
- }
-static void
-lru_cache_dealloc(lru_cache_object *obj)
- lru_list_elem *list = lru_cache_unlink_list(obj);
- Py_XDECREF(obj->maxsize_O);
- Py_XDECREF(obj->func);
- Py_XDECREF(obj->cache);
- Py_XDECREF(obj->dict);
- Py_XDECREF(obj->cache_info_type);
- lru_cache_clear_list(list);
- Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_free(obj);
-static PyObject *
-lru_cache_call(lru_cache_object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- return self->wrapper(self, args, kwds);
-static PyObject *
-lru_cache_cache_info(lru_cache_object *self, PyObject *unused)
- return PyObject_CallFunction(self->cache_info_type, "nnOn",
- self->hits, self->misses, self->maxsize_O,
- PyDict_Size(self->cache));
-static PyObject *
-lru_cache_cache_clear(lru_cache_object *self, PyObject *unused)
- lru_list_elem *list = lru_cache_unlink_list(self);
- self->hits = self->misses = 0;
- self->full = 0;
- PyDict_Clear(self->cache);
- lru_cache_clear_list(list);
-static int
-lru_cache_tp_traverse(lru_cache_object *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
- lru_list_elem *link = self->root.next;
- while (link != &self->root) {
- lru_list_elem *next = link->next;
- Py_VISIT(link);
- link = next;
- }
- Py_VISIT(self->maxsize_O);
- Py_VISIT(self->func);
- Py_VISIT(self->cache);
- Py_VISIT(self->cache_info_type);
- Py_VISIT(self->dict);
- return 0;
-static int
-lru_cache_tp_clear(lru_cache_object *self)
- lru_list_elem *list = lru_cache_unlink_list(self);
- Py_CLEAR(self->maxsize_O);
- Py_CLEAR(self->func);
- Py_CLEAR(self->cache);
- Py_CLEAR(self->cache_info_type);
- Py_CLEAR(self->dict);
- lru_cache_clear_list(list);
- return 0;
-"Create a cached callable that wraps another function.\n\
-user_function: the function being cached\n\
-maxsize: 0 for no caching\n\
- None for unlimited cache size\n\
- n for a bounded cache\n\
-typed: False cache f(3) and f(3.0) as identical calls\n\
- True cache f(3) and f(3.0) as distinct calls\n\
-cache_info_type: namedtuple class with the fields:\n\
- hits misses currsize maxsize\n"
-static PyMethodDef lru_cache_methods[] = {
- {"cache_info", (PyCFunction)lru_cache_cache_info, METH_NOARGS},
- {"cache_clear", (PyCFunction)lru_cache_cache_clear, METH_NOARGS},
- {NULL}
-static PyGetSetDef lru_cache_getsetlist[] = {
- {"__dict__", PyObject_GenericGetDict, PyObject_GenericSetDict},
- {NULL}
-static PyTypeObject lru_cache_type = {
- PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
- "functools._lru_cache_wrapper", /* tp_name */
- sizeof(lru_cache_object), /* tp_basicsize */
- 0, /* tp_itemsize */
- /* methods */
- (destructor)lru_cache_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
- 0, /* tp_print */
- 0, /* tp_getattr */
- 0, /* tp_setattr */
- 0, /* tp_reserved */
- 0, /* tp_repr */
- 0, /* tp_as_number */
- 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
- 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
- 0, /* tp_hash */
- (ternaryfunc)lru_cache_call, /* tp_call */
- 0, /* tp_str */
- 0, /* tp_getattro */
- 0, /* tp_setattro */
- 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
- /* tp_flags */
- lru_cache_doc, /* tp_doc */
- (traverseproc)lru_cache_tp_traverse,/* tp_traverse */
- (inquiry)lru_cache_tp_clear, /* tp_clear */
- 0, /* tp_richcompare */
- 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
- 0, /* tp_iter */
- 0, /* tp_iternext */
- lru_cache_methods, /* tp_methods */
- 0, /* tp_members */
- lru_cache_getsetlist, /* tp_getset */
- 0, /* tp_base */
- 0, /* tp_dict */
- 0, /* tp_descr_get */
- 0, /* tp_descr_set */
- offsetof(lru_cache_object, dict), /* tp_dictoffset */
- 0, /* tp_init */
- 0, /* tp_alloc */
- lru_cache_new, /* tp_new */
/* module level code ********************************************************/
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
-static void
-module_free(void *m)
- Py_CLEAR(kwd_mark);
static struct PyModuleDef _functoolsmodule = {
- module_free,
char *name;
PyTypeObject *typelist[] = {
- &lru_cache_type,
if (m == NULL)
return NULL;
- kwd_mark = PyObject_CallObject((PyObject *)&PyBaseObject_Type, NULL);
- if (!kwd_mark) {
- Py_DECREF(m);
- return NULL;
- }
for (i=0 ; typelist[i] != NULL ; i++) {
if (PyType_Ready(typelist[i]) < 0) {