/// \file
/// This file describes a subset of C++ as a protobuf. It is used to
/// more easily find interesting inputs for fuzzing Clang. This subset
-/// extends the one defined in cxx_proto.proto by adding the option that
-/// a VarRef can use the for loop's counter variable.
+/// differs from the one defined in cxx_proto.proto by eliminating while
+/// loops and Lvalues. The goal is that the C++ code generated will be
+/// more likely to stress the LLVM loop vectorizer.
syntax = "proto2";
-message VarRef {
- required int32 varnum = 1;
- required bool is_loop_var = 2;
-message Lvalue {
- required VarRef varref = 1;
message Const {
required int32 val = 1;
message Rvalue {
oneof rvalue_oneof {
- VarRef varref = 1;
- Const cons = 2;
- BinaryOp binop = 3;
+ Const cons = 1;
+ BinaryOp binop = 2;
message AssignmentStatement {
- required Lvalue lvalue = 1;
required Rvalue rvalue = 2;
message IfElse {
required Rvalue cond = 1;
required StatementSeq if_body = 2;
required StatementSeq else_body = 3;
-message While {
- required Rvalue cond = 1;
- required StatementSeq body = 2;
message Statement {
oneof stmt_oneof {
AssignmentStatement assignment = 1;
IfElse ifelse = 2;
- While while_loop = 3;
-// Implements functions for converting between protobufs and C++. Extends
+// Implements functions for converting between protobufs and C++. Differs from
// proto_to_cxx.cpp by wrapping all the generated C++ code in a single for
// loop. Also coutputs a different function signature that includes a
-// size_t parameter for the loop to use.
+// size_t parameter for the loop to use. The C++ code generated is meant to
+// stress the LLVM loop vectorizer.
+// Still a work in progress.
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Const &x) {
return os << "(" << x.val() << ")";
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const VarRef &x) {
- if (x.is_loop_var()) {
- return os << "a[loop_ctr]";
- } else {
- return os << "a[" << static_cast<uint32_t>(x.varnum()) << " % s]";
- }
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Lvalue &x) {
- return os << x.varref();
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Rvalue &x) {
- if (x.has_varref())
- return os << x.varref();
if (x.has_cons())
return os << x.cons();
if (x.has_binop())
return os << x.right() << ")";
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AssignmentStatement &x) {
- return os << x.lvalue() << "=" << x.rvalue();
+ return os << "a[i]=" << x.rvalue();
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const IfElse &x) {
return os << "if (" << x.cond() << "){\n"
<< x.if_body() << "} else { \n"
<< x.else_body() << "}\n";
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const While &x) {
- return os << "while (" << x.cond() << "){\n" << x.body() << "}\n";
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Statement &x) {
if (x.has_assignment())
return os << x.assignment() << ";\n";
if (x.has_ifelse())
return os << x.ifelse();
- if (x.has_while_loop())
- return os << x.while_loop();
return os << "(void)0;\n";
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const StatementSeq &x) {
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LoopFunction &x) {
return os << "void foo(int *a, size_t s) {\n"
- << "for (int loop_ctr = 0; loop_ctr < s; loop_ctr++){\n"
+ << "for (int i=0; i<s; i++){\n"
<< x.statements() << "}\n}\n";
std::string LoopProtoToCxx(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
LoopFunction message;
if (!message.ParsePartialFromArray(data, size))
- return "#error invalid proto, may not be binary encoded\n";
+ return "#error invalid proto\n";
return LoopFunctionToString(message);