modified_at INTEGER NOT NULL,
account VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL,
- comment VARCHAR2(4000) NOT NULL
+ "comment" VARCHAR2(4000) NOT NULL
CREATE SEQUENCE comments_id_sequence;
CREATE INDEX comments$nametype ON comments (name, type);
declare(suffix, "get-all-domains-query", "Retrieve all domains", "select records.domain_id, records.name, records.content, domains.type, domains.master, domains.notified_serial, domains.last_check from records, domains where records.domain_id=domains.id and records.type='SOA' and (records.disabled=0 OR 1=%d)");
- declare(suffix, "list-comments-query", "", "SELECT domain_id,name,type,modified_at,account,comment FROM comments WHERE domain_id=%d");
- declare(suffix, "insert-comment-query", "", "INSERT INTO comments (id, domain_id, name, type, modified_at, account, comment) VALUES (comments_id_sequence.nextval, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s')");
+ declare(suffix, "list-comments-query", "", "SELECT domain_id,name,type,modified_at,account,\"comment\" FROM comments WHERE domain_id=%d");
+ declare(suffix, "insert-comment-query", "", "INSERT INTO comments (id, domain_id, name, type, modified_at, account, \"comment\") VALUES (comments_id_sequence.nextval, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s')");
declare(suffix, "delete-comment-rrset-query", "", "DELETE FROM comments WHERE domain_id=%d AND name='%s' AND type='%s'");
declare(suffix, "delete-comments-query", "", "DELETE FROM comments WHERE domain_id=%d");