--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization
+# dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available.
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
+# obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+. ${srcdir}/tests/common.sh
+# how to generate a one pixel (average rose) color and output its values
+in="rose: -scale 1x1" # a one pixel image of the average color.
+out="-format '%[fx:int(255*r)],%[fx:int(255*g)],%[fx:int(255*b)]' info:-"
+# ----------------
+# Colors to compare results to.
+average=`eval ${MAGICK} "$in" -noop "$out"`
+too_light=`eval ${MAGICK} "$in" -colorspace RGB "$out"`
+too_dark=`eval ${MAGICK} "$in" -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB "$out"`
+format='%-30s%s\n' # results formating
+printf "$format2" "Average \"rose:\" Color" "$average" "sRGB(rose)"
+printf "$format2" "Too Light Color" "$too_light" "sRGB(rose)->RGB result"
+printf "$format2" "Too Dark Color" "$too_dark" "RGB(rose)->sRGB result"
+echo ''
+# Sanity checks
+if [ "X$average" != "X145,89,80" ]; then
+ echo "Sanity Failure: Average expected to be 145,89,80 - ABORTING"
+ error=true
+if [ "X$too_light" != "X72,25,20" ]; then
+ echo "Sanity Failure: Too Light expected to be 72,25,20 - ABORTING"
+ error=true
+if [ "X$too_dark" != "X199,159,152" ]; then
+ echo "Sanity Failure: Too Dark expected to be 199,159,152 - ABORTING"
+ error=true
+$error && exit 1
+test_color() {
+ test="sRGB(rose)"
+ cs='';
+ for i in "$@"; do
+ test="${test}->$i" # format of the test being performed
+ cs="$cs -colorspace $i" # colorspace operations to perform test
+ done
+ color=`eval ${MAGICK} "$in" $cs "$out"`
+ if [ "X$color" = "X$average" ]; then
+ printf "$format" "$test" "good"
+ return
+ fi
+ error=false
+ if [ "X$color" = "X$too_light" ]; then
+ printf "$format" "$test" "TOO_LIGHT"
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ "X$color" = "X$too_dark" ]; then
+ printf "$format" "$test" "TOO_DARK"
+ return
+ fi
+ printf "$format" "$test" "UNKNOWN COLOR (expect $average, got $color)"
+# ----------------
+test_color RGB sRGB
+test_color XYZ sRGB
+test_color RGB XYZ sRGB
+test_color XYZ RGB sRGB
+test_color CMY sRGB
+test_color CMYK sRGB
+test_color HSL sRGB
+test_color HSB sRGB
+test_color Lab sRGB
+test_color YIQ sRGB
+test_color YCbCr sRGB