beta1 has already been released, but does not contain the fix for bug
-?? ??? ????, PHP 7.3.0beta1
+?? ??? ????, PHP 7.3.0beta2
+- phpdbg:
+ . Fixed bug #76595 (phpdbg man page contains outdated information).
+ (Kevin Abel)
+02 Aug 2018, PHP 7.3.0beta1
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76667 (Segfault with divide-assign op and __get + __set).
. Fixed bug #75402 (Possible Memory Leak using PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL option).
-- phpdbg:
- . Fixed bug #76595 (phpdbg man page contains outdated information).
- (Kevin Abel)
- SQLite3:
. Fixed #76665 (SQLite3Stmt::bindValue() with SQLITE3_FLOAT doesn't juggle).