call assert_equal('2', l[1].chars)
call assert_equal('3', l[2].chars)
call assert_equal('#00e000', l[0].fg)
- if &background == 'light'
- call assert_equal('#ffffff', l[0].bg)
+ if has('win32')
+ " On Windows 'background' always defaults to dark, even though the terminal
+ " may use a light background. Therefore accept both white and black.
+ call assert_match('#ffffff\|#000000', l[0].bg)
- call assert_equal('#000000', l[0].bg)
+ if &background == 'light'
+ call assert_equal('#ffffff', l[0].bg)
+ else
+ call assert_equal('#000000', l[0].bg)
+ endif
let l = term_getline(a:buf, -1)