#include "ext/standard/php_standard.h"
#include "ext/standard/head.h"
#include "ext/standard/info.h"
+#include "fopen-wrappers.h"
#include "SAPI.h"
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
#include "build-defs.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
+#include <sys/mman.h>
PHP_FE(hw_identify, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_free_document, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_new_document, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(hw_new_document_from_file, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_output_document, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_document_size, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_document_attributes, NULL)
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string hw_getobject(int link, int objid [, string linkroot])
- Returns object record */
+ Returns object record */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobject) {
pval **argv[3];
int argc, link, id, type, multi;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto hwdoc hw_pipedocument(int link, int objid [, array urlprefixes])
- Returns document with links inserted */
-/* Optionally a array with five urlprefixes may be passed, which will be
- inserted for the different types of anchors. This should be a named
- array with the following keys: HW_DEFAULT_LINK, HW_IMAGE_LINK,
+/* {{{ proto hwdoc hw_pipedocument(int link, int objid [, array urlprefixes ] )
+ Returns document with links inserted. Optionally a array with five urlprefixes
+ may be passed, which will be inserted for the different types of anchors. This should
+ be a named array with the following keys: HW_DEFAULT_LINK, HW_IMAGE_LINK, HW_BACKGROUND_LINK,
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_pipedocument) {
pval *arg1, *arg2, *arg3;
int i, link, id, type, argc, mode;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto hwdoc hw_new_document(string objrec, string data, int size)
- Creates a new document */
+ Create a new document */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_new_document) {
pval *arg1, *arg2, *arg3;
char *ptr;
/* }}} */
+#define BUFSIZE 8192
+/* {{{ proto hwdoc hw_new_document_from_file(string objrec, string filename)
+ Create a new document from a file */
+PHP_FUNCTION(hw_new_document_from_file) {
+ pval **arg1, **arg2;
+ int len, type;
+ char *ptr;
+ int issock=0;
+ int socketd=0;
+ FILE *fp;
+ int ready=0;
+ int bcount=0;
+ int use_include_path=0;
+ hw_document *doc;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ convert_to_string_ex(arg1);
+ convert_to_string_ex(arg2);
+ fp = php_fopen_wrapper((*arg2)->value.str.val,"r", use_include_path|ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE, &issock, &socketd, NULL);
+ if (!fp && !socketd){
+ if (issock != BAD_URL) {
+ char *tmp = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(arg2), Z_STRLEN_PP(arg2));
+ php_strip_url_passwd(tmp);
+ php_error(E_WARNING,"hw_new_document_from_file(\"%s\") - %s", tmp, strerror(errno));
+ efree(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ doc = malloc(sizeof(hw_document));
+ if(NULL == doc)
+#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
+ if(!issock) {
+ int fd;
+ struct stat sbuf;
+ off_t off;
+ void *p;
+ size_t len;
+ fd = fileno(fp);
+ fstat(fd, &sbuf);
+ if (sbuf.st_size > BUFSIZE) {
+/* off = ftell(fp); */
+ len = sbuf.st_size;/* - off; */
+ p = mmap(0, len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, off);
+ if (p != (void *) MAP_FAILED) {
+ doc->data = malloc(len);
+ if(NULL == doc->data) {
+ munmap(p, len);
+ free(doc);
+ }
+ memcpy(p, doc->data, len);
+ munmap(p, len);
+ bcount = len;
+ doc->size = len;
+ ready = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!ready) {
+ int b;
+ doc->data = malloc(BUFSIZE);
+ if(NULL == doc->data) {
+ free(doc);
+ }
+ ptr = doc->data;
+ while ((b = FP_FREAD(&ptr[bcount], BUFSIZE, socketd, fp, issock)) > 0) {
+ bcount += b;
+ doc->data = realloc(doc->data, bcount+BUFSIZE);
+ ptr = doc->data;
+ }
+ }
+ if (issock) {
+ SOCK_FCLOSE(socketd);
+ } else {
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ doc->data = realloc(doc->data, bcount+1);
+ ptr = doc->data;
+ ptr[bcount] = '\0';
+ doc->attributes = strdup((*arg1)->value.str.val);
+ doc->bodytag = NULL;
+ doc->size = bcount;
+ return_value->value.lval = zend_list_insert(doc,HwSG(le_document));
+ return_value->type = IS_LONG;
+/* }}} */
+#undef BUFSIZE
/* {{{ proto void hw_free_document(hwdoc doc)
Frees memory of document */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_free_document) {
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string hw_document_bodytag(hwdoc doc [, string prefix])
- Returns bodytag prefixed by prefix */
+ Return bodytag prefixed by prefix */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_document_bodytag) {
pval *argv[2];
int id, type, argc;
- RETURN_STRING(ptr->data, 1);
+ RETURN_STRINGL(ptr->data, ptr->size, 1);
/* }}} */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyqueryobj(int link, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for query and returns maxhits object records */
+ Search for query and return maxhits object records */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyqueryobj) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3;
int link, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyquerycoll(int link, int collid, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for query in collection and returns maxhits objids */
+ Search for query in collection and return maxhits objids */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyquerycoll) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
int link, id, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj(int link, int collid, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for query in collection and returns maxhits object records */
+ Search for query in collection and return maxhits object records */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
int link, id, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyftquery(int link, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for query as fulltext and returns maxhits objids */
+ Search for query as fulltext and return maxhits objids */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyftquery) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3;
int link, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyftqueryobj(int link, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for query as fulltext and returns maxhits object records */
+ Search for query as fulltext and return maxhits object records */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyftqueryobj) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3;
int link, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyftquerycoll(int link, int collid, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for fulltext query in collection and returns maxhits objids */
+ Search for fulltext query in collection and return maxhits objids */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyftquerycoll) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
int link, id, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getobjectbyftquerycollobj(int link, int collid, string query, int maxhits)
- Searches for fulltext query in collection and returns maxhits object records */
+ Search for fulltext query in collection and return maxhits object records */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getobjectbyftquerycollobj) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
int link, id, type, maxhits;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getanchors(int link, int objid)
- Returns all anchors of object */
+ Return all anchors of object */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getanchors) {
pval **arg1, **arg2;
int link, id, type;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array hw_getanchorsobj(int link, int objid)
- Returns all object records of anchors of object */
+ Return all object records of anchors of object */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getanchorsobj) {
pval **arg1, **arg2;
int link, id, type;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array hw_objrec2array(string objrec [, array format])
+/* {{{ proto array hw_objrec2array(string objrec, [array format])
Returns object array of object record */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_objrec2array) {
zval **arg1, **arg2;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string hw_getrellink(int link, int rootid, int sourceid, int destid)
- Gets link from source to dest relative to rootid */
+ Get link from source to dest relative to rootid */
PHP_FUNCTION(hw_getrellink) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
int link, type;