type = (unsigned char) serialized_point[0];
- if ( lwgeom_getType(type) != POINTTYPE) return -9999;
+ if ( lwgeom_getType(type) != POINTTYPE) return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
elog(NOTICE, "lwpoint_findlength called (%d)", result);
int t;
if (serialized_form == NULL)
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "lwpoly_deserialize called with NULL arg");
return NULL;
+ }
result = (LWPOLY*) palloc(sizeof(LWPOLY));
loc = serialized_form;
if ( lwgeom_getType(type) != POLYGONTYPE)
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "lwpoly_deserialize called with arg of type %d",
+ lwgeom_getType(type));
return NULL;
+ }
loc = serialized_form+1;
+ if ( ! result->ngeometries ) return result;
sub_geoms = (char**) palloc(sizeof(char*) * result->ngeometries );
result->sub_geoms = sub_geoms;
sub_geoms[0] = loc;
void pfree_inspected(LWGEOM_INSPECTED *inspected)
- pfree(inspected->sub_geoms);
+ if ( inspected->ngeometries )
+ pfree(inspected->sub_geoms);
elog(NOTICE,"type 0x%x ==> hasBBOX=%i, hasSRID=%i, ndims=%i, type=%i",(unsigned int) type, lwgeom_hasBBOX(type), lwgeom_hasSRID(type),lwgeom_ndims(type), lwgeom_getType(type));
+// get the SRID from the LWGEOM
+// none present => -1
+int lwgeom_getsrid(char *serialized)
+ unsigned char type = serialized[0];
+ char *loc = serialized+1;
+ if ( ! lwgeom_hasSRID(type)) return -1;
+ if (lwgeom_hasBBOX(type))
+ {
+ loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
+ }
+ return get_int32(loc);
// get the SRID from the LWGEOM
// none present => -1
int lwgeom_getSRID(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
return result;
+pfree_exploded(LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exploded)
+ if ( exploded->npoints )
+ pfree(exploded->points);
+ if ( exploded->nlines )
+ pfree(exploded->lines);
+ if ( exploded->npolys )
+ pfree(exploded->polys);
+ pfree(exploded);
+ * This function recursively scan the given serialized geometry
+ * and returns a list of _all_ subgeoms in it (deep-first)
+ */
+lwgeom_explode(char *serialized)
+ LWGEOM_INSPECTED *inspected = lwgeom_inspect(serialized);
+ LWGEOM_EXPLODED *subexploded, *result;
+ int i;
+ result = palloc(sizeof(LWGEOM_EXPLODED));
+ result->points = palloc(1);
+ result->lines = palloc(1);
+ result->polys = palloc(1);
+ result->npoints = 0;
+ result->nlines = 0;
+ result->npolys = 0;
+ if ( ! inspected->ngeometries )
+ {
+ pfree(result->points);
+ pfree(result->lines);
+ pfree(result->polys);
+ result->SRID = -1;
+ result->ndims = 0;
+ return result;
+ }
+ result->SRID = lwgeom_getsrid(serialized);
+ result->ndims = lwgeom_ndims(serialized[0]);
+ for (i=0; i<inspected->ngeometries; i++)
+ {
+ char *subgeom = inspected->sub_geoms[i];
+ int type = lwgeom_getType(subgeom[0]);
+ if ( type == POINTTYPE )
+ {
+ result->points = repalloc(result->points,
+ result->npoints+1);
+ result->points[result->npoints] = subgeom;
+ result->npoints++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( type == LINETYPE )
+ {
+ result->lines = repalloc(result->lines,
+ result->nlines+1);
+ result->lines[result->nlines] = subgeom;
+ result->nlines++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( type == POLYGONTYPE )
+ {
+ result->polys = repalloc(result->polys,
+ result->npolys+1);
+ result->polys[result->npolys] = subgeom;
+ result->npolys++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // it's a multi geometry, recurse
+ subexploded = lwgeom_explode(subgeom);
+ // Re-allocate adding space for new exploded geoms
+ // (-1 because 1 was already allocated for the collection)
+ // Copy subgeom pointers from subexploded to current
+ // exploded.
+ if ( subexploded->npoints )
+ {
+ result->points = repalloc(result->points,
+ result->npoints+subexploded->npoints-1);
+ memcpy(result->points[result->npoints],
+ subexploded->points,
+ subexploded->npoints*sizeof(char *));
+ result->npoints += subexploded->npoints;
+ }
+ if ( subexploded->nlines )
+ {
+ result->lines = repalloc(result->lines,
+ result->nlines+subexploded->nlines-1);
+ memcpy(result->lines[result->nlines],
+ subexploded->lines,
+ subexploded->nlines*sizeof(char *));
+ result->nlines += subexploded->nlines;
+ }
+ if ( subexploded->npolys )
+ {
+ result->polys = repalloc(result->polys,
+ result->npolys+subexploded->npolys-1);
+ memcpy(result->polys[result->npolys],
+ subexploded->polys,
+ subexploded->npolys*sizeof(char *));
+ result->npolys += subexploded->npolys;
+ }
+ // release subexploded memory
+ pfree_exploded(subexploded);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Returns a 'palloced' union of the two input exploded geoms
+// Returns NULL if SRID or ndims do not match.
+lwexploded_sum(LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exp1, LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exp2)
+ char *loc;
+ if ( exp1->ndims != exp2->ndims ) return NULL;
+ if ( exp1->SRID != exp2->SRID ) return NULL;
+ expcoll = palloc(sizeof(LWGEOM_EXPLODED));
+ expcoll->npoints = exp1->npoints + exp2->npoints;
+ if ( expcoll->npoints ) {
+ expcoll->points = (char **)palloc(expcoll->npoints*sizeof(char *));
+ loc = (char *)&(expcoll->points[0]);
+ if ( exp1->npoints ) {
+ memcpy(loc, exp1->points,
+ exp1->npoints*sizeof(char *));
+ loc += exp1->npoints*sizeof(char *);
+ }
+ if ( exp2->npoints ) {
+ memcpy(loc, exp2->points,
+ exp2->npoints*sizeof(char *));
+ }
+ }
+ expcoll->nlines = exp1->nlines + exp2->nlines;
+ if ( expcoll->nlines ) {
+ expcoll->lines = palloc(expcoll->nlines*sizeof(char *));
+ loc = (char *)&(expcoll->lines[0]);
+ if ( exp1->nlines ) {
+ memcpy(loc, exp1->lines,
+ exp1->nlines*sizeof(char *));
+ loc += exp1->nlines*sizeof(char *);
+ }
+ if ( exp2->nlines ) {
+ memcpy(loc, exp2->lines,
+ exp2->nlines*sizeof(char *));
+ }
+ }
+ expcoll->npolys = exp1->npolys + exp2->npolys;
+ if ( expcoll->npolys ) {
+ expcoll->polys = palloc(expcoll->npolys*sizeof(char *));
+ loc = (char *)&(expcoll->polys[0]);
+ if ( exp1->npolys ) {
+ memcpy(loc, exp1->polys,
+ exp1->npolys*sizeof(char *));
+ loc += exp1->npolys*sizeof(char *);
+ }
+ if ( exp2->npolys ) {
+ memcpy(loc, exp2->polys,
+ exp2->npolys*sizeof(char *));
+ }
+ }
+ expcoll->ndims = exp1->ndims;
+ expcoll->SRID = exp1->SRID;
+ return expcoll;
+ * Serialized a LWGEOM_EXPLODED structure
+ */
+char *
+lwexploded_serialize(LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exploded, int wantbbox)
+ unsigned int size=0;
+ int i;
+ int ntypes = 0;
+ int ngeoms = 0;
+ char *result, *loc;
+ int outtype = 0;
+ LWPOLY *poly;
+ LWLINE *line;
+ LWPOINT *point;
+ BOX2DFLOAT4 *box2d;
+ BOX3D *box3d;
+ char *ser;
+ // find size of all geoms.
+ // If BBOX and SRID are included this size could be
+ // larger then needed, but that should not be a problem
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->npoints; i++)
+ size += lwpoint_findlength(exploded->points[i]);
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->nlines; i++)
+ size += lwline_findlength(exploded->lines[i]);
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->npolys; i++)
+ size += lwpoly_findlength(exploded->polys[i]);
+ if ( exploded->npoints )
+ {
+ ntypes++;
+ outtype = (exploded->npoints>1) ? MULTIPOINTTYPE : POINTTYPE;
+ }
+ if ( exploded->nlines )
+ {
+ ntypes++;
+ if ( outtype ) outtype = COLLECTIONTYPE;
+ else outtype = (exploded->nlines>1) ? MULTILINETYPE : LINETYPE;
+ }
+ if ( exploded->npolys )
+ {
+ ntypes++;
+ if ( outtype ) outtype = COLLECTIONTYPE;
+ else outtype = (exploded->npolys>1) ? MULTIPOLYGONTYPE : POLYGONTYPE;
+ }
+ ngeoms = exploded->npoints + exploded->nlines + exploded->npolys;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, " computed outtype: %d, ngeoms: %d", outtype, ngeoms);
+ // For a single geometry just set SRID and BBOX (if requested)
+ if ( ngeoms < 2 )
+ {
+ if ( exploded->npoints )
+ {
+ point = lwpoint_deserialize(exploded->points[0]);
+ point->SRID = exploded->SRID;
+ ser = lwpoint_serialize(point);
+ pfree_point(point);
+ size = lwpoint_findlength(ser);
+ }
+ else if ( exploded->nlines )
+ {
+ line = lwline_deserialize(exploded->lines[0]);
+ line->SRID = exploded->SRID;
+ ser = lwline_serialize(line);
+ pfree_line(line);
+ size = lwline_findlength(ser);
+ }
+ else if ( exploded->npolys )
+ {
+ poly = lwpoly_deserialize(exploded->polys[0]);
+ poly->SRID = exploded->SRID;
+ ser = lwpoly_serialize(poly);
+ pfree_polygon(poly);
+ size = lwpoly_findlength(ser);
+ }
+ else return NULL;
+ if ( wantbbox && ! lwgeom_hasBBOX(ser[0]) )
+ {
+ result = palloc(size+4);
+ result[0] = TYPE_SETHASBBOX(ser[0], 1);
+ loc = result+1;
+ box3d = lw_geom_getBB_simple(ser);
+ box2d = box3d_to_box2df(box3d);
+ memcpy(loc, box2d, sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4));
+ loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
+ memcpy(loc, (ser+1), size-1);
+ pfree(ser);
+ return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ser;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add size for 3 multigeoms + root geom + bbox and srid.
+ // Also in this case we are considering worst case.
+ size += 24+sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, " computed totsize: %d", size);
+ result = palloc(size*2);
+ loc = result+1; // skip type
+ if ( wantbbox ) loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4); // skip box
+ if ( exploded->SRID != -1 ) loc += 4; // skip SRID
+ // If we have more then one type of geom
+ // write that number in the 'ngeoms' field of the
+ // output serialized form (internal geoms would be multi themself)
+ if ( ntypes > 1 )
+ {
+ memcpy(loc, &ntypes, 4);
+ loc += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ loc--; // let the type be specified later.
+ }
+ if ( exploded->npoints > 1 )
+ {
+ loc[0] = lwgeom_makeType_full(exploded->ndims, 0,
+ loc++;
+ memcpy(loc, &exploded->npoints, 4); // numpoints
+ loc += 4;
+ }
+ // Serialize points stripping BBOX and SRID if any
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->npoints; i++)
+ {
+ int subsize;
+ point = lwpoint_deserialize(exploded->points[i]);
+ point->SRID = -1;
+ ser = lwpoint_serialize(point);
+ subsize = lwpoint_findlength(ser);
+ memcpy(loc, ser, subsize);
+ loc += subsize;
+ }
+ if ( exploded->nlines > 1 )
+ {
+ loc[0] = lwgeom_makeType_full(exploded->ndims, 0,
+ loc++;
+ memcpy(loc, &exploded->nlines, 4); // numlines
+ loc += 4;
+ }
+ // Serialize lines stripping BBOX and SRID if any
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->nlines; i++)
+ {
+ char *ser;
+ int subsize;
+ line = lwline_deserialize(exploded->lines[i]);
+ if ( line == NULL )
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "Error deserializing %dnt line from exploded geom", i);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ line->SRID = -1;
+ ser = lwline_serialize(line);
+ pfree_line(line);
+ subsize = lwline_findlength(ser);
+ memcpy(loc, ser, subsize);
+ pfree(ser);
+ loc += subsize;
+ }
+ if ( exploded->npolys > 1 )
+ {
+ loc[0] = lwgeom_makeType_full(exploded->ndims, 0,
+ loc++;
+ memcpy(loc, &exploded->npolys, 4); // numpolys
+ loc += 4;
+ }
+ // Serialize polys stripping BBOX and SRID if any
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->npolys; i++)
+ {
+ char *ser;
+ int subsize;
+ poly = lwpoly_deserialize(exploded->polys[i]);
+ if ( poly == NULL )
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "Error deserializing %dnt polygon from exploded geom", i);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ poly->SRID = -1;
+ ser = lwpoly_serialize(poly);
+ pfree_polygon(poly);
+ subsize = lwpoly_findlength(ser);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "size of polygon %d: %d", i, subsize);
+ memcpy(loc, ser, subsize);
+ pfree(ser);
+ loc += subsize;
+ }
+ // Ok. now we need to add type, SRID and bbox
+ result[0] = lwgeom_makeType_full(exploded->ndims,
+ (exploded->SRID!=-1), outtype, wantbbox);
+ loc = result+1;
+ if ( wantbbox )
+ {
+ box3d = lw_geom_getBB_simple(result);
+ box2d = box3d_to_box2df(box3d);
+ memcpy(loc, box2d, sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4));
+ loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
+ }
+ if ( exploded->SRID != -1 )
+ {
+ memcpy(loc, &(exploded->SRID), 4);
+ loc += 4; // useless.. we've finished
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "lwexploded_serialize finished");
+ elog(NOTICE, " type: %d", lwgeom_getType(result[0]));
+ elog(NOTICE, " SRID: %d", lwgeom_getsrid(result));
+ if ( lwgeom_hasBBOX(result[0]) )
+ {
+ {
+ BOX2DFLOAT4 boxbuf;
+ getbox2d_p(result, &boxbuf);
+ elog(NOTICE, " BBOX: %f,%f %f,%f",
+ boxbuf.xmin, boxbuf.ymin,
+ boxbuf.xmax, boxbuf.ymax);
+ }
+ }
+ elog(NOTICE, " numgeoms: %d", lwgeom_getnumgeometries(result));
+ return result;
#include "lwgeom.h"
-#define DEBUG
+//#define DEBUG
Datum combine_box2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum LWGEOM_maxdistance2d_linestring(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum LWGEOM_inside_circle_point(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
// internal
char * lwgeom_summary_recursive(char *serialized, int offset);
int32 lwgeom_npoints_recursive(char *serialized);
int32 lwgeom_nrings_recursive(char *serialized);
+void dump_lwexploded(LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exploded);
// general utilities (might be moved in lwgeom_api.c)
double lwgeom_polygon_area(LWPOLY *poly);
PG_RETURN_BOOL(lwgeom_pt_inside_circle(pt, cx, cy, rr));
+dump_lwexploded(LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exploded)
+ int i;
+ elog(NOTICE, "SRID=%d ndims=%d", exploded->SRID, exploded->ndims);
+ elog(NOTICE, "%d points, %d lines, %d polygons",
+ exploded->npoints, exploded->nlines, exploded->npolys);
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->npoints; i++)
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, "Point%d @ %p", i, exploded->points[i]);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->nlines; i++)
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, "Line%d @ %p", i, exploded->lines[i]);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<exploded->npolys; i++)
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, "Poly%d @ %p", i, exploded->polys[i]);
+ }
+// collect( geom, geom ) returns a geometry which contains
+// all the sub_objects from both of the argument geometries
+// returned geometry is the simplest possible, based on the types
+// of the colelct objects
+// ie. if all are of either X or multiX, then a multiX is returned.
+ Pointer geom1_ptr = PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ Pointer geom2_ptr = PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+ LWGEOM *geom1, *geom2, *result;
+ LWGEOM_EXPLODED *exp1, *exp2, *expcoll;
+ char *serialized_result;
+ int wantbbox = 0;
+ int size;
+ // return null if both geoms are null
+ if ( (geom1_ptr == NULL) && (geom2_ptr == NULL) )
+ {
+ }
+ // return a copy of the second geom if only first geom is null
+ if (geom1_ptr == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ // return a copy of the first geom if only second geom is null
+ if (geom2_ptr == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ if ( lwgeom_getSRID(geom1) != lwgeom_getSRID(geom2) )
+ {
+ elog(ERROR,"Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs\n");
+ }
+ exp1 = lwgeom_explode(SERIALIZED_FORM(geom1));
+ if ( exp1->npoints + exp1->nlines + exp1->npolys == 0 )
+ {
+ pfree(geom1);
+ pfree_exploded(exp1);
+ }
+ exp2 = lwgeom_explode(SERIALIZED_FORM(geom2));
+ if ( exp2->npoints + exp2->nlines + exp2->npolys == 0 )
+ {
+ pfree(geom2);
+ pfree_exploded(exp1);
+ pfree_exploded(exp2);
+ }
+ wantbbox = lwgeom_hasBBOX(geom1->type) ||
+ lwgeom_hasBBOX(geom2->type);
+ // Ok, make a new LWGEOM_EXPLODED being the union
+ // of the input ones
+ expcoll = lwexploded_sum(exp1, exp2);
+ if ( !expcoll )
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not sum exploded geoms");
+ }
+ dump_lwexploded(expcoll);
+ // Now serialized collected LWGEOM_EXPLODED
+ serialized_result = lwexploded_serialize(expcoll, wantbbox);
+ //serialized_result = lwexploded_serialize(exp1, wantbbox);
+ if ( ! serialized_result )
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not serialize exploded geoms");
+ }
+ elog(NOTICE, "Serialized lwexploded");
+ // And create LWGEOM type (could provide a _buf version of
+ // the serializer instead)
+ size = lwgeom_seralizedformlength_simple(serialized_result);
+ result = LWGEOM_construct(serialized_result,
+ lwgeom_getsrid(serialized_result), wantbbox);
+ pfree(serialized_result);
+ pfree(geom1);
+ pfree(geom2);
+ pfree_exploded(exp1);
+ pfree_exploded(exp2);
+ pfree_exploded(expcoll);
+ //elog(ERROR, "Not implemented yet");