a reverse proxy environment. The mod_xml2enc module provides
enhanced charset/internationalisation support for mod_proxy_html.
-%package -n mod_socache_dc
-Group: System Environment/Daemons
-Summary: Distcache shared object cache module for the Apache HTTP server
-BuildRequires: distcache-devel
-Requires: httpd = %{version}-%{release}, httpd-mmn = %{mmn}
-%description -n mod_socache_dc
-The mod_socache_dc module for the Apache HTTP server allows the shared
-object cache to use the distcache shared caching mechanism.
%package -n mod_ssl
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Summary: SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server
--enable-pie \
--with-pcre \
--enable-mods-shared=all \
- --enable-ssl --with-ssl --enable-socache-dc --enable-bucketeer \
+ --enable-ssl --with-ssl --enable-bucketeer \
--enable-case-filter --enable-case-filter-in \
--enable-policy --enable-crypto \
-%files -n mod_socache_dc
%files -n mod_ssl