* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.10 2004/02/05 20:21:14 dblasby
+ * Added 'curvature method' for cases where the original algorithm breaks down.
+ *
* Revision 1.9 2004/02/04 02:53:20 dblasby
* applied patricia tozer's patch (distance function was taking acos of something
* just slightly outside [-1,1]).
// distance from -126 49 to -126 49.011096139863 in 'SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]' is 1234.000
+double distance_sphere_method(double lat1, double long1,double lat2,double long2, SPHEROID *sphere);
//use the WKT definition of an ellipsoid
+double distance_ellipse(double lat1, double long1,
+ double lat2, double long2,
+ SPHEROID *sphere)
+ double result;
+ if ( (lat1==lat2) && (long1 == long2) )
+ {
+ return 0.0; // same point, therefore zero distance
+ }
+ result = distance_ellipse_calculation(lat1,long1,lat2,long2,sphere);
+// result2 = distance_sphere_method(lat1, long1,lat2,long2, sphere);
+//elog(NOTICE,"delta = %lf, skae says: %.15lf,2 circle says: %.15lf",(result2-result),result,result2);
+//elog(NOTICE,"2 circle says: %.15lf",result2);
+ if (result != result) // NaN check (x==x for all x except NaN by IEEE definition)
+ {
+ result = distance_sphere_method(lat1, long1,lat2,long2, sphere);
+ }
+ return result;
//given 2 lat/longs and ellipse, find the distance
// note original r = 1st, s=2nd location
-double distance_ellipse(double lat1, double long1,
+double distance_ellipse_calculation(double lat1, double long1,
double lat2, double long2,
SPHEROID *sphere)
int iterations;
L1 = atan((1.0 - sphere->f ) * tan( lat1) );
L2 = atan((1.0 - sphere->f ) * tan( lat2) );
sinU1 = sin(L1);
+ * For some lat/long points, the above method doesnt calculate the distance very well.
+ * Typically this is for two lat/long points that are very very close together (<10cm).
+ * This gets worse closer to the equator.
+ *
+ * This method works very well for very close together points, not so well if they're
+ * far away (>1km).
+ *
+ * We create two circles (with Radius R and Radius S) and use these to calculate the distance.
+ *
+ * The first (R) is basically a (north-south) line of longitude.
+ * Its radius is approximated by looking at the ellipse. Near the equator R = 'a' (earth's major axis)
+ * near the pole R = 'b' (earth's minor axis).
+ *
+ * The second (S) is basically a (east-west) line of lattitude.
+ * Its radius runs from 'a' (major axis) at the equator, and near 0 at the poles.
+ *
+ *
+ * North pole
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *\--S--
+ * * R +
+ * * \ +
+ * * A\ +
+ * * ------ \ Equator/centre of earth
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * South pole
+ * (side view of earth)
+ *
+ * Angle A is lat1
+ * R is the distance from the centre of the earth to the lat1/long1 point on the surface
+ * of the Earth.
+ * S is the circle-of-lattitude. Its calculated from the right triangle defined by
+ * the angle (90-A), and the hypothenus R.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Once R and S have been calculated, the actual distance between the two points can be
+ * calculated.
+ *
+ * We dissolve the vector from lat1,long1 to lat2,long2 into its X and Y components (called DeltaX,DeltaY).
+ * The actual distance that these angle-based measurements represent is taken from the two
+ * circles we just calculated; R (for deltaY) and S (for deltaX).
+ *
+ * (if deltaX is 1 degrees, then that distance represents 1/360 of a circle of radius S.)
+ *
+ *
+ * Parts taken from PROJ4 - geodetic_to_geocentric() (for calculating Rn)
+ *
+ * remember that lat1/long1/lat2/long2 are comming in a *RADIANS* not degrees.
+ *
+ * By Patricia Tozer and Dave Blasby
+ */
+double distance_sphere_method(double lat1, double long1,double lat2,double long2, SPHEROID *sphere)
+ double R,S,X,Y,deltaX,deltaY;
+ double distance = 0.0;
+ double sin_lat = sin(lat1);
+ double sin2_lat = sin_lat * sin_lat;
+ double Geocent_a = sphere->a;
+ double Geocent_a2 = sphere->a * sphere->a;
+ double Geocent_b2 = sphere->b * sphere->b;
+ double Geocent_e2 = (Geocent_a2 - Geocent_b2) / Geocent_a2;
+ R = Geocent_a / (sqrt(1.0e0 - Geocent_e2 * sin2_lat));
+ S = R * sin(M_PI/2.0-lat1) ; // 90 - lat1, but in radians
+ deltaX = long2 - long1; //in rads
+ deltaY = lat2 - lat1; // in rads
+ X = deltaX/(2.0*M_PI) * 2 * M_PI * S; // think: a % of 2*pi*S
+ Y = deltaY /(2.0*M_PI) * 2 * M_PI * R;
+ distance = sqrt((X * X + Y * Y));
+ return distance;