except define the name spaces and include the standard DocBook schema.
The <tag class="attribute">href</tag> attribute of the
<tag condition="nolink">include</tag> element points to
- the location of the standard DocBook V5.0 schema.
+ the location of the standard DocBook V5.0
+ schema.<footnote><para>Examples below use
+ <filename>docbook.rng</filename> as schema location. If you want
+ to create portable schema customization you should use standard
+ web-accessible location like
+ <uri>http://docbook.org/xml/&version;/rng/docbook.rng</uri> and
+ then use <link
+ xl:href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/14809/xml-catalogs.html">XML
+ catalogs</link> to resolve this location to your local copy of the
+ schema for improved perfomance. Unfortunatelly at the time of
+ this writing not all RELAX NG validators support XML catalogs.</para></footnote>
All of the examples are given in both RNG and RNC form.
<example xml:id="ex-empty"><title>Empty customization file</title>
<programlisting language="rng"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>