-drop table ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
-create table ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ (¦æ·~§O text, ¤½¥q©ïÀY varchar, ¦a§} varchar(16))
-create index ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æindex1 on ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ using btree (¦æ·~§O)
-create index ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æindex2 on ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ using hash (¤½¥q©ïÀY)
-insert into ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ values ('¹q¸£·~', '¹F¹F¬ì§Þ', '¥_A01¤¯')
-insert into ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ values ('»s³y·~', '°]·½¦³¤½¥q', '¤¤B10¤¤')
-insert into ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ values ('À\¶¼·~', '¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q', '°ªZ01¤E')
-vacuum ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
+drop table ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
+create table ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ (¦æ·~§O text, ¤½¥q©ïÀY varchar, ¦a§} varchar(16));
+create index ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æindex1 on ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ using btree (¦æ·~§O);
+create index ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æindex2 on ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ using hash (¤½¥q©ïÀY);
+insert into ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ values ('¹q¸£·~', '¹F¹F¬ì§Þ', '¥_A01¤¯');
+insert into ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ values ('»s³y·~', '°]·½¦³¤½¥q', '¤¤B10¤¤');
+insert into ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ values ('À\¶¼·~', '¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q', '°ªZ01¤E');
+vacuum ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E
(3 rows)
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} = '°ªZ01¤E'
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} = '°ªZ01¤E';
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E
(1 row)
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} ~* '°ªz01¤E'
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} ~* '°ªz01¤E';
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E
(1 row)
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} like '_Z01_'
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} like '_Z01_';
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E
(1 row)
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} like '_Z%'
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¦a§} like '_Z%';
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E
(1 row)
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¤½¥q©ïÀY ~ '¹F¹F¬ì[±H°O§Þ]'
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¤½¥q©ïÀY ~ '¹F¹F¬ì[±H°O§Þ]';
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯
(1 row)
-select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¤½¥q©ïÀY ~* '¹F¹F¬ì[±H°O§Þ]'
+select * from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ where ¤½¥q©ïÀY ~* '¹F¹F¬ì[±H°O§Þ]';
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§}
¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯
(1 row)
-select *, character_length(¦æ·~§O) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
- ¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§} | length
- ¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯ | 3
- »s³y·~ | °]·½¦³¤½¥q | ¤¤B10¤¤ | 3
- À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E | 3
+select *, character_length(¦æ·~§O) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
+ ¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§} | char_length
+ ¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯ | 3
+ »s³y·~ | °]·½¦³¤½¥q | ¤¤B10¤¤ | 3
+ À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E | 3
(3 rows)
-select *, octet_length(¦æ·~§O) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
+select *, octet_length(¦æ·~§O) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§} | octet_length
¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯ | 6
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E | 6
(3 rows)
-select *, position('¦³' in ¤½¥q©ïÀY) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
+select *, position('¦³' in ¤½¥q©ïÀY) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§} | strpos
¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯ | 0
À\¶¼·~ | ¬ü¨ýªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q | °ªZ01¤E | 5
(3 rows)
-select *, substring(¤½¥q©ïÀY from 3 for 6 ) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ
+select *, substring(¤½¥q©ïÀY from 3 for 6 ) from ¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ;
¦æ·~§O | ¤½¥q©ïÀY | ¦a§} | substr
¹q¸£·~ | ¹F¹F¬ì§Þ | ¥_A01¤¯ | ¬ì§Þ
-drop table ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
+drop table ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
ERROR: Relation '¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï' does not exist
-create table ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï(ÊõÓï text, ·ÖÀàºÅ varchar, ±¸×¢1A char(16))
-create index ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓïindex1 on ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï using btree(ÊõÓï)
-create index ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓïindex2 on ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï using btree(·ÖÀàºÅ)
-insert into ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï values('µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ','»úA01ÉÏ')
-insert into ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï values('µçÄÔͼÐÎ','·ÖB01ÖÐ')
-insert into ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï values('µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ±','ÈËZ01ÏÂ')
-vacuum ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
+create table ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï(ÊõÓï text, ·ÖÀàºÅ varchar, ±¸×¢1A char(16));
+create index ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓïindex1 on ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï using btree(ÊõÓï);
+create index ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓïindex2 on ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï using btree(·ÖÀàºÅ);
+insert into ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï values('µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ','»úA01ÉÏ');
+insert into ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï values('µçÄÔͼÐÎ','·ÖB01ÖÐ');
+insert into ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï values('µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ±','ÈËZ01ÏÂ');
+vacuum ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ |
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï |
(3 rows)
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ = 'ÈËZ01ÏÂ'
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ = 'ÈËZ01ÏÂ';
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ ~* 'ÈËz01ÏÂ'
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ ~* 'ÈËz01ÏÂ';
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ like '_Z01_'
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ like '_Z01_';
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ like '_Z%'
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ·ÖÀàºÅ like '_Z%';
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ÊõÓï ~ 'µçÄÔ[ÏÔͼ]'
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ÊõÓï ~ 'µçÄÔ[ÏÔͼ]';
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ |
µçÄÔͼÐÎ | ·ÖB01ÖÐ |
(2 rows)
-select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ÊõÓï ~* 'µçÄÔ[ÏÔͼ]'
+select * from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï where ÊõÓï ~* 'µçÄÔ[ÏÔͼ]';
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a
µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ |
µçÄÔͼÐÎ | ·ÖB01ÖÐ |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(ÊõÓï) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
- ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a | length
- µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ | | 5
- µçÄÔͼÐÎ | ·ÖB01ÖÐ | | 4
- µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï | | 5
+select *,character_length(ÊõÓï) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
+ ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a | char_length
+ µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ | | 5
+ µçÄÔͼÐÎ | ·ÖB01ÖÐ | | 4
+ µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï | | 5
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(ÊõÓï) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
+select *,octet_length(ÊõÓï) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a | octet_length
µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ | | 10
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï | | 10
(3 rows)
-select *,position('ÏÔ' in ÊõÓï) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
+select *,position('ÏÔ' in ÊõÓï) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a | strpos
µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ | | 3
µçÄÔ³ÌÐòÔ± | ÈËZ01Ï | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(ÊõÓï from 3 for 4) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï
+select *,substring(ÊõÓï from 3 for 4) from ¼ÆËã»úÊõÓï;
ÊõÓï | ·ÖÀàºÅ | ±¸×¢1a | substr
µçÄÔÏÔʾÆÁ | »úA01ÉÏ | | ÏÔʾÆÁ
-drop table ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
+drop table ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
ERROR: Relation '·×»»µ¡ÍѸì' does not exist
-create table ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì (ÍѸì text, ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É varchar, È÷¹Í1A¤À¤è char(16))
-create index ·×»»µ¡ÍѸìindex1 on ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì using btree (ÍѸì)
-create index ·×»»µ¡ÍѸìindex2 on ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì using hash (ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É)
-insert into ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì values('¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤','µ¡A01¾å')
-insert into ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì values('¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥¯¥¹','ʬB10Ãæ')
-insert into ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì values('¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼','¿ÍZ01²¼')
-vacuum ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
+create table ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì (ÍѸì text, ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É varchar, È÷¹Í1A¤À¤è char(16));
+create index ·×»»µ¡ÍѸìindex1 on ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì using btree (ÍѸì);
+create index ·×»»µ¡ÍѸìindex2 on ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì using hash (ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É);
+insert into ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì values('¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤','µ¡A01¾å');
+insert into ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì values('¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥¯¥¹','ʬB10Ãæ');
+insert into ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì values('¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼','¿ÍZ01²¼');
+vacuum ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å |
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ |
(3 rows)
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É = '¿ÍZ01²¼'
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É = '¿ÍZ01²¼';
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É ~* '¿Íz01²¼'
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É ~* '¿Íz01²¼';
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É like '_Z01_'
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É like '_Z01_';
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É like '_Z%'
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É like '_Z%';
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ÍѸì ~ '¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿[¥Ç¥°]'
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ÍѸì ~ '¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿[¥Ç¥°]';
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å |
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥¯¥¹ | ʬB10Ãæ |
(2 rows)
-select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ÍѸì ~* '¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿[¥Ç¥°]'
+select * from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì where ÍѸì ~* '¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿[¥Ç¥°]';
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å |
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥¯¥¹ | ʬB10Ãæ |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(ÍѸì) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
- ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è | length
- ¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å | | 12
- ¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥¯¥¹ | ʬB10Ãæ | | 13
- ¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ | | 12
+select *,character_length(ÍѸì) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
+ ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è | char_length
+ ¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å | | 12
+ ¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥¯¥¹ | ʬB10Ãæ | | 13
+ ¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ | | 12
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(ÍѸì) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
+select *,octet_length(ÍѸì) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è | octet_length
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å | | 24
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ | | 24
(3 rows)
-select *,position('¥Ç' in ÍѸì) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
+select *,position('¥Ç' in ÍѸì) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è | strpos
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å | | 7
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥×¥í¥°¥é¥Þ¡¼ | ¿ÍZ01²¼ | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(ÍѸì from 10 for 4) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì
+select *,substring(ÍѸì from 10 for 4) from ·×»»µ¡ÍѸì;
ÍѸì | ʬÎॳ¡¼¥É | È÷¹Í1a¤À¤è | substr
¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿¥Ç¥£¥¹¥×¥ì¥¤ | µ¡A01¾å | | ¥×¥ì¥¤
-drop table ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
+drop table ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
ERROR: Relation 'ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î' does not exist
-create table ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î (¿ë¾î text, ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå varchar, ºñ°í1A¶ó±¸ char(16))
-create index ͪߩѦ¿ë¾îindex1 on ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î using btree (¿ë¾î)
-create index ͪߩѦ¿ë¾îindex2 on ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î using hash (ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå)
-insert into ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î values('ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ', 'ѦA01ß¾')
-insert into ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î values('ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽº', 'ÝÂB10ñé')
-insert into ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î values('ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó', 'ìÑZ01ù»')
-vacuum ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
+create table ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î (¿ë¾î text, ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå varchar, ºñ°í1A¶ó±¸ char(16));
+create index ͪߩѦ¿ë¾îindex1 on ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î using btree (¿ë¾î);
+create index ͪߩѦ¿ë¾îindex2 on ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î using hash (ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå);
+insert into ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î values('ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ', 'ѦA01ß¾');
+insert into ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î values('ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽº', 'ÝÂB10ñé');
+insert into ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î values('ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó', 'ìÑZ01ù»');
+vacuum ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ |
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» |
(3 rows)
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå = 'ìÑZ01ù»'
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå = 'ìÑZ01ù»';
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå ~* 'ìÑz01ù»'
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå ~* 'ìÑz01ù»';
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå like '_Z01_'
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå like '_Z01_';
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå like '_Z%'
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå like '_Z%';
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ¿ë¾î ~ 'ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ[µð±×]'
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ¿ë¾î ~ 'ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ[µð±×]';
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ |
ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽº | ÝÂB10ñé |
(2 rows)
-select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ¿ë¾î ~* 'ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ[µð±×]'
+select * from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î where ¿ë¾î ~* 'ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ[µð±×]';
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸
ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ |
ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽº | ÝÂB10ñé |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(¿ë¾î) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
- ¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸ | length
- ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ | | 8
- ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽº | ÝÂB10ñé | | 7
- ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» | | 8
+select *,character_length(¿ë¾î) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
+ ¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸ | char_length
+ ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ | | 8
+ ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽº | ÝÂB10ñé | | 7
+ ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» | | 8
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(¿ë¾î) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
+select *,octet_length(¿ë¾î) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸ | octet_length
ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ | | 16
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» | | 16
(3 rows)
-select *,position('µð' in ¿ë¾î) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
+select *,position('µð' in ¿ë¾î) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸ | strpos
ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ | | 4
ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÇÁ·Î±×·¡¸Ó | ìÑZ01ù» | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(¿ë¾î from 3 for 4) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î
+select *,substring(¿ë¾î from 3 for 4) from ͪߩѦ¿ë¾î;
¿ë¾î | ÝÂ×¾ÄÚµå | ºñ°í1a¶ó±¸ | substr
ÄÄÇ»Å͵ð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ | ѦA01ß¾ | | Å͵ð½ºÇÃ
-drop table ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
+drop table ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
ERROR: Relation 'ìÞÙ¸æñÕè' does not exist
-create table ìÞÙ¸æñÕè (ÈçäÆɱ text, ÄüƳÍñó¤ varchar, ÇâÉß varchar(16))
-create index ìÞÙ¸æñÕèindex1 on ìÞÙ¸æñÕè using btree (ÈçäÆɱ)
-create index ìÞÙ¸æñÕèindex2 on ìÞÙ¸æñÕè using hash (ÄüƳÍñó¤)
-insert into ìÞÙ¸æñÕè values ('çÙæªäÆ', 'ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ', 'Æ¡A01Äî')
-insert into ìÞÙ¸æñÕè values ('êûÝßäÆ', 'ØÂäãÈ´ÓîÄüƳ', 'ÄãB10Äã')
-insert into ìÞÙ¸æñÕè values ('ó§ã£äÆ', 'Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ', 'ØíZ01Ħ')
-vacuum ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
+create table ìÞÙ¸æñÕè (ÈçäÆɱ text, ÄüƳÍñó¤ varchar, ÇâÉß varchar(16));
+create index ìÞÙ¸æñÕèindex1 on ìÞÙ¸æñÕè using btree (ÈçäÆɱ);
+create index ìÞÙ¸æñÕèindex2 on ìÞÙ¸æñÕè using hash (ÄüƳÍñó¤);
+insert into ìÞÙ¸æñÕè values ('çÙæªäÆ', 'ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ', 'Æ¡A01Äî');
+insert into ìÞÙ¸æñÕè values ('êûÝßäÆ', 'ØÂäãÈ´ÓîÄüƳ', 'ÄãB10Äã');
+insert into ìÞÙ¸æñÕè values ('ó§ã£äÆ', 'Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ', 'ØíZ01Ħ');
+vacuum ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ
(3 rows)
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß = 'ØíZ01Ħ'
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß = 'ØíZ01Ħ';
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ
(1 row)
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß ~* 'Øíz01Ħ'
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß ~* 'Øíz01Ħ';
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ
(1 row)
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß like '_Z01_'
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß like '_Z01_';
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ
(1 row)
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß like '_Z%'
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÇâÉß like '_Z%';
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ
(1 row)
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÄüƳÍñó¤ ~ 'ç®ç®Òï[ÙìØ´ÊÀ]'
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÄüƳÍñó¤ ~ 'ç®ç®Òï[ÙìØ´ÊÀ]';
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî
(1 row)
-select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÄüƳÍñó¤ ~* 'ç®ç®Òï[ÙìØ´ÊÀ]'
+select * from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè where ÄüƳÍñó¤ ~* 'ç®ç®Òï[ÙìØ´ÊÀ]';
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß
çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî
(1 row)
-select *, character_length(ÈçäÆɱ) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
- ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß | length
- çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî | 3
- êûÝßäÆ | ØÂäãÈ´ÓîÄüƳ | ÄãB10Äã | 3
- ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ | 3
+select *, character_length(ÈçäÆɱ) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
+ ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß | char_length
+ çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî | 3
+ êûÝßäÆ | ØÂäãÈ´ÓîÄüƳ | ÄãB10Äã | 3
+ ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ | 3
(3 rows)
-select *, octet_length(ÈçäÆɱ) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
+select *, octet_length(ÈçäÆɱ) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß | octet_length
çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî | 6
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ | 6
(3 rows)
-select *, position('È´Óî' in ÄüƳÍñó¤) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
+select *, position('È´Óî' in ÄüƳÍñó¤) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß | strpos
çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî | 0
ó§ã£äÆ | Ó¡ÌÀϴǹȴÓîÄüƳ | ØíZ01Ħ | 5
(3 rows)
-select *, substring(ÄüƳÍñó¤ from 3 for 6 ) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè
+select *, substring(ÄüƳÍñó¤ from 3 for 6 ) from ìÞÙ¸æñÕè;
ÈçäÆɱ | ÄüƳÍñó¤ | ÇâÉß | substr
çÙæªäÆ | ç®ç®ÒïÊÀ | Æ¡A01Äî | ÒïÊÀ
-drop table \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
+drop table \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
ERROR: Relation '\92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì' does not exist
-create table \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì (\92ÍÑ\92¸ì text, \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É varchar, \92È÷\92¹Í1A\92¤À\92¤è char(16))
-create index \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ìindex1 on \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì using btree (\92ÍÑ\92¸ì)
-create index \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ìindex2 on \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì using hash (\92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É)
-insert into \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì values('\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤','\92µ¡A01\92¾å')
-insert into \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì values('\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Õ\92¥£\92¥Ã\92¥¯\92¥¹','\92ʬB10\92Ãæ')
-insert into \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì values('\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼','\92¿ÍZ01\92²¼')
-vacuum \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
+create table \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì (\92ÍÑ\92¸ì text, \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É varchar, \92È÷\92¹Í1A\92¤À\92¤è char(16));
+create index \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ìindex1 on \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì using btree (\92ÍÑ\92¸ì);
+create index \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ìindex2 on \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì using hash (\92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É);
+insert into \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì values('\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤','\92µ¡A01\92¾å');
+insert into \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì values('\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Õ\92¥£\92¥Ã\92¥¯\92¥¹','\92ʬB10\92Ãæ');
+insert into \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì values('\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼','\92¿ÍZ01\92²¼');
+vacuum \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å |
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ |
(3 rows)
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É = '\92¿ÍZ01\92²¼'
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É = '\92¿ÍZ01\92²¼';
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É ~* '\92¿Íz01\92²¼'
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É ~* '\92¿Íz01\92²¼';
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É like '_Z01_'
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É like '_Z01_';
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É like '_Z%'
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É like '_Z%';
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ |
(1 row)
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ÍÑ\92¸ì ~ '\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿[\92¥Ç\92¥°]'
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ÍÑ\92¸ì ~ '\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿[\92¥Ç\92¥°]';
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å |
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Õ\92¥£\92¥Ã\92¥¯\92¥¹ | \92ʬB10\92Ãæ |
(2 rows)
-select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ÍÑ\92¸ì ~* '\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿[\92¥Ç\92¥°]'
+select * from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì where \92ÍÑ\92¸ì ~* '\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿[\92¥Ç\92¥°]';
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å |
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Õ\92¥£\92¥Ã\92¥¯\92¥¹ | \92ʬB10\92Ãæ |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(\92ÍÑ\92¸ì) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
- \92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è | length
- \92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å | | 12
- \92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Õ\92¥£\92¥Ã\92¥¯\92¥¹ | \92ʬB10\92Ãæ | | 13
- \92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ | | 12
+select *,character_length(\92ÍÑ\92¸ì) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
+ \92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è | char_length
+ \92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å | | 12
+ \92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Õ\92¥£\92¥Ã\92¥¯\92¥¹ | \92ʬB10\92Ãæ | | 13
+ \92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ | | 12
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(\92ÍÑ\92¸ì) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
+select *,octet_length(\92ÍÑ\92¸ì) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è | octet_length
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å | | 36
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ | | 36
(3 rows)
-select *,position('\92¥Ç' in \92ÍÑ\92¸ì) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
+select *,position('\92¥Ç' in \92ÍÑ\92¸ì) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è | strpos
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å | | 7
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(\92ÍÑ\92¸ì from 10 for 4) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì
+select *,substring(\92ÍÑ\92¸ì from 10 for 4) from \92·×\92»»\92µ¡\92ÍÑ\92¸ì;
\92ÍÑ\92¸ì | \92ʬ\92Îà\92¥³\92¡¼\92¥É | \92È÷\92¹Í1a\92¤À\92¤è | substr
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥Ç\92¥£\92¥¹\92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤ | \92µ¡A01\92¾å | | \92¥×\92¥ì\92¥¤
\92¥³\92¥ó\92¥Ô\92¥å\92¡¼\92¥¿\92¥×\92¥í\92¥°\92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼ | \92¿ÍZ01\92²¼ | | \92¥é\92¥Þ\92¡¼
(3 rows)
-drop table \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
+drop table \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
ERROR: Relation '\91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï' does not exist
-create table \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï(\91Êõ\91Óï text, \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ varchar, \91±¸\91×¢1A char(16))
-create index \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óïindex1 on \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï using btree(\91Êõ\91Óï)
-create index \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óïindex2 on \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï using btree(\91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ)
-insert into \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï values('\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ','\91»úA01\91ÉÏ')
-insert into \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï values('\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ͼ\91ÐÎ','\91·ÖB01\91ÖÐ')
-insert into \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï values('\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô±','\91ÈËZ01\91ÏÂ')
-vacuum \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
+create table \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï(\91Êõ\91Óï text, \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ varchar, \91±¸\91×¢1A char(16));
+create index \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óïindex1 on \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï using btree(\91Êõ\91Óï);
+create index \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óïindex2 on \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï using btree(\91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ);
+insert into \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï values('\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ','\91»úA01\91ÉÏ');
+insert into \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï values('\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ͼ\91ÐÎ','\91·ÖB01\91ÖÐ');
+insert into \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï values('\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô±','\91ÈËZ01\91ÏÂ');
+vacuum \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ |
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï |
(3 rows)
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ = '\91ÈËZ01\91ÏÂ'
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ = '\91ÈËZ01\91ÏÂ';
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ ~* '\91ÈËz01\91ÏÂ'
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ ~* '\91ÈËz01\91ÏÂ';
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ like '_Z01_'
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ like '_Z01_';
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ like '_Z%'
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ like '_Z%';
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï |
(1 row)
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91Êõ\91Óï ~ '\91µç\91ÄÔ[\91ÏÔ\91ͼ]'
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91Êõ\91Óï ~ '\91µç\91ÄÔ[\91ÏÔ\91ͼ]';
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ |
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ͼ\91ÐÎ | \91·ÖB01\91ÖÐ |
(2 rows)
-select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91Êõ\91Óï ~* '\91µç\91ÄÔ[\91ÏÔ\91ͼ]'
+select * from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï where \91Êõ\91Óï ~* '\91µç\91ÄÔ[\91ÏÔ\91ͼ]';
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ |
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ͼ\91ÐÎ | \91·ÖB01\91ÖÐ |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(\91Êõ\91Óï) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
- \91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a | length
- \91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ | | 5
- \91µç\91ÄÔ\91ͼ\91ÐÎ | \91·ÖB01\91ÖÐ | | 4
- \91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï | | 5
+select *,character_length(\91Êõ\91Óï) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
+ \91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a | char_length
+ \91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ | | 5
+ \91µç\91ÄÔ\91ͼ\91ÐÎ | \91·ÖB01\91ÖÐ | | 4
+ \91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï | | 5
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(\91Êõ\91Óï) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
+select *,octet_length(\91Êõ\91Óï) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a | octet_length
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ | | 15
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï | | 15
(3 rows)
-select *,position('\91ÏÔ' in \91Êõ\91Óï) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
+select *,position('\91ÏÔ' in \91Êõ\91Óï) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a | strpos
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ | | 3
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(\91Êõ\91Óï from 3 for 4) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï
+select *,substring(\91Êõ\91Óï from 3 for 4) from \91¼Æ\91Ëã\91»ú\91Êõ\91Óï;
\91Êõ\91Óï | \91·Ö\91Àà\91ºÅ | \91±¸\91×¢1a | substr
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ | \91»úA01\91ÉÏ | | \91ÏÔ\91ʾ\91ÆÁ
\91µç\91ÄÔ\91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô± | \91ÈËZ01\91Ï | | \91³Ì\91Ðò\91Ô±
(3 rows)
-drop table \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
+drop table \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
ERROR: Relation '\93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î' does not exist
-create table \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î (\93¿ë\93¾î text, \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå varchar, \93ºñ\93°í1A\93¶ó\93±¸ char(16))
-create index \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾îindex1 on \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î using btree (\93¿ë\93¾î)
-create index \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾îindex2 on \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î using hash (\93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå)
-insert into \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î values('\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ', '\93ѦA01\93ß¾')
-insert into \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î values('\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93±×\93·¡\93ÇÈ\93½º', '\93ÝÂB10\93ñé')
-insert into \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î values('\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó', '\93ìÑZ01\93ù»')
-vacuum \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
+create table \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î (\93¿ë\93¾î text, \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå varchar, \93ºñ\93°í1A\93¶ó\93±¸ char(16));
+create index \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾îindex1 on \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î using btree (\93¿ë\93¾î);
+create index \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾îindex2 on \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î using hash (\93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå);
+insert into \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î values('\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ', '\93ѦA01\93ß¾');
+insert into \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î values('\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93±×\93·¡\93ÇÈ\93½º', '\93ÝÂB10\93ñé');
+insert into \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î values('\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó', '\93ìÑZ01\93ù»');
+vacuum \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ |
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» |
(3 rows)
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå = '\93ìÑZ01\93ù»'
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå = '\93ìÑZ01\93ù»';
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå ~* '\93ìÑz01\93ù»'
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå ~* '\93ìÑz01\93ù»';
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå like '_Z01_'
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå like '_Z01_';
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå like '_Z%'
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå like '_Z%';
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» |
(1 row)
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93¿ë\93¾î ~ '\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ[\93µð\93±×]'
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93¿ë\93¾î ~ '\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ[\93µð\93±×]';
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ |
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93±×\93·¡\93ÇÈ\93½º | \93ÝÂB10\93ñé |
(2 rows)
-select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93¿ë\93¾î ~* '\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ[\93µð\93±×]'
+select * from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î where \93¿ë\93¾î ~* '\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ[\93µð\93±×]';
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ |
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93±×\93·¡\93ÇÈ\93½º | \93ÝÂB10\93ñé |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(\93¿ë\93¾î) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
- \93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸ | length
- \93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ | | 8
- \93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93±×\93·¡\93ÇÈ\93½º | \93ÝÂB10\93ñé | | 7
- \93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» | | 8
+select *,character_length(\93¿ë\93¾î) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
+ \93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸ | char_length
+ \93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ | | 8
+ \93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93±×\93·¡\93ÇÈ\93½º | \93ÝÂB10\93ñé | | 7
+ \93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» | | 8
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(\93¿ë\93¾î) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
+select *,octet_length(\93¿ë\93¾î) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸ | octet_length
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ | | 24
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» | | 24
(3 rows)
-select *,position('\93µð' in \93¿ë\93¾î) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
+select *,position('\93µð' in \93¿ë\93¾î) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸ | strpos
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ | | 4
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(\93¿ë\93¾î from 3 for 4) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î
+select *,substring(\93¿ë\93¾î from 3 for 4) from \93ͪ\93ß©\93Ѧ\93¿ë\93¾î;
\93¿ë\93¾î | \93ÝÂ\93×¾\93ÄÚ\93µå | \93ºñ\93°í1a\93¶ó\93±¸ | substr
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ\93·¹\93ÀÌ | \93ѦA01\93ß¾ | | \93ÅÍ\93µð\93½º\93ÇÃ
\93ÄÄ\93Ç»\93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×\93·¡\93¸Ó | \93ìÑZ01\93ù» | | \93ÅÍ\93ÇÁ\93·Î\93±×
(3 rows)
-drop table test
+drop table test;
ERROR: Relation 'test' does not exist
-create table test (t text)
-insert into test values('ENGLISH')
-insert into test values('FRAN\81ÇAIS')
-insert into test values('ESPA\81ÑOL')
-insert into test values('\81ÍSLENSKA')
-insert into test values('ENGLISH FRAN\81ÇAIS ESPA\81ÑOL \81ÍSLENSKA')
-vacuum test
-select * from test
+create table test (t text);
+insert into test values('ENGLISH');
+insert into test values('FRAN\81ÇAIS');
+insert into test values('ESPA\81ÑOL');
+insert into test values('\81ÍSLENSKA');
+insert into test values('ENGLISH FRAN\81ÇAIS ESPA\81ÑOL \81ÍSLENSKA');
+vacuum test;
+select * from test;
(5 rows)
-select * from test where t = 'ESPA\81ÑOL'
+select * from test where t = 'ESPA\81ÑOL';
(1 row)
-select * from test where t ~* 'espa\81Ñol'
+select * from test where t ~* 'espa\81Ñol';
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(t) from test
- t | length
- FRAN\81ÇAIS | 8
- ESPA\81ÑOL | 7
- \81ÍSLENSKA | 8
+select *,character_length(t) from test;
+ t | char_length
+ FRAN\81ÇAIS | 8
+ ESPA\81ÑOL | 7
+ \81ÍSLENSKA | 8
(5 rows)
-select *,octet_length(t) from test
+select *,octet_length(t) from test;
t | octet_length
(5 rows)
-select *,position('L' in t) from test
+select *,position('L' in t) from test;
t | strpos
(5 rows)
-select *,substring(t from 3 for 4) from test
+select *,substring(t from 3 for 4) from test;
t | substr
-drop table \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
-create table \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê (\97p\8cê text, \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h varchar, \94õ\8dl1A\82¾\82æ char(16))
-create index \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cêindex1 on \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê using btree (\97p\8cê)
-create index \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cêindex2 on \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê using hash (\95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h)
-insert into \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê values('\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C','\8b@A01\8fã')
-insert into \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê values('\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X','\95ªB10\92\86')
-insert into \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê values('\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[','\90lZ01\89º')
-vacuum \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
+drop table \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
+create table \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê (\97p\8cê text, \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h varchar, \94õ\8dl1A\82¾\82æ char(16));
+create index \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cêindex1 on \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê using btree (\97p\8cê);
+create index \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cêindex2 on \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê using hash (\95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h);
+insert into \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê values('\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C','\8b@A01\8fã');
+insert into \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê values('\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X','\95ªB10\92\86');
+insert into \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê values('\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[','\90lZ01\89º');
+vacuum \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã |
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º |
(3 rows)
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h = '\90lZ01\89º'
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h = '\90lZ01\89º';
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º |
(1 row)
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h ~* '\90lz01\89º'
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h ~* '\90lz01\89º';
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º |
(1 row)
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h like '_Z01_'
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h like '_Z01_';
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º |
(1 row)
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h like '_Z%'
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h like '_Z%';
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º |
(1 row)
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \97p\8cê ~ '\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^[\83f\83O]'
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \97p\8cê ~ '\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^[\83f\83O]';
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã |
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X | \95ªB10\92\86 |
(2 rows)
-select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \97p\8cê ~* '\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^[\83f\83O]'
+select * from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê where \97p\8cê ~* '\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^[\83f\83O]';
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã |
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X | \95ªB10\92\86 |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(\97p\8cê) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
- \97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ | length
- \83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã | | 12
- \83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X | \95ªB10\92\86 | | 13
- \83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º | | 12
+select *,character_length(\97p\8cê) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
+ \97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ | char_length
+ \83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã | | 12
+ \83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X | \95ªB10\92\86 | | 13
+ \83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º | | 12
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(\97p\8cê) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
+select *,octet_length(\97p\8cê) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ | octet_length
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã | | 24
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º | | 24
(3 rows)
-select *,position('\83f' in \97p\8cê) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
+select *,position('\83f' in \97p\8cê) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ | strpos
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã | | 7
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(\97p\8cê from 10 for 4) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê
+select *,substring(\97p\8cê from 10 for 4) from \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê;
\97p\8cê | \95ª\97Þ\83R\81[\83h | \94õ\8dl1a\82¾\82æ | substr
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C | \8b@A01\8fã | | \83v\83\8c\83C
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ | \90lZ01\89º | | \83\89\83}\81[
(3 rows)
-copy \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê to stdout
+copy \8cv\8eZ\8b@\97p\8cê to stdout;
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83f\83B\83X\83v\83\8c\83C \8b@A01\8fã \N
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83O\83\89\83t\83B\83b\83N\83X \95ªB10\92\86 \N
\83R\83\93\83s\83\85\81[\83^\83v\83\8d\83O\83\89\83}\81[ \90lZ01\89º \N
-drop table 計算機用語
+drop table 計算機用語;
ERROR: Relation '計算機用語' does not exist
-create table 計算機用語 (用語 text, 分類コード varchar, 備考1Aだよ char(16))
-create index 計算機用語index1 on 計算機用語 using btree (用語)
-create index 計算機用語index2 on 計算機用語 using hash (分類コード)
-insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータディスプレイ','機A01上')
-insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータグラフィックス','分B10中')
-insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータプログラマー','人Z01下')
-vacuum 計算機用語
-select * from 計算機用語
+create table 計算機用語 (用語 text, 分類コード varchar, 備考1Aだよ char(16));
+create index 計算機用語index1 on 計算機用語 using btree (用語);
+create index 計算機用語index2 on 計算機用語 using hash (分類コード);
+insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータディスプレイ','機A01上');
+insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータグラフィックス','分B10中');
+insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータプログラマー','人Z01下');
+vacuum 計算機用語;
+select * from 計算機用語;
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 |
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
(3 rows)
-select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード = '人Z01下'
+select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード = '人Z01下';
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
-select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード ~* '人z01下'
+select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード ~* '人z01下';
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
-select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z01_'
+select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z01_';
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
-select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z%'
+select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z%';
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
-select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~ 'コンピュータ[デグ]'
+select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~ 'コンピュータ[デグ]';
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 |
コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 |
(2 rows)
-select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~* 'コンピュータ[デグ]'
+select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~* 'コンピュータ[デグ]';
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 |
コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 |
(2 rows)
-select *,character_length(用語) from 計算機用語
- 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | length
- コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 12
- コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 | | 13
- コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 12
+select *,character_length(用語) from 計算機用語;
+ 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | char_length
+ コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 12
+ コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 | | 13
+ コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 12
(3 rows)
-select *,octet_length(用語) from 計算機用語
+select *,octet_length(用語) from 計算機用語;
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | octet_length
コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 36
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 36
(3 rows)
-select *,position('デ' in 用語) from 計算機用語
+select *,position('デ' in 用語) from 計算機用語;
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | strpos
コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 7
コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 0
(3 rows)
-select *,substring(用語 from 10 for 4) from 計算機用語
+select *,substring(用語 from 10 for 4) from 計算機用語;
用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | substr
コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | プレイ