"-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion\n"
" -s 0 and 2\n"
" |f'(w)|_2 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_2,\n"
- " where f is the primal function, (default 0.01)\n"
+ " where f is the primal function and pos/neg are # of\n"
+ " positive/negative data (default 0.01)\n"
" -s 1, 3, 4 and 7\n"
" Dual maximal violation <= eps; similar to libsvm (default 0.1)\n"
" -s 5 and 6\n"
- " |f'(w)|_inf <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_inf,\n"
+ " |f'(w)|_1 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_1,\n"
" where f is the primal function (default 0.01)\n"
"-B bias : if bias >= 0, instance x becomes [x; bias]; if < 0, no bias term added (default -1)\n"
"-wi weight: weights adjust the parameter C of different classes (see README for details)\n"