* public scoreboard API.
* 20071108.1 (2.3.0-dev) Add the optional kept_body brigade to request_rec
* 20071108.2 (2.3.0-dev) Add st and keep fields to struct util_ldap_connection_t
+ * 20071108.3 (2.3.0-dev) Add API guarantee for adding connection filters
+ * with non-NULL request_rec pointer (ap_add_*_filter*)
#define MODULE_MAGIC_COOKIE 0x41503234UL /* "AP24" */
-#define MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MINOR 2 /* 0...n */
+#define MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MINOR 3 /* 0...n */
* Determine if the server's current MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER is at least a
* @param ctx Context data to set in the filter
* @param r The request to add this filter for (or NULL if it isn't associated with a request)
* @param c The connection to add this filter for
+ * @note If adding a connection-level output filter (i.e. where the type
+ * is >= AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION) during processing of a request, the request
+ * object r must be passed in to ensure the filter chains are modified
+ * correctly. f->r will still be initialized as NULL in the new filter.
AP_DECLARE(ap_filter_t *) ap_add_output_filter(const char *name, void *ctx,
request_rec *r, conn_rec *c);
* @param f The filter handle to add
* @param r The request to add this filter for (or NULL if it isn't associated with a request)
- * @param c The connection to add the fillter for
+ * @param c The connection to add the filter for
+ * @note If adding a connection-level output filter (i.e. where the type
+ * is >= AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION) during processing of a request, the request
+ * object r must be passed in to ensure the filter chains are modified
+ * correctly. f->r will still be initialized as NULL in the new filter.
AP_DECLARE(ap_filter_t *) ap_add_output_filter_handle(ap_filter_rec_t *f,
void *ctx,
ap_filter_t **p_filters,
ap_filter_t **c_filters)
- apr_pool_t* p = frec->ftype < AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION && r ? r->pool : c->pool;
+ apr_pool_t *p = frec->ftype < AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION && r ? r->pool : c->pool;
ap_filter_t *f = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(*f));
ap_filter_t **outf;
f->frec = frec;
f->ctx = ctx;
- f->r = r;
+ /* f->r must always be NULL for connection filters */
+ f->r = frec->ftype < AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION ? r : NULL;
f->c = c;
f->next = NULL;