int enu; // field (procflag) to filter
+ /*
+ * A function to parse, validate and build a single 'other filter' */
+static const char *osel_add (int ch, char *glob) {
+ int (*rel)(const char *, const char *);
+ char *(*sel)(const char *, const char *);
+ char raw[MEDBUFSIZ], ops, *pval;
+ struct osel_s *osel;
+ int inc, enu;
+ if (ch == 'o') {
+ rel = strcasecmp;
+ sel = strcasestr;
+ } else {
+ rel = strcmp;
+ sel = strstr;
+ }
+ if (!snprintf(raw, sizeof(raw), "%s", glob))
+ return NULL;
+ for (osel = Curwin->osel_1st; osel; ) {
+ if (!strcmp(osel->raw, raw)) // #1: is criteria duplicate?
+ return N_txt(OSEL_errdups_txt);
+ osel = osel->nxt;
+ }
+ if (*glob != '!') inc = 1; // #2: is it include/exclude?
+ else { ++glob; inc = 0; }
+ if (!(pval = strpbrk(glob, "<=>"))) // #3: do we see a delimiter?
+ return fmtmk(N_fmt(OSEL_errdelm_fmt)
+ , inc ? N_txt(WORD_include_txt) : N_txt(WORD_exclude_txt));
+ ops = *(pval);
+ *(pval++) = '\0';
+ for (enu = 0; enu < EU_MAXPFLGS; enu++) // #4: is this a valid field?
+ if (!STRCMP(N_col(enu), glob)) break;
+ if (enu == EU_MAXPFLGS)
+ return fmtmk(N_fmt(XTRA_badflds_fmt), glob);
+ if (!(*pval)) // #5: did we get some value?
+ return fmtmk(N_fmt(OSEL_errvalu_fmt)
+ , inc ? N_txt(WORD_include_txt) : N_txt(WORD_exclude_txt));
+ if (Curwin->osel_prt && strlen(Curwin->osel_prt) >= INT_MAX - (sizeof(raw) + 6))
+ return NULL;
+ osel = alloc_c(sizeof(struct osel_s));
+ osel->inc = inc;
+ osel->enu = enu;
+ osel->ops = ops;
+ if (ops == '=') osel->val = alloc_s(pval);
+ else osel->val = alloc_s(justify_pad(pval, Fieldstab[enu].width, Fieldstab[enu].align));
+ osel->rel = rel;
+ osel->sel = sel;
+ osel->raw = alloc_s(raw);
+ osel->nxt = Curwin->osel_1st;
+ Curwin->osel_1st = osel;
+ Curwin->osel_tot += 1;
+ if (!Curwin->osel_prt) Curwin->osel_prt = alloc_c(strlen(raw) + 3);
+ else Curwin->osel_prt = alloc_r(Curwin->osel_prt, strlen(Curwin->osel_prt) + strlen(raw) + 6);
+ strcat(Curwin->osel_prt, fmtmk("%s'%s'", (Curwin->osel_tot > 1) ? " + " : "", raw));
+ return NULL;
+} // end: osel_add
* A function to turn off entire other filtering in the given window */
Rc.zero_suppress = 0;
// lastly, let's process any optional glob(s) ...
+ fbuf[0] = '\0';
config_insp(fp, fbuf, sizeof(fbuf));
return NULL;
} // end: help_view
-static void other_selection (int ch) {
- int (*rel)(const char *, const char *);
- char *(*sel)(const char *, const char *);
- char raw[MEDBUFSIZ], ops, *glob, *pval;
- struct osel_s *osel;
- const char *typ;
- int inc, enu;
+static void other_filters (int ch) {
+ const char *txt, *p;
+ char *glob;
- if (ch == 'o') {
- typ = N_txt(OSEL_casenot_txt);
- rel = strcasecmp;
- sel = strcasestr;
- } else {
- typ = N_txt(OSEL_caseyes_txt);
- rel = strcmp;
- sel = strstr;
- }
- glob = ioline(fmtmk(N_fmt(OSEL_prompts_fmt), Curwin->osel_tot + 1, typ));
- if (*glob == kbd_ESC
- || !snprintf(raw, sizeof(raw), "%s", glob))
- return;
- for (osel = Curwin->osel_1st; osel; ) {
- if (!strcmp(osel->raw, glob)) { // #1: is criteria duplicate?
- show_msg(N_txt(OSEL_errdups_txt));
- return;
- }
- osel = osel->nxt;
- }
- if (*glob != '!') inc = 1; // #2: is it include/exclude?
- else { ++glob; inc = 0; }
- if (!(pval = strpbrk(glob, "<=>"))) { // #3: do we see a delimiter?
- show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(OSEL_errdelm_fmt)
- , inc ? N_txt(WORD_include_txt) : N_txt(WORD_exclude_txt)));
- return;
- }
- ops = *(pval);
- *(pval++) = '\0';
- for (enu = 0; enu < EU_MAXPFLGS; enu++) // #4: is this a valid field?
- if (!STRCMP(N_col(enu), glob)) break;
- if (enu == EU_MAXPFLGS) {
- show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(XTRA_badflds_fmt), glob));
- return;
- }
- if (!(*pval)) { // #5: did we get some value?
- show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(OSEL_errvalu_fmt)
- , inc ? N_txt(WORD_include_txt) : N_txt(WORD_exclude_txt)));
+ if (ch == 'o') txt = N_txt(OSEL_casenot_txt);
+ else txt = N_txt(OSEL_caseyes_txt);
+ glob = ioline(fmtmk(N_fmt(OSEL_prompts_fmt), Curwin->osel_tot + 1, txt));
+ if (*glob == kbd_ESC || !*glob)
- }
- if (Curwin->osel_prt && strlen(Curwin->osel_prt) >= INT_MAX - (sizeof(raw) + 6)) {
+ if ((p = osel_add(ch, glob))) {
+ show_msg(p);
- osel = alloc_c(sizeof(struct osel_s));
- osel->inc = inc;
- osel->enu = enu;
- osel->ops = ops;
- if (ops == '=') osel->val = alloc_s(pval);
- else osel->val = alloc_s(justify_pad(pval, Fieldstab[enu].width, Fieldstab[enu].align));
- osel->rel = rel;
- osel->sel = sel;
- osel->raw = alloc_s(raw);
- osel->nxt = Curwin->osel_1st;
- Curwin->osel_1st = osel;
- Curwin->osel_tot += 1;
- if (!Curwin->osel_prt) Curwin->osel_prt = alloc_c(strlen(raw) + 3);
- else Curwin->osel_prt = alloc_r(Curwin->osel_prt, strlen(Curwin->osel_prt) + strlen(raw) + 6);
- strcat(Curwin->osel_prt, fmtmk("%s'%s'", (Curwin->osel_tot > 1) ? " + " : "", raw));
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
SETw(Curwin, NOHISEL_xxx);
-} // end: other_selection
+} // end: other_filters
static void write_rcfile (void) {
case 'O':
case 'o':
- if (VIZCHKw(w)) other_selection(ch);
+ if (VIZCHKw(w)) other_filters(ch);
case 'U':
case 'u':