-; $Id: instrs.dat,v 1.22 2001/07/05 05:38:40 peter Exp $
+; $Id: instrs.dat,v 1.23 2001/07/05 05:41:45 peter Exp $
; List of valid instruction/operand combinations
; Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson
; the instruction using the group during lexing & parsing. These parameters
; may be in the opcode, effaddr, or immediate.
; The first CPU grouping for the instruction is OR'ed with the CPU value in
-; the group CPU fields with #0 in their list. This allows one grouping to
+; the group CPU fields with @0 in their list. This allows one grouping to
; be used for instructions with different CPU values.
; Restrictions on groupings:
; - $0.? may not appear in the operand, the opsize, the first part of the
; effaddr, the second part of the imm, or the CPU fields.
-; - #0, #1 may only appear in the CPU field.
+; - @0, @1 may only appear in the CPU field.
; Restrictions on instructions based on groupings:
; - no other operand combinations are allowed (eg, if an instruction uses a
; group, that must be the ONLY line for the instruction)
; !Grp Operands OpSize Opcode EffAddr Imm CPU
; Inst Operands OpSize Opcode EffAddr Imm CPU
-; Inst!Grp Parameters CPU #0 CPU #1
+; Inst!Grp Parameters CPU @0 CPU @1
; Groupings used throughout
; One byte opcode instructions with no operands:
-!onebyte nil nil $0.1 nil nil #0
-!onebyte16 nil 16 $0.1 nil nil #0
+!onebyte nil nil $0.1 nil nil @0
+!onebyte16 nil 16 $0.1 nil nil @0
!onebyte32 nil 32 $0.1 nil nil 386
; Two byte opcode instructions with no operands:
-!twobyte nil nil $0.1,$0.2 nil nil #0
+!twobyte nil nil $0.1,$0.2 nil nil @0
; Three byte opcode instructions with no operands:
-!threebyte nil nil $0.1,$0.2,$0.3 nil nil #0
+!threebyte nil nil $0.1,$0.2,$0.3 nil nil @0
; One byte opcode instructions with general memory operand:
-!onebytemem mem nil $0.1 $1,$0.2 nil #0
+!onebytemem mem nil $0.1 $1,$0.2 nil @0
; Two byte opcode instructions with general memory operand:
-!twobytemem mem nil $0.1,$0.2 $1,$0.3 nil #0
+!twobytemem mem nil $0.1,$0.2 $1,$0.3 nil @0
; Move instructions
; Protection control
; 286 rm16 protected mode group (LLDT/LTR/STR/VERR/VERW):
-!prot286 rm16 nil 0F,00 $1,$0.1 nil 286,PROT,#0
+!prot286 rm16 nil 0F,00 $1,$0.1 nil 286,PROT,@0
arpl rm16,reg16 nil 63 $1,$2 nil 286,PROT
lar reg16,rm16 16 0F,02 $2,$1 nil 286,PROT
lar reg32,rm32 32 0F,02 $2,$1 nil 386,PROT
!fcomg fpureg nil D8,$0.2+$1 nil nil 8086,FPU
!fcomg ST0,fpureg nil D8,$0.2+$2 nil nil 8086,FPU
; Extended comparisons
-!fcomg2 fpureg nil $0.1,$0.2+$1 nil nil #0,FPU
-!fcomg2 ST0,fpureg nil $0.1,$0.2+$2 nil nil #0,FPU
+!fcomg2 fpureg nil $0.1,$0.2+$1 nil nil @0,FPU
+!fcomg2 ST0,fpureg nil $0.1,$0.2+$2 nil nil @0,FPU
; Comparison (without pop)
fcom!fcomg 2,D0
ficom mem16x nil DE $1,2 nil 8086,FPU
; Compare & exchange, exchange & add
; arbitrary encoding, picked $1r,$2 instead of $2r,$1
-!cmpxchgxadd reg8,reg8 nil 0F,$0.1 $1r,$2 nil #0
-!cmpxchgxadd mem,reg8 nil 0F,$0.1 $1,$2 nil #0
-!cmpxchgxadd mem8x,reg8 nil 0F,$0.1 $1,$2 nil #0
+!cmpxchgxadd reg8,reg8 nil 0F,$0.1 $1r,$2 nil @0
+!cmpxchgxadd mem,reg8 nil 0F,$0.1 $1,$2 nil @0
+!cmpxchgxadd mem8x,reg8 nil 0F,$0.1 $1,$2 nil @0
; arbitrary encoding, picked $1r,$2 instead of $2r,$1
-!cmpxchgxadd reg16,reg16 16 0F,$0.1+1 $1r,$2 nil #0
-!cmpxchgxadd mem,reg16 16 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil #0
-!cmpxchgxadd mem16x,reg16 16 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil #0
+!cmpxchgxadd reg16,reg16 16 0F,$0.1+1 $1r,$2 nil @0
+!cmpxchgxadd mem,reg16 16 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil @0
+!cmpxchgxadd mem16x,reg16 16 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil @0
; arbitrary encoding, picked $1r,$2 instead of $2r,$1
-!cmpxchgxadd reg32,reg32 32 0F,$0.1+1 $1r,$2 nil #0
-!cmpxchgxadd mem,reg32 32 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil #0
-!cmpxchgxadd mem32x,reg32 32 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil #0
+!cmpxchgxadd reg32,reg32 32 0F,$0.1+1 $1r,$2 nil @0
+!cmpxchgxadd mem,reg32 32 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil @0
+!cmpxchgxadd mem32x,reg32 32 0F,$0.1+1 $1,$2 nil @0
bswap reg32 32 0F,C8+$1 nil nil 486
xadd!cmpxchgxadd C0 486
cmpxchg!cmpxchgxadd B0 486
; MMX/SSE2 instructions
; General
-!mmxsse MMXREG,rm64 nil 0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil #0,MMX
-!mmxsse XMMREG,rm128 nil 66,0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil #1
+!mmxsse MMXREG,rm64 nil 0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil @0,MMX
+!mmxsse XMMREG,rm128 nil 66,0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil @1
; Shifts
!pshift MMXREG,rm64 nil 0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil P5,MMX
!pshift XMMREG,rm128 nil 66,0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil P4,SSE2
; PIII (Katmai) new instructions / SIMD instructions
; Standard
-!sseps XMMREG,rm128 nil 0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil #0
-!ssess XMMREG,rm128 nil F3,0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil #0
+!sseps XMMREG,rm128 nil 0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil @0
+!ssess XMMREG,rm128 nil F3,0F,$0.1 $2,$1 nil @0
; With immediate
!ssepsimm XMMREG,rm128,imm8 nil 0F,$0.1 $2,$1 $3,8 KATMAI,SSE
addps!sseps 58 KATMAI,SSE
; AMD 3DNow! instructions
-!now3d MMXREG,rm64 nil 0F,0F $2,$1 $0.1,8 #0,3DNOW,AMD
+!now3d MMXREG,rm64 nil 0F,0F $2,$1 $0.1,8 @0,3DNOW,AMD
prefetch!twobytemem 0F,0D,0 P5,3DNOW,AMD
prefetchw!twobytemem 0F,0D,1 P5,3DNOW,AMD
femms!twobyte 0F,0E P5,3DNOW,AMD