- xml-stylesheet href="stylesheet.css"
+ 'xml-stylesheet' 'href="stylesheet.css"'
' comment data '
Notation declared: ('notation', None, 'notation.jpeg', None)
Unparsed entity decl:
('unparsed_entity', None, 'entity.file', None, 'notation')
Start element:
- root {}
+ 'root' {'attr1': 'value1', 'attr2': 'value2\341\275\200'}
NS decl:
- myns http://www.python.org/namespace
+ 'myns' 'http://www.python.org/namespace'
Start element:
- http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement {}
+ 'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement' {}
Character data:
'Contents of subelements'
End element:
- http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement
+ 'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement'
End of NS decl:
- myns
+ 'myns'
Start element:
- sub2 {}
+ 'sub2' {}
Start of CDATA section
Character data:
'contents of CDATA section'
End of CDATA section
End element:
- sub2
-External entity ref: http://www.python.org/namespace=http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\fexternal_entity None entity.file None
+ 'sub2'
+External entity ref: ('http://www.python.org/namespace=http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\014external_entity', None, 'entity.file', None)
End element:
- root
+ 'root'
+ u'xml-stylesheet' u'href="stylesheet.css"'
+ u' comment data '
+Notation declared: (u'notation', None, u'notation.jpeg', None)
+Unparsed entity decl:
+ (u'unparsed_entity', None, u'entity.file', None, u'notation')
+Start element:
+ u'root' {u'attr1': u'value1', u'attr2': u'value2\u1F40'}
+NS decl:
+ u'myns' u'http://www.python.org/namespace'
+Start element:
+ u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement' {}
+Character data:
+ u'Contents of subelements'
+End element:
+ u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement'
+End of NS decl:
+ u'myns'
+Start element:
+ u'sub2' {}
+Start of CDATA section
+Character data:
+ u'contents of CDATA section'
+End of CDATA section
+End element:
+ u'sub2'
+External entity ref: (u'http://www.python.org/namespace=http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\014external_entity', None, u'entity.file', None)
+End element:
+ u'root'
+ u'xml-stylesheet' u'href="stylesheet.css"'
+ u' comment data '
+Notation declared: (u'notation', None, u'notation.jpeg', None)
+Unparsed entity decl:
+ (u'unparsed_entity', None, u'entity.file', None, u'notation')
+Start element:
+ u'root' {u'attr1': u'value1', u'attr2': u'value2\u1F40'}
+NS decl:
+ u'myns' u'http://www.python.org/namespace'
+Start element:
+ u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement' {}
+Character data:
+ u'Contents of subelements'
+End element:
+ u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement'
+End of NS decl:
+ u'myns'
+Start element:
+ u'sub2' {}
+Start of CDATA section
+Character data:
+ u'contents of CDATA section'
+End of CDATA section
+End element:
+ u'sub2'
+External entity ref: (u'http://www.python.org/namespace=http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\014external_entity', None, u'entity.file', None)
+End element:
+ u'root'
class Outputter:
def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
- print 'Start element:\n\t', name, attrs
+ print 'Start element:\n\t', repr(name), attrs
def EndElementHandler(self, name):
- print 'End element:\n\t', name
+ print 'End element:\n\t', repr(name)
def CharacterDataHandler(self, data):
data = string.strip(data)
print '\t', repr(data)
def ProcessingInstructionHandler(self, target, data):
- print 'PI:\n\t', target, data
+ print 'PI:\n\t', repr(target), repr(data)
def StartNamespaceDeclHandler(self, prefix, uri):
- print 'NS decl:\n\t', prefix, uri
+ print 'NS decl:\n\t', repr(prefix), repr(uri)
def EndNamespaceDeclHandler(self, prefix):
- print 'End of NS decl:\n\t', prefix
+ print 'End of NS decl:\n\t', repr(prefix)
def StartCdataSectionHandler(self):
print 'Start of CDATA section'
print 'Not standalone'
return 1
- def ExternalEntityRefHandler(self, context, base, sysId, pubId):
- print 'External entity ref:', context, base, sysId, pubId
+ def ExternalEntityRefHandler(self, *args):
+ context, base, sysId, pubId = args
+ print 'External entity ref:', args
return 1
def DefaultHandler(self, userData):
out = Outputter()
parser = pyexpat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
-for name in ['StartElementHandler', 'EndElementHandler',
+# Test getting/setting returns_unicode
+parser.returns_unicode = 0 ; assert parser.returns_unicode == 0
+parser.returns_unicode = 1 ; assert parser.returns_unicode == 1
+parser.returns_unicode = 2 ; assert parser.returns_unicode == 1
+parser.returns_unicode = 0 ; assert parser.returns_unicode == 0
+HANDLER_NAMES = ['StartElementHandler', 'EndElementHandler',
'CharacterDataHandler', 'ProcessingInstructionHandler',
'UnparsedEntityDeclHandler', 'NotationDeclHandler',
'StartNamespaceDeclHandler', 'EndNamespaceDeclHandler',
'DefaultHandler', 'DefaultHandlerExpand',
- ]:
+ ]
+for name in HANDLER_NAMES:
setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name) )
data = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
+<root attr1="value1" attr2="value2ὀ">
<myns:subelement xmlns:myns="http://www.python.org/namespace">
Contents of subelements
+# Produce UTF-8 output
+parser.returns_unicode = 0
parser.Parse(data, 1)
except pyexpat.error:
print '** Column', parser.ErrorColumnNumber
print '** Byte', parser.ErrorByteIndex
+# Try the parse again, this time producing Unicode output
+parser = pyexpat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
+parser.returns_unicode = 1
+for name in HANDLER_NAMES:
+ setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name) )
+ parser.Parse(data, 1)
+except pyexpat.error:
+ print '** Error', parser.ErrorCode, pyexpat.ErrorString( parser.ErrorCode)
+ print '** Line', parser.ErrorLineNumber
+ print '** Column', parser.ErrorColumnNumber
+ print '** Byte', parser.ErrorByteIndex
+# Try parsing a file
+parser = pyexpat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
+parser.returns_unicode = 1
+for name in HANDLER_NAMES:
+ setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name) )
+import StringIO
+file = StringIO.StringIO(data)
+ parser.ParseFile(file)
+except pyexpat.error:
+ print '** Error', parser.ErrorCode, pyexpat.ErrorString( parser.ErrorCode)
+ print '** Line', parser.ErrorLineNumber
+ print '** Column', parser.ErrorColumnNumber
+ print '** Byte', parser.ErrorByteIndex