def warn_impcast_complex_scalar : Warning<
"implicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
+def err_impcast_complex_scalar : Error<
+ "implicit conversion from %0 to %1 is not permitted in C++">;
def warn_impcast_float_precision : Warning<
"implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
// Strip complex types.
if (isa<ComplexType>(Source)) {
if (!isa<ComplexType>(Target)) {
- if (S.SourceMgr.isInSystemMacro(CC))
+ if (S.SourceMgr.isInSystemMacro(CC) || Target->isBooleanType())
- return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, CC, diag::warn_impcast_complex_scalar);
+ return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, CC,
+ S.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus
+ ? diag::err_impcast_complex_scalar
+ : diag::warn_impcast_complex_scalar);
Source = cast<ComplexType>(Source)->getElementType().getTypePtr();
if (unsupportedTypeConversion(*this, LHSType, RHSType))
return Incompatible;
+ // Disallow assigning a _Complex to a real type in C++ mode since it simply
+ // discards the imaginary part.
+ if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && RHSType->getAs<ComplexType>() &&
+ !LHSType->getAs<ComplexType>())
+ return Incompatible;
// Arithmetic conversions.
if (LHSType->isArithmeticType() && RHSType->isArithmeticType() &&
!(getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && LHSType->isEnumeralType())) {
_Complex float bar_complex(A, int);
extern "C" int cleanup_exit_complex(bool b) {
_Complex float v = bar_complex(A(1), ({ if (b) return 42; 13; }));
- return v;
+ return (float)v;
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} i32 @cleanup_exit_complex({{.*}})
// CHECK: store i8 [[DESIRED_I8]], i8* @{{.+}},
#pragma omp atomic capture
{bx = civ - bx; bv = bx;}
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_RE:%.+]] = load float, float* getelementptr inbounds ({ float, float }, { float, float }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 0)
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_IM:%.+]] = load float, float* getelementptr inbounds ({ float, float }, { float, float }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 1)
-// CHECK: [[X:%.+]] = load atomic i16, i16* [[X_ADDR:@.+]] monotonic
-// CHECK: br label %[[CONT:.+]]
-// CHECK: [[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXPECTED:%.+]] = phi i16 [ [[X]], %{{.+}} ], [ [[OLD_X:%.+]], %[[CONT]] ]
-// CHECK: [[CONV:%.+]] = zext i16 [[EXPECTED]] to i32
-// CHECK: [[X_RVAL:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[CONV]] to float
-// <Skip checks for complex calculations>
-// CHECK: [[X_RE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds { float, float }, { float, float }* [[TEMP:%.+]], i32 0, i32 0
-// CHECK: [[X_RE:%.+]] = load float, float* [[X_RE_ADDR]]
-// CHECK: [[X_IM_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds { float, float }, { float, float }* [[TEMP]], i32 0, i32 1
-// CHECK: [[X_IM:%.+]] = load float, float* [[X_IM_ADDR]]
-// CHECK: [[NEW:%.+]] = fptoui float [[X_RE]] to i16
-// CHECK: store i16 [[NEW]], i16* [[TEMP:%.+]],
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = load i16, i16* [[TEMP]],
-// CHECK: [[RES:%.+]] = cmpxchg i16* [[X_ADDR]], i16 [[EXPECTED]], i16 [[DESIRED]] monotonic monotonic
-// CHECK: [[OLD_X]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[RES]], 0
-// CHECK: [[SUCCESS_FAIL:%.+]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[RES]], 1
-// CHECK: br i1 [[SUCCESS_FAIL]], label %[[EXIT:.+]], label %[[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
-// CHECK: store i16 [[NEW]], i16* @{{.+}},
-#pragma omp atomic capture
- usv = usx /= cfv;
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_RE:%.+]] = load double, double* getelementptr inbounds ({ double, double }, { double, double }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 0)
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_IM:%.+]] = load double, double* getelementptr inbounds ({ double, double }, { double, double }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 1)
-// CHECK: [[X:%.+]] = load atomic i64, i64* [[X_ADDR:@.+]] monotonic
-// CHECK: br label %[[CONT:.+]]
-// CHECK: [[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXPECTED:%.+]] = phi i64 [ [[X]], %{{.+}} ], [ [[OLD_X:%.+]], %[[CONT]] ]
-// CHECK: [[X_RVAL:%.+]] = sitofp i64 [[EXPECTED]] to double
-// CHECK: [[ADD_RE:%.+]] = fadd double [[X_RVAL]], [[EXPR_RE]]
-// CHECK: [[ADD_IM:%.+]] = fadd double 0.000000e+00, [[EXPR_IM]]
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = fptosi double [[ADD_RE]] to i64
-// CHECK: store i64 [[DESIRED]], i64* [[TEMP:%.+]],
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[TEMP]],
-// CHECK: [[RES:%.+]] = cmpxchg i64* [[X_ADDR]], i64 [[EXPECTED]], i64 [[DESIRED]] monotonic monotonic
-// CHECK: [[OLD_X]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[RES]], 0
-// CHECK: [[SUCCESS_FAIL:%.+]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[RES]], 1
-// CHECK: br i1 [[SUCCESS_FAIL]], label %[[EXIT:.+]], label %[[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
-// CHECK: store i64 [[EXPECTED]], i64* @{{.+}},
-#pragma omp atomic capture
- {llv = llx; llx += cdv;}
// CHECK: [[IDX:%.+]] = load i16, i16* @{{.+}}
// CHECK: load i8, i8*
// CHECK: [[VEC_ITEM_VAL:%.+]] = zext i1 %{{.+}} to i32
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
#pragma omp atomic
bx = civ - bx;
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_RE:%.+]] = load float, float* getelementptr inbounds ({ float, float }, { float, float }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 0)
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_IM:%.+]] = load float, float* getelementptr inbounds ({ float, float }, { float, float }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 1)
-// CHECK: [[X:%.+]] = load atomic i16, i16* [[X_ADDR:@.+]] monotonic
-// CHECK: br label %[[CONT:.+]]
-// CHECK: [[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXPECTED:%.+]] = phi i16 [ [[X]], %{{.+}} ], [ [[OLD_X:%.+]], %[[CONT]] ]
-// CHECK: [[CONV:%.+]] = zext i16 [[EXPECTED]] to i32
-// CHECK: [[X_RVAL:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[CONV]] to float
-// <Skip checks for complex calculations>
-// CHECK: [[X_RE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds { float, float }, { float, float }* [[TEMP:%.+]], i32 0, i32 0
-// CHECK: [[X_RE:%.+]] = load float, float* [[X_RE_ADDR]]
-// CHECK: [[X_IM_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds { float, float }, { float, float }* [[TEMP]], i32 0, i32 1
-// CHECK: [[X_IM:%.+]] = load float, float* [[X_IM_ADDR]]
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = fptoui float [[X_RE]] to i16
-// CHECK: store i16 [[DESIRED]], i16* [[TEMP:%.+]]
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = load i16, i16* [[TEMP]]
-// CHECK: [[RES:%.+]] = cmpxchg i16* [[X_ADDR]], i16 [[EXPECTED]], i16 [[DESIRED]] monotonic monotonic
-// CHECK: [[OLD_X]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[RES]], 0
-// CHECK: [[SUCCESS_FAIL:%.+]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[RES]], 1
-// CHECK: br i1 [[SUCCESS_FAIL]], label %[[EXIT:.+]], label %[[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
-#pragma omp atomic update
- usx /= cfv;
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_RE:%.+]] = load double, double* getelementptr inbounds ({ double, double }, { double, double }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 0)
-// CHECK: [[EXPR_IM:%.+]] = load double, double* getelementptr inbounds ({ double, double }, { double, double }* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 1)
-// CHECK: [[X:%.+]] = load atomic i64, i64* [[X_ADDR:@.+]] monotonic
-// CHECK: br label %[[CONT:.+]]
-// CHECK: [[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXPECTED:%.+]] = phi i64 [ [[X]], %{{.+}} ], [ [[OLD_X:%.+]], %[[CONT]] ]
-// CHECK: [[X_RVAL:%.+]] = sitofp i64 [[EXPECTED]] to double
-// CHECK: [[ADD_RE:%.+]] = fadd double [[X_RVAL]], [[EXPR_RE]]
-// CHECK: [[ADD_IM:%.+]] = fadd double 0.000000e+00, [[EXPR_IM]]
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = fptosi double [[ADD_RE]] to i64
-// CHECK: store i64 [[DESIRED]], i64* [[TEMP:%.+]]
-// CHECK: [[DESIRED:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[TEMP]]
-// CHECK: [[RES:%.+]] = cmpxchg i64* [[X_ADDR]], i64 [[EXPECTED]], i64 [[DESIRED]] monotonic monotonic
-// CHECK: [[OLD_X]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[RES]], 0
-// CHECK: [[SUCCESS_FAIL:%.+]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[RES]], 1
-// CHECK: br i1 [[SUCCESS_FAIL]], label %[[EXIT:.+]], label %[[CONT]]
-// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
-#pragma omp atomic
- llx += cdv;
// CHECK: [[IDX:%.+]] = load i16, i16* @{{.+}}
// CHECK: load i8, i8*
// CHECK: [[VEC_ITEM_VAL:%.+]] = zext i1 %{{.+}} to i32
--- /dev/null
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+template<typename T> void take(T);
+void func(float Real, _Complex float Complex) {
+ Real += Complex; // expected-error {{assigning to 'float' from incompatible type '_Complex float'}}
+ Real += (float)Complex;
+ Real = Complex; // expected-error {{implicit conversion from '_Complex float' to 'float' is not permitted in C++}}
+ Real = (float)Complex;
+ take<float>(Complex); // expected-error {{implicit conversion from '_Complex float' to 'float' is not permitted in C++}}
+ take<double>(1.0i); // expected-error {{implicit conversion from '_Complex double' to 'double' is not permitted in C++}}
+ take<_Complex float>(Complex);
+ // Conversion to bool doesn't actually discard the imaginary part.
+ take<bool>(Complex);
void test_foo_1(float fv, double dv, float _Complex fc, double _Complex dc) {
char *cp1 = foo(fv);
char *cp2 = foo(dv);
- // Note: GCC and EDG reject these two, but they are valid C99 conversions
- char *cp3 = foo(fc);
- char *cp4 = foo(dc);
+ // Note: GCC and EDG reject these two, they are valid C99 conversions but
+ // shouldn't be accepted in C++ because the result is surprising.
+ char *cp3 = foo(fc); // expected-error {{implicit conversion from '_Complex float' to 'float' is not permitted in C++}}
+ char *cp4 = foo(dc); // expected-error {{implicit conversion from '_Complex double' to 'float' is not permitted in C++}}
int *foo(float _Complex);
// expected-warning@+3 {{array index 536870912 is past the end of the array (which contains 10 elements)}}
// expected-note@+1 {{array 'a' declared here}}
uint64_t a[10];
- a[4608 * 1024 * 1024] = 1i;
+ a[4608 * 1024 * 1024] = 1;
// expected-warning@+1 2{{overflow in expression; result is 536870912 with type 'int'}}
return ((4608 * 1024 * 1024) + ((uint64_t)(4608 * 1024 * 1024)));
void test_complex_float(_Complex float x) {
- (void)abs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'abs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:12}:"cabsf"
- (void)labs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'labs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabsf"
- (void)llabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'llabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabsf"
- (void)fabsf(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabsf' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabsf"
- (void)fabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabsf"
- (void)fabsl(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabsl' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabsf"
- (void)__builtin_abs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_abs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:22}:"__builtin_cabsf"
- (void)__builtin_labs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_labs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:23}:"__builtin_cabsf"
- (void)__builtin_llabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_llabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabsf"
- (void)__builtin_fabsf(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabsf' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabsf"
- (void)__builtin_fabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:23}:"__builtin_cabsf"
- (void)__builtin_fabsl(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabsl' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsf' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabsf"
void test_complex_double(_Complex double x) {
- (void)abs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'abs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:12}:"cabs"
- (void)labs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'labs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabs"
- (void)llabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'llabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabs"
- (void)fabsf(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabsf' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabs"
- (void)fabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabs"
- (void)fabsl(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabsl' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabs"
// expected-warning@-1 {{absolute value function 'cabsf' given an argument of type '_Complex double' but has parameter of type '_Complex float' which may cause truncation of value}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabs' instead}}
- (void)__builtin_abs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_abs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:22}:"__builtin_cabs"
- (void)__builtin_labs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_labs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:23}:"__builtin_cabs"
- (void)__builtin_llabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_llabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabs"
- (void)__builtin_fabsf(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabsf' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabs"
- (void)__builtin_fabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:23}:"__builtin_cabs"
- (void)__builtin_fabsl(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabsl' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabs' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabs"
// expected-warning@-1 {{absolute value function '__builtin_cabsf' given an argument of type '_Complex double' but has parameter of type '_Complex float' which may cause truncation of value}}
void test_complex_long_double(_Complex long double x) {
- (void)abs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'abs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:12}:"cabsl"
- (void)labs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'labs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabsl"
- (void)llabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function 'llabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabsl"
- (void)fabsf(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabsf' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabsl"
- (void)fabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabsl"
- (void)fabsl(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function 'fabsl' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:14}:"cabsl"
// expected-warning@-1 {{absolute value function 'cabsf' given an argument of type '_Complex long double' but has parameter of type '_Complex float' which may cause truncation of value}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use function 'cabsl' instead}}
// CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:13}:"cabsl"
- (void)__builtin_abs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_abs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:22}:"__builtin_cabsl"
- (void)__builtin_labs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_labs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:23}:"__builtin_cabsl"
- (void)__builtin_llabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using integer absolute value function '__builtin_llabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabsl"
- (void)__builtin_fabsf(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabsf' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabsl"
- (void)__builtin_fabs(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabs' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:23}:"__builtin_cabsl"
- (void)__builtin_fabsl(x);
- // expected-warning@-1 {{using floating point absolute value function '__builtin_fabsl' when argument is of complex type}}
- // expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}
- // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-3]]:9-[[@LINE-3]]:24}:"__builtin_cabsl"
// expected-warning@-1 {{absolute value function '__builtin_cabsf' given an argument of type '_Complex long double' but has parameter of type '_Complex float' which may cause truncation of value}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use function '__builtin_cabsl' instead}}