call prop_type_delete('comment')
+func Test_prop_undo()
+ new
+ call prop_type_add('comment', {'highlight': 'Directory'})
+ call setline(1, ['oneone', 'twotwo', 'three'])
+ " Set 'undolevels' to break changes into undo-able pieces.
+ set ul&
+ call prop_add(1, 3, {'end_col': 5, 'type': 'comment'})
+ let expected = [{'col': 3, 'length': 2, 'id': 0, 'type': 'comment', 'start': 1, 'end': 1} ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ " Insert a character, then undo.
+ exe "normal 0lllix\<Esc>"
+ set ul&
+ let expected[0].length = 3
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ undo
+ let expected[0].length = 2
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ " Delete a character, then undo
+ exe "normal 0lllx"
+ set ul&
+ let expected[0].length = 1
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ undo
+ let expected[0].length = 2
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ " Delete the line, then undo
+ 1d
+ set ul&
+ call assert_equal([], prop_list(1))
+ undo
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ " Insert a character, delete two characters, then undo with "U"
+ exe "normal 0lllix\<Esc>"
+ set ul&
+ let expected[0].length = 3
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ exe "normal 0lllxx"
+ set ul&
+ let expected[0].length = 1
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ normal U
+ let expected[0].length = 2
+ call assert_equal(expected, prop_list(1))
+ bwipe!
+ call prop_type_delete('comment')
" screenshot test with textprop highlighting
funct Test_textprop_screenshots()
if !CanRunVimInTerminal() || &encoding != 'utf-8'