+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
* {@icuenhanced java.util.Locale}.{@icu _usage_}
* @stable ICU 2.8
public final class ULocale implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ // using serialver from jdk1.4.2_05
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3715177670352309217L;
* Useful constant for language.
// default empty locale
private static final Locale EMPTY_LOCALE = new Locale("", "");
+ // special keyword key for Unicode locale attributes
+ private static final String LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = "attribute";
* The root ULocale.
* @stable ICU 2.8
public static final ULocale ROOT = new ULocale("", EMPTY_LOCALE);
+ /**
+ * Enum for locale categories. These locale categories are used to get/set the default locale for
+ * the specific functionality represented by the category.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ public enum Category {
+ /**
+ * Category used to represent the default locale for displaying user interfaces.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ /**
+ * Category used to represent the default locale for formatting date, number and/or currency.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ }
private static final SimpleCache<Locale, ULocale> CACHE = new SimpleCache<Locale, ULocale>();
private String localeID;
+ /**
+ * Cache the locale data container fields.
+ * In future, we want to use them as the primary locale identifier storage.
+ */
+ private transient volatile BaseLocale baseLocale;
+ private transient volatile LocaleExtensions extensions;
private static String[][] CANONICALIZE_MAP;
private static String[][] variantsToKeywords;
- /*
- * This table is used for mapping between ICU and special Java
- * locales. When an ICU locale matches <minumum base> with
- * <keyword>/<value>, the ICU locale is mapped to <Java> locale.
- * For example, both ja_JP@calendar=japanese and ja@calendar=japanese
- * are mapped to Java locale "ja_JP_JP". ICU locale "nn" is mapped
- * to Java locale "no_NO_NY".
- */
- private static final String[][] _javaLocaleMap = {
- // { <Java>, <ICU base>, <keyword>, <value>, <minimum base>
- { "ja_JP_JP", "ja_JP", "calendar", "japanese", "ja"},
- { "no_NO_NY", "nn_NO", null, null, "nn"},
- { "th_TH_TH", "th_TH", "numbers", "thai", "th"},
- };
* Private constructor used by static initializers.
ULocale result = CACHE.get(loc);
if (result == null) {
- if (defaultULocale != null && loc == defaultULocale.locale) {
- result = defaultULocale;
- } else {
- String locStr = loc.toString();
- if (locStr.length() == 0) {
- result = ROOT;
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < _javaLocaleMap.length; i++) {
- if (_javaLocaleMap[i][0].equals(locStr)) {
- LocaleIDParser p = new LocaleIDParser(_javaLocaleMap[i][1]);
- p.setKeywordValue(_javaLocaleMap[i][2], _javaLocaleMap[i][3]);
- locStr = p.getName();
- break;
- }
- }
- result = new ULocale(locStr, loc);
- }
- }
+ result = JDKLocaleHelper.toULocale(loc);
CACHE.put(loc, result);
return result;
public Locale toLocale() {
if (locale == null) {
- LocaleIDParser p = new LocaleIDParser(localeID);
- String base = p.getBaseName();
- for (int i = 0; i < _javaLocaleMap.length; i++) {
- if (base.equals(_javaLocaleMap[i][1]) || base.equals(_javaLocaleMap[i][4])) {
- if (_javaLocaleMap[i][2] != null) {
- String val = p.getKeywordValue(_javaLocaleMap[i][2]);
- if (val != null && val.equals(_javaLocaleMap[i][3])) {
- p = new LocaleIDParser(_javaLocaleMap[i][0]);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- p = new LocaleIDParser(_javaLocaleMap[i][0]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- String[] names = p.getLanguageScriptCountryVariant();
- locale = new Locale(names[0], names[2], names[3]);
+ locale = JDKLocaleHelper.toLocale(this);
return locale;
private static ICUCache<String, String> nameCache = new SimpleCache<String, String>();
* Keep our own default ULocale.
private static Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
- private static ULocale defaultULocale = new ULocale(defaultLocale);
+ private static ULocale defaultULocale = forLocale(defaultLocale);
+ private static Locale[] defaultCategoryLocales = new Locale[Category.values().length];
+ private static ULocale[] defaultCategoryULocales = new ULocale[Category.values().length];
+ static {
+ for (Category cat: Category.values()) {
+ int idx = cat.ordinal();
+ defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = JDKLocaleHelper.getDefault(cat);
+ defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = forLocale(defaultCategoryLocales[idx]);
+ }
+ }
* Returns the current default ULocale.
+ * @return the default ULocale.
* @stable ICU 2.8
public static ULocale getDefault() {
synchronized (ULocale.class) {
+ if (defaultULocale == null) {
+ // When Java's default locale has extensions (such as ja-JP-u-ca-japanese),
+ // Locale -> ULocale mapping requires BCP47 keyword mapping data that is currently
+ // stored in a resource bundle. However, UResourceBundle currently requires
+ // non-null default ULocale. For now, this implementation returns ULocale.ROOT
+ // to avoid the problem.
+ // TODO: Consider moving BCP47 mapping data out of resource bundle later.
+ return ULocale.ROOT;
+ }
Locale currentDefault = Locale.getDefault();
if (!defaultLocale.equals(currentDefault)) {
defaultLocale = currentDefault;
- defaultULocale = new ULocale(defaultLocale);
+ defaultULocale = forLocale(currentDefault);
+ if (!JDKLocaleHelper.isJava7orNewer()) {
+ // Detected Java default Locale change.
+ // We need to update category defaults to match the
+ // Java 7's behavior on Java 6 or older environment.
+ for (Category cat : Category.values()) {
+ int idx = cat.ordinal();
+ defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = currentDefault;
+ defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = forLocale(currentDefault);
+ }
+ }
return defaultULocale;
* If the caller does not have write permission to the
* user.language property, a security exception will be thrown,
* and the default ULocale will remain unchanged.
+ * <p>
+ * By setting the default ULocale with this method, all of the default categoy locales
+ * are also set to the specified default ULocale.
* @param newLocale the new default locale
* @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and its
* <code>checkPermission</code> method doesn't allow the operation.
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>newLocale</code> is null
* @see SecurityManager#checkPermission(
* @see java.util.PropertyPermission
+ * @see ULocale#setDefault(Category, ULocale)
* @stable ICU 3.0
public static synchronized void setDefault(ULocale newLocale){
- Locale.setDefault(newLocale.toLocale());
+ defaultLocale = newLocale.toLocale();
+ Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale);
defaultULocale = newLocale;
+ // This method also updates all category default locales
+ for (Category cat : Category.values()) {
+ setDefault(cat, newLocale);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current default ULocale for the specified category.
+ *
+ * @param category the category
+ * @return the default ULocale for the specified category.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ public static ULocale getDefault(Category category) {
+ synchronized (ULocale.class) {
+ int idx = category.ordinal();
+ if (defaultCategoryULocales[idx] == null) {
+ // Just in case this method is called during ULocale class
+ // initialization. Unlike getDefault(), we do not have
+ // cyclic dependency for category default.
+ return ULocale.ROOT;
+ }
+ if (JDKLocaleHelper.isJava7orNewer()) {
+ Locale currentCategoryDefault = JDKLocaleHelper.getDefault(category);
+ if (!defaultCategoryLocales[idx].equals(currentCategoryDefault)) {
+ defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = currentCategoryDefault;
+ defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = forLocale(currentCategoryDefault);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // java.util.Locale.setDefault(Locale) in Java 7 updates
+ // category locale defaults. On Java 6 or older environment,
+ // ICU4J checks if the default locale has changed and update
+ // category ULocales here if necessary.
+ // Note: When java.util.Locale.setDefault(Locale) is called
+ // with a Locale same with the previous one, Java 7 still
+ // updates category locale defaults. On Java 6 or older env,
+ // there is no good way to detect the event, ICU4J simply
+ // check if the default Java Locale has changed since last
+ // time.
+ Locale currentDefault = Locale.getDefault();
+ if (!defaultLocale.equals(currentDefault)) {
+ defaultLocale = currentDefault;
+ defaultULocale = forLocale(currentDefault);
+ for (Category cat : Category.values()) {
+ int tmpIdx = cat.ordinal();
+ defaultCategoryLocales[tmpIdx] = currentDefault;
+ defaultCategoryULocales[tmpIdx] = forLocale(currentDefault);
+ }
+ }
+ // No synchronization with JDK Locale, because category default
+ // is not supported in Java 6 or older versions
+ }
+ return defaultCategoryULocales[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the default <code>ULocale</code> for the specified <code>Category</code>.
+ * This also sets the default <code>Locale</code> for the specified <code>Category</code>
+ * of the JVM. If the caller does not have write permission to the
+ * user.language property, a security exception will be thrown,
+ * and the default ULocale for the specified Category will remain unchanged.
+ *
+ * @param category the specified category to set the default locale
+ * @param newLocale the new default locale
+ * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission(
+ * @see java.util.PropertyPermission
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ public static synchronized void setDefault(Category category, ULocale newLocale) {
+ Locale newJavaDefault = newLocale.toLocale();
+ int idx = category.ordinal();
+ defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = newLocale;
+ defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = newJavaDefault;
+ JDKLocaleHelper.setDefault(category, newJavaDefault);
* @stable ICU 3.0
public static ULocale[] getAvailableLocales() {
+ //
if (availableLocales == null) {
synchronized (ULocale.class) {
if (availableLocales == null) {
public String getName() {
return localeID; // always normalized
+ /**
+ * Gets the shortest length subtag's size.
+ *
+ * @param localeID
+ * @return The size of the shortest length subtag
+ **/
+ private static int getShortestSubtagLength(String localeID) {
+ int localeIDLength = localeID.length();
+ int length = localeIDLength;
+ boolean reset = true;
+ int tmpLength = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < localeIDLength; i++) {
+ if (localeID.charAt(i) != '_' && localeID.charAt(i) != '-') {
+ if (reset) {
+ reset = false;
+ tmpLength = 0;
+ }
+ tmpLength++;
+ } else {
+ if (tmpLength != 0 && tmpLength < length) {
+ length = tmpLength;
+ }
+ reset = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return length;
+ }
* {@icu} Returns the (normalized) full name for the specified locale.
* @stable ICU 3.0
public static String getName(String localeID){
- String name = nameCache.get(localeID);
+ String tmpLocaleID;
+ // Convert BCP47 id if necessary
+ if (localeID != null && !localeID.contains("@") && getShortestSubtagLength(localeID) == 1) {
+ tmpLocaleID = forLanguageTag(localeID).getName();
+ if (tmpLocaleID.length() == 0) {
+ tmpLocaleID = localeID;
+ }
+ } else {
+ tmpLocaleID = localeID;
+ }
+ String name = nameCache.get(tmpLocaleID);
if (name == null) {
- name = new LocaleIDParser(localeID).getName();
- nameCache.put(localeID, name);
+ name = new LocaleIDParser(tmpLocaleID).getName();
+ nameCache.put(tmpLocaleID, name);
return name;
// display names
- * Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default locale.
+ * Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @return the localized language name.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public String getDisplayLanguage() {
- return getDisplayLanguageInternal(this, getDefault(), false);
+ return getDisplayLanguageInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY), false);
return getDisplayLanguageInternal(new ULocale(localeID), displayLocale, false);
- * {@icu} Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default locale.
+ * {@icu} Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* If a dialect name is present in the data, then it is returned.
* @return the localized language name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect() {
- return getDisplayLanguageInternal(this, getDefault(), true);
+ return getDisplayLanguageInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY), true);
* If a dialect name is present in the data, then it is returned.
* @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the name.
* @return the localized language name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect(ULocale displayLocale) {
return getDisplayLanguageInternal(this, displayLocale, true);
* @param localeID the id of the locale whose language will be displayed
* @param displayLocaleID the id of the locale in which to display the name.
* @return the localized language name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public static String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect(String localeID, String displayLocaleID) {
return getDisplayLanguageInternal(new ULocale(localeID), new ULocale(displayLocaleID),
* @param localeID the id of the locale whose language will be displayed.
* @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the name.
* @return the localized language name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public static String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale) {
return getDisplayLanguageInternal(new ULocale(localeID), displayLocale, true);
private static String getDisplayLanguageInternal(ULocale locale, ULocale displayLocale,
boolean useDialect) {
+ //
// No dialect support
return locale.toLocale().getDisplayLanguage(displayLocale.toLocale());
- * {@icu} Returns this locale's script localized for display in the default locale.
+ * {@icu} Returns this locale's script localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @return the localized script name.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public String getDisplayScript() {
- return getDisplayScriptInternal(this, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayScriptInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
// displayLocaleID is canonical, localeID need not be since parsing will fix this.
private static String getDisplayScriptInternal(ULocale locale, ULocale displayLocale) {
- // No localization, just return the script code
- return locale.getScript();
+ //
+ String dispScript = null;
+ try {
+ // Calling Locale#getDisplayScript on Java 7 or later
+ Method mGetDisplayScript = Locale.class.getMethod("getDisplayScript", Locale.class);
+ dispScript = (String) mGetDisplayScript.invoke(locale.toLocale(), displayLocale.toLocale());
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ }
+ if (dispScript == null) {
+ dispScript = locale.getScript();
+ }
+ return dispScript;
- * Returns this locale's country localized for display in the default locale.
+ * Returns this locale's country localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @return the localized country name.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public String getDisplayCountry() {
- return getDisplayCountryInternal(this, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayCountryInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
// displayLocaleID is canonical, localeID need not be since parsing will fix this.
private static String getDisplayCountryInternal(ULocale locale, ULocale displayLocale) {
+ //
return locale.toLocale().getDisplayCountry(displayLocale.toLocale());
- * Returns this locale's variant localized for display in the default locale.
+ * Returns this locale's variant localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @return the localized variant name.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public String getDisplayVariant() {
- return getDisplayVariantInternal(this, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayVariantInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
private static String getDisplayVariantInternal(ULocale locale, ULocale displayLocale) {
+ //
return locale.toLocale().getDisplayVariant(displayLocale.toLocale());
- * {@icu} Returns a keyword localized for display in the default locale.
+ * {@icu} Returns a keyword localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @param keyword the keyword to be displayed.
* @return the localized keyword name.
* @see #getKeywords()
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public static String getDisplayKeyword(String keyword) {
- return getDisplayKeywordInternal(keyword, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayKeywordInternal(keyword, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
private static String getDisplayKeywordInternal(String keyword, ULocale displayLocale) {
+ //
// No localization
return keyword;
- * {@icu} Returns a keyword value localized for display in the default locale.
+ * {@icu} Returns a keyword value localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @param keyword the keyword whose value is to be displayed.
* @return the localized value name.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public String getDisplayKeywordValue(String keyword) {
- return getDisplayKeywordValueInternal(this, keyword, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayKeywordValueInternal(this, keyword, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
// displayLocaleID is canonical, localeID need not be since parsing will fix this.
private static String getDisplayKeywordValueInternal(ULocale locale, String keyword,
ULocale displayLocale) {
+ //
keyword = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(keyword.trim());
String value = locale.getKeywordValue(keyword);
+ // No localization
return value;
- * Returns this locale name localized for display in the default locale.
+ * Returns this locale name localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* @return the localized locale name.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
* @stable ICU 3.0
public String getDisplayName() {
- return getDisplayNameInternal(this, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayNameInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
private static String getDisplayNameInternal(ULocale locale, ULocale displayLocale) {
- // No localization, no script and keywords
+ //
return locale.toLocale().getDisplayName(displayLocale.toLocale());
- * {@icu} Returns this locale name localized for display in the default locale.
+ * {@icu} Returns this locale name localized for display in the default <code>DISPLAY</code> locale.
* If a dialect name is present in the locale data, then it is returned.
* @return the localized locale name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @see Category#DISPLAY
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public String getDisplayNameWithDialect() {
- return getDisplayNameWithDialectInternal(this, getDefault());
+ return getDisplayNameWithDialectInternal(this, getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
* If a dialect name is present in the locale data, then it is returned.
* @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the locale name.
* @return the localized locale name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public String getDisplayNameWithDialect(ULocale displayLocale) {
return getDisplayNameWithDialectInternal(this, displayLocale);
* @param localeID the locale whose name is to be displayed.
* @param displayLocaleID the id of the locale in which to display the locale name.
* @return the localized locale name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public static String getDisplayNameWithDialect(String localeID, String displayLocaleID) {
return getDisplayNameWithDialectInternal(new ULocale(localeID),
* @param localeID the locale whose name is to be displayed.
* @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the locale name.
* @return the localized locale name.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
public static String getDisplayNameWithDialect(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale) {
return getDisplayNameWithDialectInternal(new ULocale(localeID), displayLocale);
private static String getDisplayNameWithDialectInternal(ULocale locale, ULocale displayLocale) {
- // No dialect support, no script and keyword support
+ //
+ // No dialect handling
return locale.toLocale().getDisplayName(displayLocale.toLocale());
* @stable ICU 4.0
public String getCharacterOrientation() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ //
+ // Hardcoded
+ String lang = getLanguage();
+ if (lang.equals("ar") || lang.equals("fa") || lang.equals("he") || lang.equals("ps") || lang.equals("ur")) {
+ return "right-to-left";
+ }
+ String script = getScript();
+ if (script.equals("Arab")) {
+ return "right-to-left";
+ }
+ return "left-to-right";
* @stable ICU 4.0
public String getLineOrientation() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ //
+ return "top-to-bottom";
return availableLocales[j];
+ // compare to scriptless alias, so locales such as
+ // zh_TW, zh_CN are considered as available locales - see #7190
+ if (aLocale.getScript().length() == 0
+ && availableLocales[j].getScript().length() > 0
+ && availableLocales[j].getLanguage().equals(aLocale.getLanguage())
+ && availableLocales[j].getCountry().equals(aLocale.getCountry())
+ && availableLocales[j].getVariant().equals(aLocale.getVariant())) {
+ ULocale minAvail = ULocale.minimizeSubtags(availableLocales[j]);
+ if (minAvail.getScript().length() == 0) {
+ if(setFallback != null) {
+ setFallback[0] = false; // not a fallback.
+ }
+ return aLocale;
+ }
+ }
Locale loc = aLocale.toLocale();
Locale parent = LocaleUtility.fallback(loc);
return acceptList;
+ private static final String UNDEFINED_LANGUAGE = "und";
* {@icu} Adds the likely subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm
* described in the following CLDR technical report:
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static ULocale addLikelySubtags(ULocale loc) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ //
+ return loc;
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static ULocale minimizeSubtags(ULocale loc) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ //
+ return loc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A trivial utility function that checks for a null
+ * reference or checks the length of the supplied String.
+ *
+ * @param string The string to check
+ *
+ * @return true if the String is empty, or if the reference is null.
+ */
+ private static boolean isEmptyString(String string) {
+ return string == null || string.length() == 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Append a tag to a StringBuilder, adding the separator if necessary.The tag must
+ * not be a zero-length string.
+ *
+ * @param tag The tag to add.
+ * @param buffer The output buffer.
+ **/
+ private static void appendTag(String tag, StringBuilder buffer) {
+ if (buffer.length() != 0) {
+ buffer.append(UNDERSCORE);
+ }
+ buffer.append(tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a tag string from the supplied parameters. The lang, script and region
+ * parameters may be null references.
+ *
+ * If any of the language, script or region parameters are empty, and the alternateTags
+ * parameter is not null, it will be parsed for potential language, script and region tags
+ * to be used when constructing the new tag. If the alternateTags parameter is null, or
+ * it contains no language tag, the default tag for the unknown language is used.
+ *
+ * @param lang The language tag to use.
+ * @param script The script tag to use.
+ * @param region The region tag to use.
+ * @param trailing Any trailing data to append to the new tag.
+ * @param alternateTags A string containing any alternate tags.
+ * @return The new tag string.
+ **/
+ private static String createTagString(String lang, String script, String region,
+ String trailing, String alternateTags) {
+ LocaleIDParser parser = null;
+ boolean regionAppended = false;
+ StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder();
+ if (!isEmptyString(lang)) {
+ appendTag(
+ lang,
+ tag);
+ }
+ else if (isEmptyString(alternateTags)) {
+ /*
+ * Append the value for an unknown language, if
+ * we found no language.
+ */
+ appendTag(
+ tag);
+ }
+ else {
+ parser = new LocaleIDParser(alternateTags);
+ String alternateLang = parser.getLanguage();
+ /*
+ * Append the value for an unknown language, if
+ * we found no language.
+ */
+ appendTag(
+ !isEmptyString(alternateLang) ? alternateLang : UNDEFINED_LANGUAGE,
+ tag);
+ }
+ if (!isEmptyString(script)) {
+ appendTag(
+ script,
+ tag);
+ }
+ else if (!isEmptyString(alternateTags)) {
+ /*
+ * Parse the alternateTags string for the script.
+ */
+ if (parser == null) {
+ parser = new LocaleIDParser(alternateTags);
+ }
+ String alternateScript = parser.getScript();
+ if (!isEmptyString(alternateScript)) {
+ appendTag(
+ alternateScript,
+ tag);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isEmptyString(region)) {
+ appendTag(
+ region,
+ tag);
+ regionAppended = true;
+ }
+ else if (!isEmptyString(alternateTags)) {
+ /*
+ * Parse the alternateTags string for the region.
+ */
+ if (parser == null) {
+ parser = new LocaleIDParser(alternateTags);
+ }
+ String alternateRegion = parser.getCountry();
+ if (!isEmptyString(alternateRegion)) {
+ appendTag(
+ alternateRegion,
+ tag);
+ regionAppended = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (trailing != null && trailing.length() > 1) {
+ /*
+ * The current ICU format expects two underscores
+ * will separate the variant from the preceeding
+ * parts of the tag, if there is no region.
+ */
+ int separators = 0;
+ if (trailing.charAt(0) == UNDERSCORE) {
+ if (trailing.charAt(1) == UNDERSCORE) {
+ separators = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ separators = 1;
+ }
+ if (regionAppended) {
+ /*
+ * If we appended a region, we may need to strip
+ * the extra separator from the variant portion.
+ */
+ if (separators == 2) {
+ tag.append(trailing.substring(1));
+ }
+ else {
+ tag.append(trailing);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * If we did not append a region, we may need to add
+ * an extra separator to the variant portion.
+ */
+ if (separators == 1) {
+ tag.append(UNDERSCORE);
+ }
+ tag.append(trailing);
+ }
+ }
+ return tag.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a tag string from the supplied parameters. The lang, script and region
+ * parameters may be null references.If the lang parameter is an empty string, the
+ * default value for an unknown language is written to the output buffer.
+ *
+ * @param lang The language tag to use.
+ * @param script The script tag to use.
+ * @param region The region tag to use.
+ * @param trailing Any trailing data to append to the new tag.
+ * @return The new String.
+ **/
+ static String createTagString(String lang, String script, String region, String trailing) {
+ return createTagString(lang, script, region, trailing, null);
// --------------------------------
* {@icu} Returns the extension (or private use) value associated with
- * the specified singleton key, or null if there is no extension
- * associated with the key. To be valid, the key must be one
- * of <code>[0-9A-Za-z]</code>. Keys are case-insensitive, so
+ * the specified key, or null if there is no extension
+ * associated with the key. To be well-formed, the key must be one
+ * of <code>[0-9A-Za-z]</code>. Keys are case-insensitive, so
* for example 'z' and 'Z' represent the same extension.
* @param key the extension key
- * @return the extension, or null if this locale defines no
- * extension for the specified key
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key is not valid
+ * @return The extension, or null if this locale defines no
+ * extension for the specified key.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if key is not well-formed
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public String getExtension(char key) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ if (!LocaleExtensions.isValidKey(key)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid extension key: " + key);
+ }
+ return extensions().getExtensionValue(key);
* {@icu} Returns the set of extension keys associated with this locale, or the
- * empty set if it has no extensions. The returned set is unmodifiable.
+ * empty set if it has no extensions. The returned set is unmodifiable.
+ * The keys will all be lower-case.
* @return the set of extension keys, or the empty set if this locale has
* no extensions
- *
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Set<Character> getExtensionKeys() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ return extensions().getKeys();
- * {@icu} Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the specified Unicode
- * locale key for this locale. Unicode locale keywrods are specified
- * by the 'u' extension and consist of key/type pairs. The key must be
- * two alphanumeric characters in length, or an IllegalArgumentException
- * is thrown.
- * @param key the Unicode locale key
- * @return the Unicode locale type associated with the key, or null if the
- * locale does not define a value for the key.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key is not valid.
+ * {@icu} Returns the set of unicode locale attributes associated with
+ * this locale, or the empty set if it has no attributes. The
+ * returned set is unmodifiable.
+ *
+ * @return The set of attributes.
+ * @draft ICU 4.6
+ * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ */
+ public Set<String> getUnicodeLocaleAttributes() {
+ return extensions().getUnicodeLocaleAttributes();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@icu} Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the specified Unicode locale key
+ * for this locale. Returns the empty string for keys that are defined with no type.
+ * Returns null if the key is not defined. Keys are case-insensitive. The key must
+ * be two alphanumeric characters ([0-9a-zA-Z]), or an IllegalArgumentException is
+ * thrown.
+ * @param key the Unicode locale key
+ * @return The Unicode locale type associated with the key, or null if the
+ * locale does not define the key.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key is not well-formed
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>key</code> is null
+ *
* @draft ICU 4.4
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public String getUnicodeLocaleType(String key) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ if (!LocaleExtensions.isValidUnicodeLocaleKey(key)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Unicode locale key: " + key);
+ }
+ return extensions().getUnicodeLocaleType(key);
- * {@icu} Returns the set of keys for Unicode locale keywords defined by this locale,
- * or null if this locale has no locale extension. The returned set is
- * immutable.
- *
- * @return the set of the Unicode locale keys, or null
+ * {@icu} Returns the set of Unicode locale keys defined by this locale, or the empty set if
+ * this locale has none. The returned set is immutable. Keys are all lower case.
+ * @return The set of Unicode locale keys, or the empty set if this locale has
+ * no Unicode locale keywords.
+ *
* @draft ICU 4.4
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Set<String> getUnicodeLocaleKeys() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ return extensions().getUnicodeLocaleKeys();
* {@icu} Returns a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag representing
* this locale.
- * <p>
- * If this <code>ULocale</code> object has language, country, or variant
- * that does not satisfy the IETF BCP 47 language tag syntax requirements,
- * this method handles these fields as described below:
- * <p>
- * <b>Language:</b> If language is empty or ill-formed (for example "a" or "e2"),
- * it will be emitted as "und" (Undetermined).
- * <p>
- * <b>Country:</b> If country is ill-formed (for example "12" or "USA"), it
- * will be omitted.
- * <p>
- * <b>Variant:</b> Variant is treated as consisting of subtags separated by
- * underscore and converted to lower case letters. 'Well-formed' subtags
- * consist of either an ASCII letter followed by 4-7 ASCII characters, or an
- * ASCII digit followed by 3-7 ASCII characters. If well-formed, the variant
- * is emitted as each subtag in order (separated by hyphen). Otherwise:
+ * <p>If this <code>ULocale</code> has a language, script, country, or
+ * variant that does not satisfy the IETF BCP 47 language tag
+ * syntax requirements, this method handles these fields as
+ * described below:
+ *
+ * <p><b>Language:</b> If language is empty, or not well-formed
+ * (for example "a" or "e2"), it will be emitted as "und" (Undetermined).
+ *
+ * <p><b>Script:</b> If script is not well-formed (for example "12"
+ * or "Latin"), it will be omitted.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Country:</b> If country is not well-formed (for example "12"
+ * or "USA"), it will be omitted.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Variant:</b> If variant <b>is</b> well-formed, each sub-segment
+ * (delimited by '-' or '_') is emitted as a subtag. Otherwise:
* <ul>
- * <li>if all sub-segments consist of 1 to 8 ASCII alphanumerics (for example
- * "WIN", "WINDOWS_XP", "SOLARIS_10"), the first ill-formed variant subtag
- * and all following sub-segments will be emitted as private use subtags prefixed
- * by the special private use subtag "variant" followed by each subtag in order
- * (separated by hyphen). For example, locale "en_US_WIN" is converted to language
- * tag "en-US-x-variant-win", locale "de_WINDOWS_XP" is converted to language tag
- * "de-windows-x-variant-xp". If this locale has a private use extension value,
- * the special private use subtags prefixed by "variant" are appended after the
- * locale's private use value.
- * <li>if any subtag does not consist of 1 to 8 ASCII alphanumerics, the
- * variant will be truncated and the problematic subtag and all following
- * sub-segments will be omitted. If the remainder is non-empty, it will be
- * emitted as a private use subtag as above (even if the remainder turns out
- * to be well-formed). For example, "Solaris_isjustthecoolestthing" is emitted
- * as "x-jvariant-Solaris", not as "solaris".</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * <p><b>Note:</b> Although the language tag created by this method
- * satisfies the syntax requirements defined by the IETF BCP 47
- * specification, it is not always a valid BCP 47 language tag.
- * For example,
+ *
+ * <li>if all sub-segments match <code>[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8}</code>
+ * (for example "WIN" or "Oracle_JDK_Standard_Edition"), the first
+ * ill-formed sub-segment and all following will be appended to
+ * the private use subtag. The first appended subtag will be
+ * "lvariant", followed by the sub-segments in order, separated by
+ * hyphen. For example, "x-lvariant-WIN",
+ * "Oracle-x-lvariant-JDK-Standard-Edition".
+ *
+ * <li>if any sub-segment does not match
+ * <code>[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8}</code>, the variant will be truncated
+ * and the problematic sub-segment and all following sub-segments
+ * will be omitted. If the remainder is non-empty, it will be
+ * emitted as a private use subtag as above (even if the remainder
+ * turns out to be well-formed). For example,
+ * "Solaris_isjustthecoolestthing" is emitted as
+ * "x-lvariant-Solaris", not as "solaris".</li></ul>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Note:</b> Although the language tag created by this
+ * method is well-formed (satisfies the syntax requirements
+ * defined by the IETF BCP 47 specification), it is not
+ * necessarily a valid BCP 47 language tag. For example,
* <pre>
- * new ULocale("xx_YY").toLanguageTag();
- * </pre>
- * will return "xx-YY", but the language subtag "xx" and the region subtag "YY"
- * are invalid because they are not registered in the
- * <a href="">
- * IANA Language Subtag Registry</a>.
+ * new Locale("xx", "YY").toLanguageTag();</pre>
+ *
+ * will return "xx-YY", but the language subtag "xx" and the
+ * region subtag "YY" are invalid because they are not registered
+ * in the IANA Language Subtag Registry.
* @return a BCP47 language tag representing the locale
* @see #forLanguageTag(String)
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public String toLanguageTag() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ BaseLocale base = base();
+ LocaleExtensions exts = extensions();
+ if (base.getVariant().equalsIgnoreCase("POSIX")) {
+ // special handling for variant POSIX
+ base = BaseLocale.getInstance(base.getLanguage(), base.getScript(), base.getRegion(), "");
+ if (exts.getUnicodeLocaleType("va") == null) {
+ // add va-posix
+ InternalLocaleBuilder ilocbld = new InternalLocaleBuilder();
+ try {
+ ilocbld.setLocale(BaseLocale.ROOT, exts);
+ ilocbld.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("va", "posix");
+ exts = ilocbld.getLocaleExtensions();
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ // this should not happen
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LanguageTag tag = LanguageTag.parseLocale(base, exts);
+ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
+ String subtag = tag.getLanguage();
+ if (subtag.length() > 0) {
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.canonicalizeLanguage(subtag));
+ }
+ subtag = tag.getScript();
+ if (subtag.length() > 0) {
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.SEP);
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.canonicalizeScript(subtag));
+ }
+ subtag = tag.getRegion();
+ if (subtag.length() > 0) {
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.SEP);
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.canonicalizeRegion(subtag));
+ }
+ List<String>subtags = tag.getVariants();
+ for (String s : subtags) {
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.SEP);
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.canonicalizeVariant(s));
+ }
+ subtags = tag.getExtensions();
+ for (String s : subtags) {
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.SEP);
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.canonicalizeExtension(s));
+ }
+ subtag = tag.getPrivateuse();
+ if (subtag.length() > 0) {
+ if (buf.length() > 0) {
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.SEP);
+ }
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.PRIVATEUSE).append(LanguageTag.SEP);
+ buf.append(LanguageTag.canonicalizePrivateuse(subtag));
+ }
+ return buf.toString();
* {@icu} Returns a locale for the specified IETF BCP 47 language tag string.
- * If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags,
- * the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored.
+ *
+ * <p>If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags,
+ * the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored. Compare
+ * to {@link ULocale.Builder#setLanguageTag} which throws an exception
+ * in this case.
+ *
+ * <p>The following <b>conversions</b> are performed:<ul>
+ *
+ * <li>The language code "und" is mapped to language "".
+ *
+ * <li>The portion of a private use subtag prefixed by "lvariant",
+ * if any, is removed and appended to the variant field in the
+ * result locale (without case normalization). If it is then
+ * empty, the private use subtag is discarded:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * ULocale loc;
+ * loc = ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-US-x-lvariant-icu4j);
+ * loc.getVariant(); // returns "ICU4J"
+ * loc.getExtension('x'); // returns null
+ *
+ * loc = Locale.forLanguageTag("de-icu4j-x-URP-lvariant-Abc-Def");
+ * loc.getVariant(); // returns "ICU4J_ABC_DEF"
+ * loc.getExtension('x'); // returns "urp"
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <li>When the languageTag argument contains an extlang subtag,
+ * the first such subtag is used as the language, and the primary
+ * language subtag and other extlang subtags are ignored:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * ULocale.forLanguageTag("ar-aao").getLanguage(); // returns "aao"
+ * ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-abc-def-us").toString(); // returns "abc_US"
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <li>Case is normalized. Language is normalized to lower case,
+ * script to title case, country to upper case, variant to upper case,
+ * and extensions to lower case.
* <p>This implements the 'Language-Tag' production of BCP47, and
* so supports grandfathered (regular and irregular) as well as
* private use language tags. Stand alone private use tags are
* represented as empty language and extension 'x-whatever',
* and grandfathered tags are converted to their canonical replacements
- * where they exist. Note that a few grandfathered tags have no
- * modern replacement; these will be converted using the fallback
- * described above so some information might be lost.
+ * where they exist.
- * <p>For a list of grandfathered tags, see the
- * <a href="">
- * IANA Language Subtag Registry</a>.
+ * <p>Grandfathered tags with canonical replacements are as follows:
- * <p><b>Notes:</b> This method converts private use subtags prefixed
- * by "variant" to variant field in the result locale. For example,
- * the code below will return "POSIX".
- * <pre>
- * ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-US-x-variant-posix).getVariant();
- * </pre>
+ * <table>
+ * <tbody align="center">
+ * <tr><th>grandfathered tag</th><th> </th><th>modern replacement</th></tr>
+ * <tr><td>art-lojban</td><td> </td><td>jbo</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-ami</td><td> </td><td>ami</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-bnn</td><td> </td><td>bnn</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-hak</td><td> </td><td>hak</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-klingon</td><td> </td><td>tlh</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-lux</td><td> </td><td>lb</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-navajo</td><td> </td><td>nv</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-pwn</td><td> </td><td>pwn</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-tao</td><td> </td><td>tao</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-tay</td><td> </td><td>tay</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-tsu</td><td> </td><td>tsu</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>no-bok</td><td> </td><td>nb</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>no-nyn</td><td> </td><td>nn</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>sgn-BE-FR</td><td> </td><td>sfb</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>sgn-BE-NL</td><td> </td><td>vgt</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>sgn-CH-DE</td><td> </td><td>sgg</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>zh-guoyu</td><td> </td><td>cmn</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>zh-hakka</td><td> </td><td>hak</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>zh-min-nan</td><td> </td><td>nan</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>zh-xiang</td><td> </td><td>hsn</td></tr>
+ * </tbody>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>Grandfathered tags with no modern replacement will be
+ * converted as follows:
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tbody align="center">
+ * <tr><th>grandfathered tag</th><th> </th><th>converts to</th></tr>
+ * <tr><td>cel-gaulish</td><td> </td><td>xtg-x-cel-gaulish</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>en-GB-oed</td><td> </td><td>en-GB-x-oed</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-default</td><td> </td><td>en-x-i-default</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-enochian</td><td> </td><td>und-x-i-enochian</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>i-mingo</td><td> </td><td>see-x-i-mingo</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>zh-min</td><td> </td><td>nan-x-zh-min</td></tr>
+ * </tbody>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>For a list of all grandfathered tags, see the
+ * IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for "Type: grandfathered").
+ *
+ * <p><b>Note</b>: there is no guarantee that <code>toLanguageTag</code>
+ * and <code>forLanguageTag</code> will round-trip.
* @param languageTag the language tag
- * @return the locale that best represents the language tag
- * @exception NullPointerException if <code>languageTag</code> is <code>null</code>
+ * @return The locale that best represents the language tag.
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>languageTag</code> is <code>null</code>
* @see #toLanguageTag()
+ * @see ULocale.Builder#setLanguageTag(String)
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static ULocale forLanguageTag(String languageTag) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ LanguageTag tag = LanguageTag.parse(languageTag, null);
+ InternalLocaleBuilder bldr = new InternalLocaleBuilder();
+ bldr.setLanguageTag(tag);
+ return getInstance(bldr.getBaseLocale(), bldr.getLocaleExtensions());
* <code>Builder</code> is used to build instances of <code>ULocale</code>
- * from values configured by the setter. Unlike the <code>ULocale</code>
+ * from values configured by the setters. Unlike the <code>ULocale</code>
* constructors, the <code>Builder</code> checks if a value configured by a
- * setter satisfies the syntactical requirements defined by the <code>ULocale</code>
+ * setter satisfies the syntax requirements defined by the <code>ULocale</code>
* class. A <code>ULocale</code> object created by a <code>Builder</code> is
* well-formed and can be transformed to a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag
* without losing information.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b> The <code>ULocale</code> class does not provide
- * any syntactical restrictions on variant, while BCP 47
- * requires each variant subtag to be 5 to 8 alphanumeric letters or a single
- * numeric letter followed by 3 alphanumeric letters. By default,
- * the <code>setVariant</code> method throws <code>IllformedLocaleException</code>
- * for a variant that does not satisfy the syntax above. If it is
- * necessary to support such a variant, you could use the constructor <code>
- * Builder(boolean isLenientVariant)</code> passing <code>true</code> to
- * skip the syntax validation for variant. However, you should keep in
- * mind that a <code>Locale</code> object created this way might lose
- * the variant information when transformed to a BCP 47 language tag.
+ * <p><b>Note:</b> The <code>ULocale</code> class does not provide any
+ * syntactic restrictions on variant, while BCP 47 requires each variant
+ * subtag to be 5 to 8 alphanumerics or a single numeric followed by 3
+ * alphanumerics. The method <code>setVariant</code> throws
+ * <code>IllformedLocaleException</code> for a variant that does not satisfy
+ * this restriction. If it is necessary to support such a variant, use a
+ * ULocale constructor. However, keep in mind that a <code>ULocale</code>
+ * object created this way might lose the variant information when
+ * transformed to a BCP 47 language tag.
- * <p>
- * The following example shows how to create a <code>ULocale</code> object
+ * <p>The following example shows how to create a <code>Locale</code> object
* with the <code>Builder</code>.
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
public static final class Builder {
+ private final InternalLocaleBuilder _locbld;
* Constructs an empty Builder. The default value of all
* fields, extensions, and private use information is the
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Constructor not supported by");
+ _locbld = new InternalLocaleBuilder();
- * Constructs an empty Builder with an option whether to allow
- * <code>setVariant</code> to accept a value that does not
- * conform to the IETF BCP 47 variant subtag's syntax requirements.
+ * Resets the <code>Builder</code> to match the provided
+ * <code>locale</code>. Existing state is discarded.
- * @param isLenientVariant When true, this <code>Builder</code>
- * will accept an ill-formed variant.
- * @see #setVariant(String)
+ * <p>All fields of the locale must be well-formed, see {@link Locale}.
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
- */
- public Builder(boolean isLenientVariant) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Constructor not supported by");
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this <code>Builder</code> accepts a value that does
- * not conform to the IETF BCP 47 variant subtag's syntax requirements
- * in <code>setVariant</code>
- *
- * @return true if this <code>Build</code> accepts an ill-formed variant.
- *
- * @draft ICU 4.4
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
- */
- public boolean isLenientVariant() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
- }
- /**
- * Resets the <code>Builder</code> to match the provided <code>locale</code>.
- * The previous state of the builder is discarded. Fields that do
- * not conform to the <code>ULocale</code> class specification, for example,
- * a single letter language, are ill-formed.
+ * <p>Locales with any ill-formed fields cause
+ * <code>IllformedLocaleException</code> to be thrown.
* @param locale the locale
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>locale</code> has
* any ill-formed fields.
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>locale</code> is null.
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setLocale(ULocale locale) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setLocale(locale.base(), locale.extensions());
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
- * Resets the builder to match the provided IETF BCP 47 language tag.
- * The previous state of the builder is discarded.
+ * Resets the Builder to match the provided IETF BCP 47
+ * language tag. Discards the existing state. Null and the
+ * empty string cause the builder to be reset, like {@link
+ * #clear}. Grandfathered tags (see {@link
+ * ULocale#forLanguageTag}) are converted to their canonical
+ * form before being processed. Otherwise, the language tag
+ * must be well-formed (see {@link ULocale}) or an exception is
+ * thrown (unlike <code>ULocale.forLanguageTag</code>, which
+ * just discards ill-formed and following portions of the
+ * tag).
* @param languageTag the language tag
- * @return this builder
- * @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>languageTag</code> is ill-formed.
- * @throws NullPointerException if <code>languageTag</code> is null.
+ * @return This builder.
+ * @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>languageTag</code> is ill-formed
* @see ULocale#forLanguageTag(String)
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setLanguageTag(String languageTag) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ ParseStatus sts = new ParseStatus();
+ LanguageTag tag = LanguageTag.parse(languageTag, sts);
+ if (sts.isError()) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(sts.getErrorMessage(), sts.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ _locbld.setLanguageTag(tag);
+ return this;
- * Sets the language. If <code>language</code> is the empty string,
- * the language in this <code>Builder</code> will be removed.
- * Typical language value is a two or three-letter language
+ * Sets the language. If <code>language</code> is the empty string or
+ * null, the language in this <code>Builder</code> is removed. Otherwise,
+ * the language must be <a href="./Locale.html#def_language">well-formed</a>
+ * or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * <p>The typical language value is a two or three-letter language
* code as defined in ISO639.
- * Well-formed values are any string of two to eight alpha
- * letters. This method accepts upper case alpha letters
- * [A-Z], but the language value in the <code>ULocale</code>
- * created by the <code>Builder</code> is always normalized
- * to lower case letters.
* @param language the language
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>language</code> is ill-formed
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setLanguage(String language) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setLanguage(language);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
- * Sets the script. If <code>script</code> is the empty string,
+ * Sets the script. If <code>script</code> is null or the empty string,
* the script in this <code>Builder</code> is removed.
- * Typical script value is a four-letter script code as defined by ISO 15924.
- * Well-formed values are any string of four alpha letters.
- * This method accepts both upper and lower case alpha letters [a-zA-Z],
- * but the script value in the <code>ULocale</code> created by the
- * <code>Builder</code> is always normalized to title case
- * (the first letter is upper case and the rest of letters are lower case).
+ * Otherwise, the script must be well-formed or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * <p>The typical script value is a four-letter script code as defined by ISO 15924.
* @param script the script
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>script</code> is ill-formed
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setScript(String script) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setScript(script);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
- * Sets the region. If region is the empty string, the region
- * in this <code>Builder</code> is removed.
- * Typical region value is a two-letter ISO 3166 code or a three-digit UN M.49
- * area code. Well-formed values are any two-letter or three-digit string.
- * This method accepts lower case letters [a-z], but the country value in
- * the <code>ULocale</code> created by the <code>Builder</code> is always
- * normalized to upper case.
+ * Sets the region. If region is null or the empty string, the region
+ * in this <code>Builder</code> is removed. Otherwise,
+ * the region must be well-formed or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * <p>The typical region value is a two-letter ISO 3166 code or a
+ * three-digit UN M.49 area code.
+ *
+ * <p>The country value in the <code>Locale</code> created by the
+ * <code>Builder</code> is always normalized to upper case.
* @param region the region
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>region</code> is ill-formed
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setRegion(String region) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setRegion(region);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
- * Sets the variant. If variant is the empty string, the
- * variant in this <code>Builder</code> is removed.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b> By default, this method checks if <code>variant</code>
- * satisfies the IETF BCP 47 variant subtag's syntax requirements.
- * However, the <code>ULocale</code> class itself does not impose any syntactical
- * restriction on variant. When a <code>Builder</code> is created by the
- * constructor <code>Builder(boolean isLenientVariant)</code>
- * with <code>true</code>, this method skips the syntax check.
+ * Sets the variant. If variant is null or the empty string, the
+ * variant in this <code>Builder</code> is removed. Otherwise, it
+ * must consist of one or more well-formed subtags, or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Note:</b> This method checks if <code>variant</code>
+ * satisfies the IETF BCP 47 variant subtag's syntax requirements,
+ * and normalizes the value to lowercase letters. However,
+ * the <code>ULocale</code> class does not impose any syntactic
+ * restriction on variant. To set such a variant,
+ * use a ULocale constructor.
* @param variant the variant
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>variant</code> is ill-formed
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setVariant(String variant) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setVariant(variant);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
- * Sets the extension for the given key. If the value is the
- * empty string, the extension is removed. Legal keys are
- * characters in the ranges <code>[0-9A-Za-z]</code>. Keys
- * are case-insensitive, so for example 'z' and 'Z' represent
- * the same extension. In general, well-formed values are any
- * series of fields of two to eight alphanumeric characters,
- * separated by hyphen or underscore.
+ * Sets the extension for the given key. If the value is null or the
+ * empty string, the extension is removed. Otherwise, the extension
+ * must be well-formed or an exception is thrown.
* <p><b>Note:</b> The key {@link ULocale#UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION
* UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION} ('u') is used for the Unicode locale extension.
* Setting a value for this key replaces any existing Unicode locale key/type
* pairs with those defined in the extension.
- * To be well-formed, a value for this extension must meet the additional
- * constraints that each locale key is two alphanumeric characters,
- * followed by at least one locale type subtag represented by
- * three to eight alphanumeric characters, and that the keys and types
- * be legal Unicode locale keys and values.
* <p><b>Note:</b> The key {@link ULocale#PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSION
* PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSION} ('x') is used for the private use code. To be
- * well-formed, the value for this key needs only to have fields of one to
+ * well-formed, the value for this key needs only to have subtags of one to
* eight alphanumeric characters, not two to eight as in the general case.
* @param key the extension key
* @param value the extension value
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>key</code> is illegal
* or <code>value</code> is ill-formed
* @see #setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(String, String)
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setExtension(char key, String value) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setExtension(key, value);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
- * Sets the Unicode locale keyword type for the given key. If the
- * value is the empty string, the Unicode keyword is removed.
- * Well-formed keys are strings of two alphanumeric characters.
- * Well-formed types are one or more subtags where each of them is
- * three to eight alphanumeric characters.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note</b>:Setting the 'u' extension replaces all Unicode locale
- * keywords with those defined in the extension.
+ * Sets the Unicode locale keyword type for the given key. If the type
+ * is null, the Unicode keyword is removed. Otherwise, the key must be
+ * non-null and both key and type must be well-formed or an exception
+ * is thrown.
+ *
+ * <p>Keys and types are converted to lower case.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Note</b>:Setting the 'u' extension via {@link #setExtension}
+ * replaces all Unicode locale keywords with those defined in the
+ * extension.
+ *
* @param key the Unicode locale key
* @param type the Unicode locale type
- * @return this builder
+ * @return This builder.
* @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>key</code> or <code>type</code>
* is ill-formed
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>key</code> is null
* @see #setExtension(char, String)
* @draft ICU 4.4
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(String key, String type) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ try {
+ _locbld.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(key, type);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a unicode locale attribute, if not already present, otherwise
+ * has no effect. The attribute must not be null and must be well-formed
+ * or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * @param attribute the attribute
+ * @return This builder.
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>attribute</code> is null
+ * @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>attribute</code> is ill-formed
+ * @see #setExtension(char, String)
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 4.6
+ * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ */
+ public Builder addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(String attribute) {
+ try {
+ _locbld.addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(attribute);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a unicode locale attribute, if present, otherwise has no
+ * effect. The attribute must not be null and must be well-formed
+ * or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * <p>Attribute comparision for removal is case-insensitive.
+ *
+ * @param attribute the attribute
+ * @return This builder.
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>attribute</code> is null
+ * @throws IllformedLocaleException if <code>attribute</code> is ill-formed
+ * @see #setExtension(char, String)
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 4.6
+ * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
+ */
+ public Builder removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(String attribute) {
+ try {
+ _locbld.removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(attribute);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorIndex());
+ }
+ return this;
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder clear() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ _locbld.clear();
+ return this;
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder clearExtensions() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ _locbld.clearExtensions();
+ return this;
- * Returns an instance of Locale created from the fields set
+ * Returns an instance of <code>ULocale</code> created from the fields set
* on this builder.
* @return a new Locale
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public ULocale build() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported by");
+ return getInstance(_locbld.getBaseLocale(), _locbld.getLocaleExtensions());
+ }
+ }
+ private static ULocale getInstance(BaseLocale base, LocaleExtensions exts) {
+ String id = lscvToID(base.getLanguage(), base.getScript(), base.getRegion(),
+ base.getVariant());
+ Set<Character> extKeys = exts.getKeys();
+ if (!extKeys.isEmpty()) {
+ // legacy locale ID assume Unicode locale keywords and
+ // other extensions are at the same level.
+ // e.g. @a=ext-for-aa;calendar=japanese;m=ext-for-mm;x=priv-use
+ TreeMap<String, String> kwds = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+ for (Character key : extKeys) {
+ Extension ext = exts.getExtension(key);
+ if (ext instanceof UnicodeLocaleExtension) {
+ UnicodeLocaleExtension uext = (UnicodeLocaleExtension)ext;
+ Set<String> ukeys = uext.getUnicodeLocaleKeys();
+ for (String bcpKey : ukeys) {
+ String bcpType = uext.getUnicodeLocaleType(bcpKey);
+ // convert to legacy key/type
+ String lkey = bcp47ToLDMLKey(bcpKey);
+ String ltype = bcp47ToLDMLType(lkey, ((bcpType.length() == 0) ? "true" : bcpType)); // use "true" as the value of typeless keywords
+ // special handling for u-va-posix, since this is a variant, not a keyword
+ if (lkey.equals("va") && ltype.equals("posix") && base.getVariant().length() == 0) {
+ id = id + "_POSIX";
+ } else {
+ kwds.put(lkey, ltype);
+ }
+ }
+ // Mapping Unicode locale attribute to the special keyword, attribute=xxx-yyy
+ Set<String> uattributes = uext.getUnicodeLocaleAttributes();
+ if (uattributes.size() > 0) {
+ StringBuilder attrbuf = new StringBuilder();
+ for (String attr : uattributes) {
+ if (attrbuf.length() > 0) {
+ attrbuf.append('-');
+ }
+ attrbuf.append(attr);
+ }
+ kwds.put(LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, attrbuf.toString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ kwds.put(String.valueOf(key), ext.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!kwds.isEmpty()) {
+ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(id);
+ buf.append("@");
+ Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> kset = kwds.entrySet();
+ boolean insertSep = false;
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> kwd : kset) {
+ if (insertSep) {
+ buf.append(";");
+ } else {
+ insertSep = true;
+ }
+ buf.append(kwd.getKey());
+ buf.append("=");
+ buf.append(kwd.getValue());
+ }
+ id = buf.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return new ULocale(id);
+ }
+ private BaseLocale base() {
+ if (baseLocale == null) {
+ String language = getLanguage();
+ if (equals(ULocale.ROOT)) {
+ language = "";
+ }
+ baseLocale = BaseLocale.getInstance(language, getScript(), getCountry(), getVariant());
+ }
+ return baseLocale;
+ }
+ private LocaleExtensions extensions() {
+ if (extensions == null) {
+ Iterator<String> kwitr = getKeywords();
+ if (kwitr == null) {
+ extensions = LocaleExtensions.EMPTY_EXTENSIONS;
+ } else {
+ InternalLocaleBuilder intbld = new InternalLocaleBuilder();
+ while (kwitr.hasNext()) {
+ String key =;
+ if (key.equals(LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY)) {
+ // special keyword used for representing Unicode locale attributes
+ String[] uattributes = getKeywordValue(key).split("[-_]");
+ for (String uattr : uattributes) {
+ try {
+ intbld.addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(uattr);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ // ignore and fall through
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (key.length() >= 2) {
+ String bcpKey = ldmlKeyToBCP47(key);
+ String bcpType = ldmlTypeToBCP47(key, getKeywordValue(key));
+ if (bcpKey != null && bcpType != null) {
+ try {
+ intbld.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(bcpKey, bcpType);
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ // ignore and fall through
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (key.length() == 1 && (key.charAt(0) != UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION)) {
+ try {
+ intbld.setExtension(key.charAt(0), getKeywordValue(key).replace("_",
+ LanguageTag.SEP));
+ } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
+ // ignore and fall through
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ extensions = intbld.getLocaleExtensions();
+ }
+ }
+ return extensions;
+ }
+ //
+ // LDML legacy/BCP47 key and type mapping functions
+ //
+ private static String ldmlKeyToBCP47(String key) {
+ //
+ // normalize key to lowercase
+ key = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(key);
+ String bcpKey = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < KEYMAP.length; i += 2) {
+ if (key.equals(KEYMAP[i])) {
+ bcpKey = KEYMAP[i + 1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bcpKey == null) {
+ if (key.length() == 2 && LanguageTag.isExtensionSubtag(key)) {
+ return key;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ return bcpKey;
+ }
+ private static String bcp47ToLDMLKey(String bcpKey) {
+ //
+ // normalize bcp key to lowercase
+ bcpKey = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(bcpKey);
+ String key = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < KEYMAP.length; i += 2) {
+ if (bcpKey.equals(KEYMAP[i + 1])) {
+ key = KEYMAP[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (key == null) {
+ return bcpKey;
+ }
+ return key;
+ }
+ private static String ldmlTypeToBCP47(String key, String type) {
+ //
+ // keys are case-insensitive, while types are case-sensitive
+ key = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(key);
+ String bcpType = null;
+ String[] map = null;
+ String[] aliasMap = null;
+ if (key.equals("calendar")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colalternate")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colbackwards")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colcasefirst")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colcaselevel")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colhiraganaquaternary")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("collation")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colnormalization")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colnumeric")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colstrength")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("timezone")) {
+ }
+ // LDML alias -> LDML canonical
+ if (aliasMap != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < aliasMap.length; i += 2) {
+ if (type.equals(aliasMap[i])) {
+ type = aliasMap[i + 1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // LDML type -> BCP47 type
+ if (map != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+ if (type.equals(map[i])) {
+ bcpType = map[i + 1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bcpType == null) {
+ int typeLen = type.length();
+ if (typeLen >= 3 && typeLen <= 8 && LanguageTag.isExtensionSubtag(type)) {
+ return type;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ return bcpType;
+ }
+ private static String bcp47ToLDMLType(String key, String bcpType) {
+ //
+ // normalize key/bcpType to lowercase
+ key = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(key);
+ bcpType = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(bcpType);
+ String type = null;
+ String[] map = null;
+ if (key.equals("calendar")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colalternate")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colbackwards")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colcasefirst")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colcaselevel")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colhiraganaquaternary")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("collation")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colnormalization")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colnumeric")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("colstrength")) {
+ } else if (key.equals("timezone")) {
+ }
+ if (map != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+ if (bcpType.equals(map[i + 1])) {
+ type = map[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (type != null) ? type : bcpType;
+ }
+ /*
+ * JDK Locale Helper
+ */
+ private static final class JDKLocaleHelper {
+ private static boolean isJava7orNewer = false;
+ /*
+ * New methods in Java 7 Locale class
+ */
+ private static Method mGetScript;
+ private static Method mGetExtensionKeys;
+ private static Method mGetExtension;
+ private static Method mGetUnicodeLocaleKeys;
+ private static Method mGetUnicodeLocaleAttributes;
+ private static Method mGetUnicodeLocaleType;
+ private static Method mForLanguageTag;
+ private static Method mGetDefault;
+ private static Method mSetDefault;
+ private static Object eDISPLAY;
+ private static Object eFORMAT;
+ /*
+ * This table is used for mapping between ICU and special Java
+ * 6 locales. When an ICU locale matches <minumum base> with
+ * <keyword>/<value>, the ICU locale is mapped to <Java> locale.
+ * For example, both ja_JP@calendar=japanese and ja@calendar=japanese
+ * are mapped to Java locale "ja_JP_JP". ICU locale "nn" is mapped
+ * to Java locale "no_NO_NY".
+ */
+ private static final String[][] JAVA6_MAPDATA = {
+ // { <Java>, <ICU base>, <keyword>, <value>, <minimum base>
+ { "ja_JP_JP", "ja_JP", "calendar", "japanese", "ja"},
+ { "no_NO_NY", "nn_NO", null, null, "nn"},
+ { "th_TH_TH", "th_TH", "numbers", "thai", "th"},
+ };
+ static {
+ do {
+ try {
+ mGetScript = Locale.class.getMethod("getScript", (Class[]) null);
+ mGetExtensionKeys = Locale.class.getMethod("getExtensionKeys", (Class[]) null);
+ mGetExtension = Locale.class.getMethod("getExtension", char.class);
+ mGetUnicodeLocaleKeys = Locale.class.getMethod("getUnicodeLocaleKeys", (Class[]) null);
+ mGetUnicodeLocaleAttributes = Locale.class.getMethod("getUnicodeLocaleAttributes", (Class[]) null);
+ mGetUnicodeLocaleType = Locale.class.getMethod("getUnicodeLocaleType", String.class);
+ mForLanguageTag = Locale.class.getMethod("forLanguageTag", String.class);
+ Class<?> cCategory = null;
+ Class<?>[] classes = Locale.class.getDeclaredClasses();
+ for (Class<?> c : classes) {
+ if (c.getName().equals("java.util.Locale$Category")) {
+ cCategory = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cCategory == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ mGetDefault = Locale.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDefault", cCategory);
+ mSetDefault = Locale.class.getDeclaredMethod("setDefault", cCategory, Locale.class);
+ Method mName = cCategory.getMethod("name", (Class[]) null);
+ Object[] enumConstants = cCategory.getEnumConstants();
+ for (Object e : enumConstants) {
+ String catVal = (String)mName.invoke(e, (Object[])null);
+ if (catVal.equals("DISPLAY")) {
+ eDISPLAY = e;
+ } else if (catVal.equals("FORMAT")) {
+ eFORMAT = e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eDISPLAY == null || eFORMAT == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ isJava7orNewer = true;
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ } catch (SecurityException e) {
+ // TODO : report?
+ }
+ } while (false);
+ }
+ private JDKLocaleHelper() {
+ }
+ public static boolean isJava7orNewer() {
+ return isJava7orNewer;
+ }
+ public static ULocale toULocale(Locale loc) {
+ return isJava7orNewer ? toULocale7(loc) : toULocale6(loc);
+ }
+ public static Locale toLocale(ULocale uloc) {
+ return isJava7orNewer ? toLocale7(uloc) : toLocale6(uloc);
+ }
+ private static ULocale toULocale7(Locale loc) {
+ String language = loc.getLanguage();
+ String script = "";
+ String country = loc.getCountry();
+ String variant = loc.getVariant();
+ Set<String> attributes = null;
+ Map<String, String> keywords = null;
+ try {
+ script = (String) mGetScript.invoke(loc, (Object[]) null);
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ Set<Character> extKeys = (Set<Character>) mGetExtensionKeys.invoke(loc, (Object[]) null);
+ if (!extKeys.isEmpty()) {
+ for (Character extKey : extKeys) {
+ if (extKey.charValue() == 'u') {
+ // Found Unicode locale extension
+ // attributes
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ Set<String> uAttributes = (Set<String>) mGetUnicodeLocaleAttributes.invoke(loc, (Object[]) null);
+ if (!uAttributes.isEmpty()) {
+ attributes = new TreeSet<String>();
+ for (String attr : uAttributes) {
+ attributes.add(attr);
+ }
+ }
+ // keywords
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ Set<String> uKeys = (Set<String>) mGetUnicodeLocaleKeys.invoke(loc, (Object[]) null);
+ for (String kwKey : uKeys) {
+ String kwVal = (String) mGetUnicodeLocaleType.invoke(loc, kwKey);
+ if (kwVal != null) {
+ if (kwKey.equals("va")) {
+ // va-* is interpreted as a variant
+ variant = (variant.length() == 0) ? kwVal : kwVal + "_" + variant;
+ } else {
+ if (keywords == null) {
+ keywords = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+ }
+ keywords.put(kwKey, kwVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ String extVal = (String) mGetExtension.invoke(loc, extKey);
+ if (extVal != null) {
+ if (keywords == null) {
+ keywords = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+ }
+ keywords.put(String.valueOf(extKey), extVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ // JDK locale no_NO_NY is not interpreted as Nynorsk by ICU,
+ // and it should be transformed to nn_NO.
+ // Note: JDK7+ unerstand both no_NO_NY and nn_NO. When convert
+ // ICU locale to JDK, we do not need to map nn_NO back to no_NO_NY.
+ if (language.equals("no") && country.equals("NO") && variant.equals("NY")) {
+ language = "nn";
+ variant = "";
+ }
+ // Constructing ID
+ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(language);
+ if (script.length() > 0) {
+ buf.append('_');
+ buf.append(script);
+ }
+ if (country.length() > 0) {
+ buf.append('_');
+ buf.append(country);
+ }
+ if (variant.length() > 0) {
+ if (country.length() == 0) {
+ buf.append('_');
+ }
+ buf.append('_');
+ buf.append(variant);
+ }
+ if (attributes != null) {
+ // transform Unicode attributes into a keyword
+ StringBuilder attrBuf = new StringBuilder();
+ for (String attr : attributes) {
+ if (attrBuf.length() != 0) {
+ attrBuf.append('-');
+ }
+ attrBuf.append(attr);
+ }
+ if (keywords == null) {
+ keywords = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+ }
+ keywords.put(LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, attrBuf.toString());
+ }
+ if (keywords != null) {
+ buf.append('@');
+ boolean addSep = false;
+ for (Entry<String, String> kwEntry : keywords.entrySet()) {
+ String kwKey = kwEntry.getKey();
+ String kwVal = kwEntry.getValue();
+ if (kwKey.length() != 1) {
+ // Unicode locale key
+ kwKey = bcp47ToLDMLKey(kwKey);
+ // use "true" as the value of typeless keywords
+ kwVal = bcp47ToLDMLType(kwKey, ((kwVal.length() == 0) ? "true" : kwVal));
+ }
+ if (addSep) {
+ buf.append(';');
+ } else {
+ addSep = true;
+ }
+ buf.append(kwKey);
+ buf.append('=');
+ buf.append(kwVal);
+ }
+ }
+ return new ULocale(getName(buf.toString()), loc);
+ }
+ private static ULocale toULocale6(Locale loc) {
+ ULocale uloc = null;
+ String locStr = loc.toString();
+ if (locStr.length() == 0) {
+ uloc = ULocale.ROOT;
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < JAVA6_MAPDATA.length; i++) {
+ if (JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][0].equals(locStr)) {
+ LocaleIDParser p = new LocaleIDParser(JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][1]);
+ p.setKeywordValue(JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][2], JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][3]);
+ locStr = p.getName();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ uloc = new ULocale(getName(locStr), loc);
+ }
+ return uloc;
+ }
+ private static Locale toLocale7(ULocale uloc) {
+ Locale loc = null;
+ String ulocStr = uloc.getName();
+ if (uloc.getScript().length() > 0 || ulocStr.contains("@")) {
+ // With script or keywords available, the best way
+ // to get a mapped Locale is to go through a language tag.
+ // A Locale with script or keywords can only have variants
+ // that is 1 to 8 alphanum. If this ULocale has a variant
+ // subtag not satisfying the criteria, the variant subtag
+ // will be lost.
+ String tag = uloc.toLanguageTag();
+ // Workaround for variant casing problem:
+ //
+ // The variant field in ICU is case insensitive and normalized
+ // to upper case letters by getVariant(), while
+ // the variant field in JDK Locale is case sensitive.
+ // ULocale#toLanguageTag use lower case characters for
+ // BCP 47 variant and private use x-lvariant.
+ //
+ // Locale#forLanguageTag in JDK preserves character casing
+ // for variant. Because ICU always normalizes variant to
+ // upper case, we convert language tag to upper case here.
+ tag = AsciiUtil.toUpperString(tag);
+ try {
+ loc = (Locale)mForLanguageTag.invoke(null, tag);
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (loc == null) {
+ // Without script or keywords, use a Locale constructor,
+ // so we can preserve any ill-formed variants.
+ loc = new Locale(uloc.getLanguage(), uloc.getCountry(), uloc.getVariant());
+ }
+ return loc;
+ }
+ private static Locale toLocale6(ULocale uloc) {
+ String locstr = uloc.getBaseName();
+ for (int i = 0; i < JAVA6_MAPDATA.length; i++) {
+ if (locstr.equals(JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][1]) || locstr.equals(JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][4])) {
+ if (JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][2] != null) {
+ String val = uloc.getKeywordValue(JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][2]);
+ if (val != null && val.equals(JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][3])) {
+ locstr = JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][0];
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ locstr = JAVA6_MAPDATA[i][0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LocaleIDParser p = new LocaleIDParser(locstr);
+ String[] names = p.getLanguageScriptCountryVariant();
+ return new Locale(names[0], names[2], names[3]);
+ }
+ public static Locale getDefault(Category category) {
+ Locale loc = Locale.getDefault();
+ if (isJava7orNewer) {
+ Object cat = null;
+ switch (category) {
+ case DISPLAY:
+ cat = eDISPLAY;
+ break;
+ case FORMAT:
+ cat = eFORMAT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cat != null) {
+ try {
+ loc = (Locale)mGetDefault.invoke(null, cat);
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ // fall through - use the base default
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ // fall through - use the base default
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ // fall through - use the base default
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return loc;
+ }
+ public static void setDefault(Category category, Locale newLocale) {
+ if (isJava7orNewer) {
+ Object cat = null;
+ switch (category) {
+ case DISPLAY:
+ cat = eDISPLAY;
+ break;
+ case FORMAT:
+ cat = eFORMAT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cat != null) {
+ try {
+ mSetDefault.invoke(null, cat, newLocale);
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ // fall through - no effects
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ // fall through - no effects
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ // fall through - no effects
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static final String[] KEYMAP = {
+ "calendar", "ca",
+ "colalternate", "ka",
+ "colbackwards", "kb",
+ "colcasefirst", "kf",
+ "colcaselevel", "kc",
+ "colhiraganaquaternary", "kh",
+ "collation", "co",
+ "colnormalization", "kk",
+ "colnumeric", "kn",
+ "colstrength", "ks",
+ "currency", "cu",
+ "numbers", "nu",
+ "timezone", "tz",
+ "variabletop", "vt",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_CALENDAR = {
+ "ethiopic-amete-alem", "ethioaa",
+ "gregorian", "gregory",
+ "islamic-civil", "islamicc",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLALTERNATE = {
+ "non-ignorable", "noignore",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLBACKWARDS = {
+ "no", "false",
+ "yes", "true",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLCASEFIRST = {
+ "no", "false",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLCASELEVEL = {
+ "no", "false",
+ "yes", "true",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLHIRAGANAQUATERNARY = {
+ "no", "false",
+ "yes", "true",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLLATION = {
+ "dictionary", "dict",
+ "gb2312han", "gb2312",
+ "phonebook", "phonebk",
+ "traditional", "trad",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLNORMALIZATION = {
+ "no", "false",
+ "yes", "true",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLNUMERIC = {
+ "no", "false",
+ "yes", "true",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_COLSTRENGTH = {
+ "identical", "identic",
+ "primary", "level1",
+ "quaternary", "level4",
+ "secondary", "level2",
+ "tertiary", "level3",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEMAP_TIMEZONE = {
+ "Africa/Abidjan", "ciabj",
+ "Africa/Accra", "ghacc",
+ "Africa/Addis_Ababa", "etadd",
+ "Africa/Algiers", "dzalg",
+ "Africa/Asmera", "erasm",
+ "Africa/Bamako", "mlbko",
+ "Africa/Bangui", "cfbgf",
+ "Africa/Banjul", "gmbjl",
+ "Africa/Bissau", "gwoxb",
+ "Africa/Blantyre", "mwblz",
+ "Africa/Brazzaville", "cgbzv",
+ "Africa/Bujumbura", "bibjm",
+ "Africa/Cairo", "egcai",
+ "Africa/Casablanca", "macas",
+ "Africa/Ceuta", "esceu",
+ "Africa/Conakry", "gncky",
+ "Africa/Dakar", "sndkr",
+ "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam", "tzdar",
+ "Africa/Djibouti", "djjib",
+ "Africa/Douala", "cmdla",
+ "Africa/El_Aaiun", "eheai",
+ "Africa/Freetown", "slfna",
+ "Africa/Gaborone", "bwgbe",
+ "Africa/Harare", "zwhre",
+ "Africa/Johannesburg", "zajnb",
+ "Africa/Kampala", "ugkla",
+ "Africa/Khartoum", "sdkrt",
+ "Africa/Kigali", "rwkgl",
+ "Africa/Kinshasa", "cdfih",
+ "Africa/Lagos", "nglos",
+ "Africa/Libreville", "galbv",
+ "Africa/Lome", "tglfw",
+ "Africa/Luanda", "aolad",
+ "Africa/Lubumbashi", "cdfbm",
+ "Africa/Lusaka", "zmlun",
+ "Africa/Malabo", "gqssg",
+ "Africa/Maputo", "mzmpm",
+ "Africa/Maseru", "lsmsu",
+ "Africa/Mbabane", "szqmn",
+ "Africa/Mogadishu", "somgq",
+ "Africa/Monrovia", "lrmlw",
+ "Africa/Nairobi", "kenbo",
+ "Africa/Ndjamena", "tdndj",
+ "Africa/Niamey", "nenim",
+ "Africa/Nouakchott", "mrnkc",
+ "Africa/Ouagadougou", "bfoua",
+ "Africa/Porto-Novo", "bjptn",
+ "Africa/Sao_Tome", "sttms",
+ "Africa/Tripoli", "lytip",
+ "Africa/Tunis", "tntun",
+ "Africa/Windhoek", "nawdh",
+ "America/Adak", "usadk",
+ "America/Anchorage", "usanc",
+ "America/Anguilla", "aiaxa",
+ "America/Antigua", "aganu",
+ "America/Araguaina", "braux",
+ "America/Argentina/La_Rioja", "arirj",
+ "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos", "arrgl",
+ "America/Argentina/Salta", "arsla",
+ "America/Argentina/San_Juan", "aruaq",
+ "America/Argentina/San_Luis", "arluq",
+ "America/Argentina/Tucuman", "artuc",
+ "America/Argentina/Ushuaia", "arush",
+ "America/Aruba", "awaua",
+ "America/Asuncion", "pyasu",
+ "America/Bahia", "brssa",
+ "America/Bahia_Banderas", "mxpvr",
+ "America/Barbados", "bbbgi",
+ "America/Belem", "brbel",
+ "America/Belize", "bzbze",
+ "America/Blanc-Sablon", "caybx",
+ "America/Boa_Vista", "brbvb",
+ "America/Bogota", "cobog",
+ "America/Boise", "usboi",
+ "America/Buenos_Aires", "arbue",
+ "America/Cambridge_Bay", "caycb",
+ "America/Campo_Grande", "brcgr",
+ "America/Cancun", "mxcun",
+ "America/Caracas", "veccs",
+ "America/Catamarca", "arctc",
+ "America/Cayenne", "gfcay",
+ "America/Cayman", "kygec",
+ "America/Chicago", "uschi",
+ "America/Chihuahua", "mxchi",
+ "America/Coral_Harbour", "cayzs",
+ "America/Cordoba", "arcor",
+ "America/Costa_Rica", "crsjo",
+ "America/Cuiaba", "brcgb",
+ "America/Curacao", "ancur",
+ "America/Danmarkshavn", "gldkshvn",
+ "America/Dawson", "cayda",
+ "America/Dawson_Creek", "caydq",
+ "America/Denver", "usden",
+ "America/Detroit", "usdet",
+ "America/Dominica", "dmdom",
+ "America/Edmonton", "caedm",
+ "America/Eirunepe", "brern",
+ "America/El_Salvador", "svsal",
+ "America/Fortaleza", "brfor",
+ "America/Glace_Bay", "caglb",
+ "America/Godthab", "glgoh",
+ "America/Goose_Bay", "cagoo",
+ "America/Grand_Turk", "tcgdt",
+ "America/Grenada", "gdgnd",
+ "America/Guadeloupe", "gpbbr",
+ "America/Guatemala", "gtgua",
+ "America/Guayaquil", "ecgye",
+ "America/Guyana", "gygeo",
+ "America/Halifax", "cahal",
+ "America/Havana", "cuhav",
+ "America/Hermosillo", "mxhmo",
+ "America/Indiana/Knox", "usknx",
+ "America/Indiana/Marengo", "usaeg",
+ "America/Indiana/Petersburg", "uswsq",
+ "America/Indiana/Tell_City", "ustel",
+ "America/Indiana/Vevay", "usinvev",
+ "America/Indiana/Vincennes", "usoea",
+ "America/Indiana/Winamac", "uswlz",
+ "America/Indianapolis", "usind",
+ "America/Inuvik", "cayev",
+ "America/Iqaluit", "caiql",
+ "America/Jamaica", "jmkin",
+ "America/Jujuy", "arjuj",
+ "America/Juneau", "usjnu",
+ "America/Kentucky/Monticello", "usmoc",
+ "America/La_Paz", "bolpb",
+ "America/Lima", "pelim",
+ "America/Los_Angeles", "uslax",
+ "America/Louisville", "uslui",
+ "America/Maceio", "brmcz",
+ "America/Managua", "nimga",
+ "America/Manaus", "brmao",
+ "America/Marigot", "gpmsb",
+ "America/Martinique", "mqfdf",
+ "America/Matamoros", "mxmam",
+ "America/Mazatlan", "mxmzt",
+ "America/Mendoza", "armdz",
+ "America/Menominee", "usmnm",
+ "America/Merida", "mxmid",
+ "America/Metlakatla", "usmtm",
+ "America/Mexico_City", "mxmex",
+ "America/Miquelon", "pmmqc",
+ "America/Moncton", "camon",
+ "America/Monterrey", "mxmty",
+ "America/Montevideo", "uymvd",
+ "America/Montreal", "camtr",
+ "America/Montserrat", "msmni",
+ "America/Nassau", "bsnas",
+ "America/New_York", "usnyc",
+ "America/Nipigon", "canpg",
+ "America/Nome", "usome",
+ "America/Noronha", "brfen",
+ "America/North_Dakota/Beulah", "usxul",
+ "America/North_Dakota/Center", "usndcnt",
+ "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem", "usndnsl",
+ "America/Ojinaga", "mxoji",
+ "America/Panama", "papty",
+ "America/Pangnirtung", "capnt",
+ "America/Paramaribo", "srpbm",
+ "America/Phoenix", "usphx",
+ "America/Port-au-Prince", "htpap",
+ "America/Port_of_Spain", "ttpos",
+ "America/Porto_Velho", "brpvh",
+ "America/Puerto_Rico", "prsju",
+ "America/Rainy_River", "caffs",
+ "America/Rankin_Inlet", "cayek",
+ "America/Recife", "brrec",
+ "America/Regina", "careg",
+ "America/Resolute", "careb",
+ "America/Rio_Branco", "brrbr",
+ "America/Santa_Isabel", "mxstis",
+ "America/Santarem", "brstm",
+ "America/Santiago", "clscl",
+ "America/Santo_Domingo", "dosdq",
+ "America/Sao_Paulo", "brsao",
+ "America/Scoresbysund", "globy",
+ "America/Shiprock", "usnavajo",
+ "America/Sitka", "ussit",
+ "America/St_Barthelemy", "gpsbh",
+ "America/St_Johns", "casjf",
+ "America/St_Kitts", "knbas",
+ "America/St_Lucia", "lccas",
+ "America/St_Thomas", "vistt",
+ "America/St_Vincent", "vcsvd",
+ "America/Swift_Current", "cayyn",
+ "America/Tegucigalpa", "hntgu",
+ "America/Thule", "glthu",
+ "America/Thunder_Bay", "cathu",
+ "America/Tijuana", "mxtij",
+ "America/Toronto", "cator",
+ "America/Tortola", "vgtov",
+ "America/Vancouver", "cavan",
+ "America/Whitehorse", "cayxy",
+ "America/Winnipeg", "cawnp",
+ "America/Yakutat", "usyak",
+ "America/Yellowknife", "cayzf",
+ "Antarctica/Casey", "aqcas",
+ "Antarctica/Davis", "aqdav",
+ "Antarctica/DumontDUrville", "aqddu",
+ "Antarctica/Macquarie", "aumqi",
+ "Antarctica/Mawson", "aqmaw",
+ "Antarctica/McMurdo", "aqmcm",
+ "Antarctica/Palmer", "aqplm",
+ "Antarctica/Rothera", "aqrot",
+ "Antarctica/South_Pole", "aqams",
+ "Antarctica/Syowa", "aqsyw",
+ "Antarctica/Vostok", "aqvos",
+ "Arctic/Longyearbyen", "sjlyr",
+ "Asia/Aden", "yeade",
+ "Asia/Almaty", "kzala",
+ "Asia/Amman", "joamm",
+ "Asia/Anadyr", "rudyr",
+ "Asia/Aqtau", "kzaau",
+ "Asia/Aqtobe", "kzakx",
+ "Asia/Ashgabat", "tmasb",
+ "Asia/Baghdad", "iqbgw",
+ "Asia/Bahrain", "bhbah",
+ "Asia/Baku", "azbak",
+ "Asia/Bangkok", "thbkk",
+ "Asia/Beirut", "lbbey",
+ "Asia/Bishkek", "kgfru",
+ "Asia/Brunei", "bnbwn",
+ "Asia/Calcutta", "inccu",
+ "Asia/Choibalsan", "mncoq",
+ "Asia/Chongqing", "cnckg",
+ "Asia/Colombo", "lkcmb",
+ "Asia/Damascus", "sydam",
+ "Asia/Dhaka", "bddac",
+ "Asia/Dili", "tldil",
+ "Asia/Dubai", "aedxb",
+ "Asia/Dushanbe", "tjdyu",
+ "Asia/Gaza", "gaza",
+ "Asia/Harbin", "cnhrb",
+ "Asia/Hong_Kong", "hkhkg",
+ "Asia/Hovd", "mnhvd",
+ "Asia/Irkutsk", "ruikt",
+ "Asia/Jakarta", "idjkt",
+ "Asia/Jayapura", "iddjj",
+ "Asia/Jerusalem", "jeruslm",
+ "Asia/Kabul", "afkbl",
+ "Asia/Kamchatka", "rupkc",
+ "Asia/Karachi", "pkkhi",
+ "Asia/Kashgar", "cnkhg",
+ "Asia/Katmandu", "npktm",
+ "Asia/Krasnoyarsk", "rukra",
+ "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "mykul",
+ "Asia/Kuching", "mykch",
+ "Asia/Kuwait", "kwkwi",
+ "Asia/Macau", "momfm",
+ "Asia/Magadan", "rugdx",
+ "Asia/Makassar", "idmak",
+ "Asia/Manila", "phmnl",
+ "Asia/Muscat", "ommct",
+ "Asia/Nicosia", "cynic",
+ "Asia/Novokuznetsk", "runoz",
+ "Asia/Novosibirsk", "ruovb",
+ "Asia/Omsk", "ruoms",
+ "Asia/Oral", "kzura",
+ "Asia/Phnom_Penh", "khpnh",
+ "Asia/Pontianak", "idpnk",
+ "Asia/Pyongyang", "kpfnj",
+ "Asia/Qatar", "qadoh",
+ "Asia/Qyzylorda", "kzkzo",
+ "Asia/Rangoon", "mmrgn",
+ "Asia/Riyadh", "saruh",
+ "Asia/Saigon", "vnsgn",
+ "Asia/Sakhalin", "ruuus",
+ "Asia/Samarkand", "uzskd",
+ "Asia/Seoul", "krsel",
+ "Asia/Shanghai", "cnsha",
+ "Asia/Singapore", "sgsin",
+ "Asia/Taipei", "twtpe",
+ "Asia/Tashkent", "uztas",
+ "Asia/Tbilisi", "getbs",
+ "Asia/Tehran", "irthr",
+ "Asia/Thimphu", "btthi",
+ "Asia/Tokyo", "jptyo",
+ "Asia/Ulaanbaatar", "mnuln",
+ "Asia/Urumqi", "cnurc",
+ "Asia/Vientiane", "lavte",
+ "Asia/Vladivostok", "ruvvo",
+ "Asia/Yakutsk", "ruyks",
+ "Asia/Yekaterinburg", "ruyek",
+ "Asia/Yerevan", "amevn",
+ "Atlantic/Azores", "ptpdl",
+ "Atlantic/Bermuda", "bmbda",
+ "Atlantic/Canary", "eslpa",
+ "Atlantic/Cape_Verde", "cvrai",
+ "Atlantic/Faeroe", "fotho",
+ "Atlantic/Madeira", "ptfnc",
+ "Atlantic/Reykjavik", "isrey",
+ "Atlantic/South_Georgia", "gsgrv",
+ "Atlantic/St_Helena", "shshn",
+ "Atlantic/Stanley", "fkpsy",
+ "Australia/Adelaide", "auadl",
+ "Australia/Brisbane", "aubne",
+ "Australia/Broken_Hill", "aubhq",
+ "Australia/Currie", "aukns",
+ "Australia/Darwin", "audrw",
+ "Australia/Eucla", "aueuc",
+ "Australia/Hobart", "auhba",
+ "Australia/Lindeman", "auldc",
+ "Australia/Lord_Howe", "auldh",
+ "Australia/Melbourne", "aumel",
+ "Australia/Perth", "auper",
+ "Australia/Sydney", "ausyd",
+ "CST6CDT", "cst6cdt",
+ "EST5EDT", "est5edt",
+ "Etc/GMT", "utc",
+ "Etc/GMT+1", "utcw01",
+ "Etc/GMT+10", "utcw10",
+ "Etc/GMT+11", "utcw11",
+ "Etc/GMT+12", "utcw12",
+ "Etc/GMT+2", "utcw02",
+ "Etc/GMT+3", "utcw03",
+ "Etc/GMT+4", "utcw04",
+ "Etc/GMT+5", "utcw05",
+ "Etc/GMT+6", "utcw06",
+ "Etc/GMT+7", "utcw07",
+ "Etc/GMT+8", "utcw08",
+ "Etc/GMT+9", "utcw09",
+ "Etc/GMT-1", "utce01",
+ "Etc/GMT-10", "utce10",
+ "Etc/GMT-11", "utce11",
+ "Etc/GMT-12", "utce12",
+ "Etc/GMT-13", "utce13",
+ "Etc/GMT-14", "utce14",
+ "Etc/GMT-2", "utce02",
+ "Etc/GMT-3", "utce03",
+ "Etc/GMT-4", "utce04",
+ "Etc/GMT-5", "utce05",
+ "Etc/GMT-6", "utce06",
+ "Etc/GMT-7", "utce07",
+ "Etc/GMT-8", "utce08",
+ "Etc/GMT-9", "utce09",
+ "Etc/Unknown", "unk",
+ "Europe/Amsterdam", "nlams",
+ "Europe/Andorra", "adalv",
+ "Europe/Athens", "grath",
+ "Europe/Belgrade", "rsbeg",
+ "Europe/Berlin", "deber",
+ "Europe/Bratislava", "skbts",
+ "Europe/Brussels", "bebru",
+ "Europe/Bucharest", "robuh",
+ "Europe/Budapest", "hubud",
+ "Europe/Chisinau", "mdkiv",
+ "Europe/Copenhagen", "dkcph",
+ "Europe/Dublin", "iedub",
+ "Europe/Gibraltar", "gigib",
+ "Europe/Guernsey", "gggci",
+ "Europe/Helsinki", "fihel",
+ "Europe/Isle_of_Man", "imdgs",
+ "Europe/Istanbul", "trist",
+ "Europe/Jersey", "jesth",
+ "Europe/Kaliningrad", "rukgd",
+ "Europe/Kiev", "uaiev",
+ "Europe/Lisbon", "ptlis",
+ "Europe/Ljubljana", "silju",
+ "Europe/London", "gblon",
+ "Europe/Luxembourg", "lulux",
+ "Europe/Madrid", "esmad",
+ "Europe/Malta", "mtmla",
+ "Europe/Mariehamn", "fimhq",
+ "Europe/Minsk", "bymsq",
+ "Europe/Monaco", "mcmon",
+ "Europe/Moscow", "rumow",
+ "Europe/Oslo", "noosl",
+ "Europe/Paris", "frpar",
+ "Europe/Podgorica", "metgd",
+ "Europe/Prague", "czprg",
+ "Europe/Riga", "lvrix",
+ "Europe/Rome", "itrom",
+ "Europe/Samara", "rukuf",
+ "Europe/San_Marino", "smsai",
+ "Europe/Sarajevo", "basjj",
+ "Europe/Simferopol", "uasip",
+ "Europe/Skopje", "mkskp",
+ "Europe/Sofia", "bgsof",
+ "Europe/Stockholm", "sesto",
+ "Europe/Tallinn", "eetll",
+ "Europe/Tirane", "altia",
+ "Europe/Uzhgorod", "uauzh",
+ "Europe/Vaduz", "livdz",
+ "Europe/Vatican", "vavat",
+ "Europe/Vienna", "atvie",
+ "Europe/Vilnius", "ltvno",
+ "Europe/Volgograd", "ruvog",
+ "Europe/Warsaw", "plwaw",
+ "Europe/Zagreb", "hrzag",
+ "Europe/Zaporozhye", "uaozh",
+ "Europe/Zurich", "chzrh",
+ "Indian/Antananarivo", "mgtnr",
+ "Indian/Chagos", "iodga",
+ "Indian/Christmas", "cxxch",
+ "Indian/Cocos", "cccck",
+ "Indian/Comoro", "kmyva",
+ "Indian/Kerguelen", "tfpfr",
+ "Indian/Mahe", "scmaw",
+ "Indian/Maldives", "mvmle",
+ "Indian/Mauritius", "muplu",
+ "Indian/Mayotte", "ytmam",
+ "Indian/Reunion", "rereu",
+ "MST7MDT", "mst7mdt",
+ "PST8PDT", "pst8pdt",
+ "Pacific/Apia", "wsapw",
+ "Pacific/Auckland", "nzakl",
+ "Pacific/Chatham", "nzcht",
+ "Pacific/Easter", "clipc",
+ "Pacific/Efate", "vuvli",
+ "Pacific/Enderbury", "kipho",
+ "Pacific/Fakaofo", "tkfko",
+ "Pacific/Fiji", "fjsuv",
+ "Pacific/Funafuti", "tvfun",
+ "Pacific/Galapagos", "ecgps",
+ "Pacific/Gambier", "pfgmr",
+ "Pacific/Guadalcanal", "sbhir",
+ "Pacific/Guam", "gugum",
+ "Pacific/Honolulu", "ushnl",
+ "Pacific/Johnston", "umjon",
+ "Pacific/Kiritimati", "kicxi",
+ "Pacific/Kosrae", "fmksa",
+ "Pacific/Kwajalein", "mhkwa",
+ "Pacific/Majuro", "mhmaj",
+ "Pacific/Marquesas", "pfnhv",
+ "Pacific/Midway", "ummdy",
+ "Pacific/Nauru", "nrinu",
+ "Pacific/Niue", "nuiue",
+ "Pacific/Norfolk", "nfnlk",
+ "Pacific/Noumea", "ncnou",
+ "Pacific/Pago_Pago", "asppg",
+ "Pacific/Palau", "pwror",
+ "Pacific/Pitcairn", "pnpcn",
+ "Pacific/Ponape", "fmpni",
+ "Pacific/Port_Moresby", "pgpom",
+ "Pacific/Rarotonga", "ckrar",
+ "Pacific/Saipan", "mpspn",
+ "Pacific/Tahiti", "pfppt",
+ "Pacific/Tarawa", "kitrw",
+ "Pacific/Tongatapu", "totbu",
+ "Pacific/Truk", "fmtkk",
+ "Pacific/Wake", "umawk",
+ "Pacific/Wallis", "wfmau",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEALIAS_COLSTRENGTH = {
+ "quarternary", "quaternary",
+ };
+ private static final String[] TYPEALIAS_TIMEZONE = {
+ "Africa/Asmara", "Africa/Asmera",
+ "Africa/Timbuktu", "Africa/Bamako",
+ "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "America/Buenos_Aires",
+ "America/Argentina/Catamarca", "America/Catamarca",
+ "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia", "America/Catamarca",
+ "America/Argentina/Cordoba", "America/Cordoba",
+ "America/Argentina/Jujuy", "America/Jujuy",
+ "America/Argentina/Mendoza", "America/Mendoza",
+ "America/Atikokan", "America/Coral_Harbour",
+ "America/Atka", "America/Adak",
+ "America/Ensenada", "America/Tijuana",
+ "America/Fort_Wayne", "America/Indianapolis",
+ "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", "America/Indianapolis",
+ "America/Kentucky/Louisville", "America/Louisville",
+ "America/Knox_IN", "America/Indiana/Knox",
+ "America/Porto_Acre", "America/Rio_Branco",
+ "America/Rosario", "America/Cordoba",
+ "America/Virgin", "America/St_Thomas",
+ "Asia/Ashkhabad", "Asia/Ashgabat",
+ "Asia/Chungking", "Asia/Chongqing",
+ "Asia/Dacca", "Asia/Dhaka",
+ "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh", "Asia/Saigon",
+ "Asia/Istanbul", "Europe/Istanbul",
+ "Asia/Kathmandu", "Asia/Katmandu",
+ "Asia/Kolkata", "Asia/Calcutta",
+ "Asia/Macao", "Asia/Macau",
+ "Asia/Tel_Aviv", "Asia/Jerusalem",
+ "Asia/Thimbu", "Asia/Thimphu",
+ "Asia/Ujung_Pandang", "Asia/Makassar",
+ "Asia/Ulan_Bator", "Asia/Ulaanbaatar",
+ "Atlantic/Faroe", "Atlantic/Faeroe",
+ "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen", "Arctic/Longyearbyen",
+ "Australia/ACT", "Australia/Sydney",
+ "Australia/Canberra", "Australia/Sydney",
+ "Australia/LHI", "Australia/Lord_Howe",
+ "Australia/NSW", "Australia/Sydney",
+ "Australia/North", "Australia/Darwin",
+ "Australia/Queensland", "Australia/Brisbane",
+ "Australia/South", "Australia/Adelaide",
+ "Australia/Tasmania", "Australia/Hobart",
+ "Australia/Victoria", "Australia/Melbourne",
+ "Australia/West", "Australia/Perth",
+ "Australia/Yancowinna", "Australia/Broken_Hill",
+ "Brazil/Acre", "America/Rio_Branco",
+ "Brazil/DeNoronha", "America/Noronha",
+ "Brazil/East", "America/Sao_Paulo",
+ "Brazil/West", "America/Manaus",
+ "Canada/Atlantic", "America/Halifax",
+ "Canada/Central", "America/Winnipeg",
+ "Canada/East-Saskatchewan", "America/Regina",
+ "Canada/Eastern", "America/Toronto",
+ "Canada/Mountain", "America/Edmonton",
+ "Canada/Newfoundland", "America/St_Johns",
+ "Canada/Pacific", "America/Vancouver",
+ "Canada/Saskatchewan", "America/Regina",
+ "Canada/Yukon", "America/Whitehorse",
+ "Chile/Continental", "America/Santiago",
+ "Chile/EasterIsland", "Pacific/Easter",
+ "Cuba", "America/Havana",
+ "EST", "Etc/GMT+5",
+ "Egypt", "Africa/Cairo",
+ "Eire", "Europe/Dublin",
+ "Etc/GMT+0", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/GMT-0", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/GMT0", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/Greenwich", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/UCT", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/UTC", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/Universal", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Etc/Zulu", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Europe/Belfast", "Europe/London",
+ "Europe/Nicosia", "Asia/Nicosia",
+ "Europe/Tiraspol", "Europe/Chisinau",
+ "GB", "Europe/London",
+ "GB-Eire", "Europe/London",
+ "GMT", "Etc/GMT",
+ "GMT+0", "Etc/GMT",
+ "GMT-0", "Etc/GMT",
+ "GMT0", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Greenwich", "Etc/GMT",
+ "HST", "Etc/GMT+10",
+ "Hongkong", "Asia/Hong_Kong",
+ "Iceland", "Atlantic/Reykjavik",
+ "Iran", "Asia/Tehran",
+ "Israel", "Asia/Jerusalem",
+ "Jamaica", "America/Jamaica",
+ "Japan", "Asia/Tokyo",
+ "Kwajalein", "Pacific/Kwajalein",
+ "Libya", "Africa/Tripoli",
+ "MST", "Etc/GMT+7",
+ "Mexico/BajaNorte", "America/Tijuana",
+ "Mexico/BajaSur", "America/Mazatlan",
+ "Mexico/General", "America/Mexico_City",
+ "NZ", "Pacific/Auckland",
+ "NZ-CHAT", "Pacific/Chatham",
+ "Navajo", "America/Shiprock",
+ "PRC", "Asia/Shanghai",
+ "Pacific/Chuuk", "Pacific/Truk",
+ "Pacific/Pohnpei", "Pacific/Ponape",
+ "Pacific/Samoa", "Pacific/Pago_Pago",
+ "Pacific/Yap", "Pacific/Truk",
+ "Poland", "Europe/Warsaw",
+ "Portugal", "Europe/Lisbon",
+ "ROC", "Asia/Taipei",
+ "ROK", "Asia/Seoul",
+ "Singapore", "Asia/Singapore",
+ "Turkey", "Europe/Istanbul",
+ "UCT", "Etc/GMT",
+ "US/Alaska", "America/Anchorage",
+ "US/Aleutian", "America/Adak",
+ "US/Arizona", "America/Phoenix",
+ "US/Central", "America/Chicago",
+ "US/East-Indiana", "America/Indianapolis",
+ "US/Eastern", "America/New_York",
+ "US/Hawaii", "Pacific/Honolulu",
+ "US/Indiana-Starke", "America/Indiana/Knox",
+ "US/Michigan", "America/Detroit",
+ "US/Mountain", "America/Denver",
+ "US/Pacific", "America/Los_Angeles",
+ "US/Pacific-New", "America/Los_Angeles",
+ "US/Samoa", "Pacific/Pago_Pago",
+ "UTC", "Etc/GMT",
+ "Universal", "Etc/GMT",
+ "W-SU", "Europe/Moscow",
+ "Zulu", "Etc/GMT",
+ };