//get the torrent
- Torrent * torrent = nil;
+ __block Torrent * torrent = nil;
if (torrentStruct != NULL && (type != TR_RPC_TORRENT_ADDED && type != TR_RPC_SESSION_CHANGED && type != TR_RPC_SESSION_CLOSE))
- const NSUInteger index = [fTorrents indexOfObjectWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent passingTest: ^BOOL(Torrent * checkTorrent, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * stop) {
- return torrentStruct == [checkTorrent torrentStruct];
+ [fTorrents enumerateObjectsWithOptions: NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock: ^(Torrent * checkTorrent, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
+ if (torrentStruct == [checkTorrent torrentStruct])
+ torrent = checkTorrent;
- if (index == NSNotFound)
+ if (!torrent)
NSLog(@"No torrent found matching the given torrent struct from the RPC callback!");
- torrent = [fTorrents objectAtIndex: index];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{