dnl $Id$
-PHP_ARG_ENABLE(mbstr_enc_trans, whether to enable encoding translation,
-[ --enable-mbstr-enc-trans Enable input encoding translation], no)
+PHP_ARG_ENABLE(mbstring, whether to enable multibyte string support,
+[ --disable-mbstring Disable multibyte string support], yes)
PHP_ARG_ENABLE(mbregex, whether to enable multibyte regex support,
-[ --disable-mbregex Disable multibyte regex support], yes)
+[ --disable-mbregex Disable multibyte regex support], yes)
-PHP_ARG_ENABLE(mbstring, whether to enable multibyte string support,
-[ --disable-mbstring Disable multibyte string support], yes)
+PHP_ARG_ENABLE(mbstr_enc_trans, whether to enable encoding translation,
+[ --enable-mbstr-enc-trans Enable input encoding translation], no)
if test "$PHP_MBSTRING" != "no"; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MBSTRING,1,[whether to have multibyte string support])
+if test "$MBREGEX" != "no" ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MBREGEX, 1, [whether to have multibyte regex support])
if test "$PHP_MBSTR_ENC_TRANS" != "no" ; then
AC_DEFINE(MBSTR_ENC_TRANS, 1, [whether to have encoding translation])
-if test "$MBREGEX" != "no" ; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MBREGEX, 1, [whether to have multibyte regex support])