-perl Configure BC-32\r
-perl util\mkfiles.pl > MINFO\r
-@rem create make file\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm BC-NT > bcb.mak\r
+perl Configure BC-32
+perl util\mkfiles.pl > MINFO
+@rem create make file
+perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm BC-NT > bcb.mak
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-NT >ms\nt.mak\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-NT >ms\ntdll.mak\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl libeay NT > ms\libeay32.def\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl ssleay NT > ms\ssleay32.def\r
+perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
+perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-NT >ms\nt.mak
+perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-NT >ms\ntdll.mak
+perl util\mkdef.pl libeay NT > ms\libeay32.def
+perl util\mkdef.pl ssleay NT > ms\ssleay32.def
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO\r
-perl ms\uplink.pl win64a > ms\uptable.asm\r
-ml64 -c -Foms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-WIN64A >ms\nt.mak\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-WIN64A >ms\ntdll.mak\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def\r
+perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
+perl ms\uplink.pl win64a > ms\uptable.asm
+ml64 -c -Foms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm
+perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-WIN64A >ms\nt.mak
+perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-WIN64A >ms\ntdll.mak
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO\r
-perl ms\uplink.pl win64i > ms\uptable.asm\r
-ias -o ms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-WIN64I >ms\nt.mak\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-WIN64I >ms\ntdll.mak\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def\r
+perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
+perl ms\uplink.pl win64i > ms\uptable.asm
+ias -o ms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm
+perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-WIN64I >ms\nt.mak
+perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-WIN64I >ms\ntdll.mak
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def
-@rem OpenSSL with Mingw32+GNU as\r
-@rem ---------------------------\r
-perl Configure mingw %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8\r
-@echo off\r
-perl -e "exit 1 if '%1' eq 'no-asm'"\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto noasm\r
-echo Generating x86 for GNU assember\r
-echo Bignum\r
-cd crypto\bn\asm\r
-perl bn-586.pl gaswin > bn-win32.s\r
-perl co-586.pl gaswin > co-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo DES\r
-cd crypto\des\asm\r
-perl des-586.pl gaswin > d-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo crypt\r
-cd crypto\des\asm\r
-perl crypt586.pl gaswin > y-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo Blowfish\r
-cd crypto\bf\asm\r
-perl bf-586.pl gaswin > b-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo CAST5\r
-cd crypto\cast\asm\r
-perl cast-586.pl gaswin > c-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo RC4\r
-cd crypto\rc4\asm\r
-perl rc4-586.pl gaswin > r4-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo MD5\r
-cd crypto\md5\asm\r
-perl md5-586.pl gaswin > m5-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo SHA1\r
-cd crypto\sha\asm\r
-perl sha1-586.pl gaswin > s1-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo RIPEMD160\r
-cd crypto\ripemd\asm\r
-perl rmd-586.pl gaswin > rm-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo RC5\32\r
-cd crypto\rc5\asm\r
-perl rc5-586.pl gaswin > r5-win32.s\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo Generating makefile\r
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl gaswin Mingw32 >ms\mingw32a.mak\r
-echo Generating DLL definition files\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay >ms\libeay32.def\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay >ms\ssleay32.def\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-rem copy ms\tlhelp32.h outinc\r
-echo Building the libraries\r
-mingw32-make -f ms/mingw32a.mak\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-echo Generating the DLLs and input libraries\r
-dllwrap --dllname libeay32.dll --output-lib out/libeay32.a --def ms/libeay32.def out/libcrypto.a -lws2_32 -lgdi32\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-dllwrap --dllname libssl32.dll --output-lib out/libssl32.a --def ms/ssleay32.def out/libssl.a out/libeay32.a\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-echo Done compiling OpenSSL\r
+@rem OpenSSL with Mingw32+GNU as
+@rem ---------------------------
+perl Configure mingw %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
+@echo off
+perl -e "exit 1 if '%1' eq 'no-asm'"
+if errorlevel 1 goto noasm
+echo Generating x86 for GNU assember
+echo Bignum
+cd crypto\bn\asm
+perl bn-586.pl gaswin > bn-win32.s
+perl co-586.pl gaswin > co-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo DES
+cd crypto\des\asm
+perl des-586.pl gaswin > d-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo crypt
+cd crypto\des\asm
+perl crypt586.pl gaswin > y-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo Blowfish
+cd crypto\bf\asm
+perl bf-586.pl gaswin > b-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo CAST5
+cd crypto\cast\asm
+perl cast-586.pl gaswin > c-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo RC4
+cd crypto\rc4\asm
+perl rc4-586.pl gaswin > r4-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo MD5
+cd crypto\md5\asm
+perl md5-586.pl gaswin > m5-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo SHA1
+cd crypto\sha\asm
+perl sha1-586.pl gaswin > s1-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo RIPEMD160
+cd crypto\ripemd\asm
+perl rmd-586.pl gaswin > rm-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo RC5\32
+cd crypto\rc5\asm
+perl rc5-586.pl gaswin > r5-win32.s
+cd ..\..\..
+echo Generating makefile
+perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
+perl util\mk1mf.pl gaswin Mingw32 >ms\mingw32a.mak
+echo Generating DLL definition files
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay >ms\libeay32.def
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay >ms\ssleay32.def
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+rem copy ms\tlhelp32.h outinc
+echo Building the libraries
+mingw32-make -f ms/mingw32a.mak
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+echo Generating the DLLs and input libraries
+dllwrap --dllname libeay32.dll --output-lib out/libeay32.a --def ms/libeay32.def out/libcrypto.a -lws2_32 -lgdi32
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+dllwrap --dllname libssl32.dll --output-lib out/libssl32.a --def ms/ssleay32.def out/libssl.a out/libeay32.a
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+echo Done compiling OpenSSL
-@rem OpenSSL with Mingw32\r
-@rem --------------------\r
-@rem Makefile\r
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO\r
-perl util\mk1mf.pl Mingw32 >ms\mingw32.mak\r
-@rem DLL definition files\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay >ms\libeay32.def\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay >ms\ssleay32.def\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-@rem Build the libraries\r
-make -f ms/mingw32.mak\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-@rem Generate the DLLs and input libraries\r
-dllwrap --dllname libeay32.dll --output-lib out/libeay32.a --def ms/libeay32.def out/libcrypto.a -lws2_32 -lgdi32\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-dllwrap --dllname libssl32.dll --output-lib out/libssl32.a --def ms/ssleay32.def out/libssl.a out/libeay32.a\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto end\r
-echo Done compiling OpenSSL\r
+@rem OpenSSL with Mingw32
+@rem --------------------
+@rem Makefile
+perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
+perl util\mk1mf.pl Mingw32 >ms\mingw32.mak
+@rem DLL definition files
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay >ms\libeay32.def
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay >ms\ssleay32.def
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+@rem Build the libraries
+make -f ms/mingw32.mak
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+@rem Generate the DLLs and input libraries
+dllwrap --dllname libeay32.dll --output-lib out/libeay32.a --def ms/libeay32.def out/libcrypto.a -lws2_32 -lgdi32
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+dllwrap --dllname libssl32.dll --output-lib out/libssl32.a --def ms/ssleay32.def out/libssl.a out/libeay32.a
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+echo Done compiling OpenSSL
-rem called by testenc\r
-echo test %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 \r
-%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in %input% -out %tmp1%\r
-%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in %tmp1% -out %out1%\r
-%cmp% %input% %out1%\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-echo test base64 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 \r
-%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in %input% -out %tmp1%\r
-%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in %tmp1% -out %out1%\r
-%cmp% %input% %out1%\r
+rem called by testenc
+echo test %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
+%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in %input% -out %tmp1%
+%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in %tmp1% -out %out1%
+%cmp% %input% %out1%
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+echo test base64 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
+%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in %input% -out %tmp1%
+%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in %tmp1% -out %out1%
+%cmp% %input% %out1%
-rem called by testencce\r
-echo test %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 \r
-cecopy %input% CE:\OpenSSL\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%input% -out \OpenSSL\%tmp1%\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%tmp1% -out \OpenSSL\%out1%\r
-del %out1% >nul 2>&1\r
-cecopy CE:\OpenSSL\%out1% .\r
-%cmp% %input% %out1%\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-echo test base64 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 \r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%input% -out \OpenSSL\%tmp1%\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%tmp1% -out \OpenSSL\%out1%\r
-del %out1% >nul 2>&1\r
-cecopy CE:\OpenSSL\%out1% .\r
-%cmp% %input% %out1%\r
+rem called by testencce
+echo test %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
+cecopy %input% CE:\OpenSSL
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%input% -out \OpenSSL\%tmp1%
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%tmp1% -out \OpenSSL\%out1%
+del %out1% >nul 2>&1
+cecopy CE:\OpenSSL\%out1% .
+%cmp% %input% %out1%
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+echo test base64 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -e -bufsize 113 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%input% -out \OpenSSL\%tmp1%
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -a -d -bufsize 157 -k test -in \OpenSSL\%tmp1% -out \OpenSSL\%out1%
+del %out1% >nul 2>&1
+cecopy CE:\OpenSSL\%out1% .
+%cmp% %input% %out1%
-@echo off\r
-echo start testenc\r
-set ssleay=%1%\r
-set input=..\ms\testenc.bat\r
-set tmp1=..\ms\cipher.out\r
-set out1=..\ms\clear.out\r
-set cmp=perl ..\ms\cmp.pl\r
-call tenc.bat enc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat rc4\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede3-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede3-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede3\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat des-ede3-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat idea-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat idea-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat idea-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat idea-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat rc2-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat rc2-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat rc2-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat rc2-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat bf-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat bf-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat bf-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tenc.bat bf-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-echo OK\r
-del %out1%\r
-del %tmp1%\r
+@echo off
+echo start testenc
+set ssleay=%1%
+set input=..\ms\testenc.bat
+set tmp1=..\ms\cipher.out
+set out1=..\ms\clear.out
+set cmp=perl ..\ms\cmp.pl
+call tenc.bat enc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat rc4
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede3-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede3-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede3
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat des-ede3-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat idea-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat idea-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat idea-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat idea-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat rc2-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat rc2-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat rc2-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat rc2-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat bf-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat bf-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat bf-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tenc.bat bf-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+echo OK
+del %out1%
+del %tmp1%
-@echo off\r
-echo start testenc\r
-set ssleay=%1%\r
-copy ..\ms\testenc.bat >nul\r
-set input=testenc.bat\r
-set tmp1=cipher.out\r
-set out1=clear.out\r
-set cmp=perl ..\ms\cmp.pl\r
-cecopy %ssleay% CE:\OpenSSL\r
-call tencce.bat enc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat rc4\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede3-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede3-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede3\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat des-ede3-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat idea-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat idea-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat idea-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat idea-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat rc2-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat rc2-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat rc2-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat rc2-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat bf-ecb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat bf-cfb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat bf-ofb\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tencce.bat bf-cbc\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-echo OK\r
-del %out1% >nul 2>&1\r
-del %tmp1% >nul 2>&1\r
+@echo off
+echo start testenc
+set ssleay=%1%
+copy ..\ms\testenc.bat >nul
+set input=testenc.bat
+set tmp1=cipher.out
+set out1=clear.out
+set cmp=perl ..\ms\cmp.pl
+cecopy %ssleay% CE:\OpenSSL
+call tencce.bat enc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat rc4
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede3-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede3-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede3
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat des-ede3-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat idea-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat idea-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat idea-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat idea-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat rc2-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat rc2-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat rc2-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat rc2-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat bf-ecb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat bf-cfb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat bf-ofb
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tencce.bat bf-cbc
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+echo OK
+del %out1% >nul 2>&1
+del %tmp1% >nul 2>&1
-@echo off\r
-set ssleay=%1%\r
-set tmp1=pem.out\r
-set cmp=fc.exe\r
-call tpem.bat crl ..\test\testcrl.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat pkcs7 ..\test\testp7.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat req ..\test\testreq2.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat rsa ..\test\testrsa.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat x509 ..\test\testx509.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat x509 ..\test\v3-cert1.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat x509 ..\test\v3-cert1.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-call tpem.bat sess_id ..\test\testsid.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-echo OK\r
-del %tmp1%\r
+@echo off
+set ssleay=%1%
+set tmp1=pem.out
+set cmp=fc.exe
+call tpem.bat crl ..\test\testcrl.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat pkcs7 ..\test\testp7.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat req ..\test\testreq2.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat rsa ..\test\testrsa.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat x509 ..\test\testx509.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat x509 ..\test\v3-cert1.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat x509 ..\test\v3-cert1.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+call tpem.bat sess_id ..\test\testsid.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+echo OK
+del %tmp1%
-@echo off\r
-set ssleay=%1%\r
-set tmp1=pem.out\r
-set cmp=fc.exe\r
-cecopy %ssleay% CE:\OpenSSL\r
-copy ..\test\testcrl.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat crl testcrl.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\testp7.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat pkcs7 testp7.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\testreq2.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat req testreq2.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\testrsa.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat rsa testrsa.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\testx509.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat x509 testx509.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\v3-cert1.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat x509 v3-cert1.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\v3-cert1.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat x509 v3-cert1.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-copy ..\test\testsid.pem >nul\r
-call tpemce.bat sess_id testsid.pem\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto err\r
-echo OK\r
-del %tmp1% >nul 2>&1\r
+@echo off
+set ssleay=%1%
+set tmp1=pem.out
+set cmp=fc.exe
+cecopy %ssleay% CE:\OpenSSL
+copy ..\test\testcrl.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat crl testcrl.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\testp7.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat pkcs7 testp7.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\testreq2.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat req testreq2.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\testrsa.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat rsa testrsa.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\testx509.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat x509 testx509.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\v3-cert1.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat x509 v3-cert1.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\v3-cert1.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat x509 v3-cert1.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+copy ..\test\testsid.pem >nul
+call tpemce.bat sess_id testsid.pem
+if errorlevel 1 goto err
+echo OK
+del %tmp1% >nul 2>&1
-@echo off\r
-rem set ssleay=..\out\ssleay\r
-set ssleay=%1\r
-set reqcmd=%ssleay% req\r
-set x509cmd=%ssleay% x509 -sha1\r
-set verifycmd=%ssleay% verify\r
-set CAkey=keyCA.ss\r
-set CAcert=certCA.ss\r
-set CAserial=certCA.srl\r
-set CAreq=reqCA.ss\r
-set CAconf=..\test\CAss.cnf\r
-set CAreq2=req2CA.ss \r
-set Uconf=..\test\Uss.cnf\r
-set Ukey=keyU.ss\r
-set Ureq=reqU.ss\r
-set Ucert=certU.ss\r
-echo make a certificate request using 'req'\r
-%reqcmd% -config %CAconf% -out %CAreq% -keyout %CAkey% -new\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_req\r
-echo convert the certificate request into a self signed certificate using 'x509'\r
-%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %CAreq% -days 30 -req -out %CAcert% -signkey %CAkey% >err.ss\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509\r
-echo --\r
-echo convert a certificate into a certificate request using 'x509'\r
-%x509cmd% -in %CAcert% -x509toreq -signkey %CAkey% -out %CAreq2% >err.ss\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509_2\r
-%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq% -noout\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_1\r
-%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq2% -noout\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_2\r
-%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %CAcert%\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_3\r
-echo --\r
-echo make another certificate request using 'req'\r
-%reqcmd% -config %Uconf% -out %Ureq% -keyout %Ukey% -new >err.ss\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_req_gen\r
-echo --\r
-echo sign certificate request with the just created CA via 'x509'\r
-%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %Ureq% -days 30 -req -out %Ucert% -CA %CAcert% -CAkey %CAkey% -CAserial %CAserial%\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_x_sign\r
-%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %Ucert%\r
-echo --\r
-echo Certificate details\r
-%x509cmd% -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in %Ucert%\r
-echo Everything appeared to work\r
-echo --\r
-echo The generated CA certificate is %CAcert%\r
-echo The generated CA private key is %CAkey%\r
-echo The current CA signing serial number is in %CAserial%\r
-echo The generated user certificate is %Ucert%\r
-echo The generated user private key is %Ukey%\r
-echo --\r
-del err.ss\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'x509' to self sign a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'x509' convert a certificate to a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo first generated request is invalid\r
-goto end\r
-echo second generated request is invalid\r
-goto end\r
-echo first generated cert is invalid\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'x509' to sign a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
+@echo off
+rem set ssleay=..\out\ssleay
+set ssleay=%1
+set reqcmd=%ssleay% req
+set x509cmd=%ssleay% x509 -sha1
+set verifycmd=%ssleay% verify
+set CAkey=keyCA.ss
+set CAcert=certCA.ss
+set CAserial=certCA.srl
+set CAreq=reqCA.ss
+set CAconf=..\test\CAss.cnf
+set CAreq2=req2CA.ss
+set Uconf=..\test\Uss.cnf
+set Ukey=keyU.ss
+set Ureq=reqU.ss
+set Ucert=certU.ss
+echo make a certificate request using 'req'
+%reqcmd% -config %CAconf% -out %CAreq% -keyout %CAkey% -new
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_req
+echo convert the certificate request into a self signed certificate using 'x509'
+%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %CAreq% -days 30 -req -out %CAcert% -signkey %CAkey% >err.ss
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509
+echo --
+echo convert a certificate into a certificate request using 'x509'
+%x509cmd% -in %CAcert% -x509toreq -signkey %CAkey% -out %CAreq2% >err.ss
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509_2
+%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq% -noout
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_1
+%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq2% -noout
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_2
+%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %CAcert%
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_3
+echo --
+echo make another certificate request using 'req'
+%reqcmd% -config %Uconf% -out %Ureq% -keyout %Ukey% -new >err.ss
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_req_gen
+echo --
+echo sign certificate request with the just created CA via 'x509'
+%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %Ureq% -days 30 -req -out %Ucert% -CA %CAcert% -CAkey %CAkey% -CAserial %CAserial%
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_x_sign
+%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %Ucert%
+echo --
+echo Certificate details
+%x509cmd% -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in %Ucert%
+echo Everything appeared to work
+echo --
+echo The generated CA certificate is %CAcert%
+echo The generated CA private key is %CAkey%
+echo The current CA signing serial number is in %CAserial%
+echo The generated user certificate is %Ucert%
+echo The generated user private key is %Ukey%
+echo --
+del err.ss
+goto end
+echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request
+goto end
+echo error using 'x509' to self sign a certificate request
+goto end
+echo error using 'x509' convert a certificate to a certificate request
+goto end
+echo first generated request is invalid
+goto end
+echo second generated request is invalid
+goto end
+echo first generated cert is invalid
+goto end
+echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request
+goto end
+echo error using 'x509' to sign a certificate request
+goto end
-rem set ssleay=..\out\ssleay\r
-set ssleay=%1\r
-set reqcmd=%ssleay% req\r
-set x509cmd=%ssleay% x509\r
-set verifycmd=%ssleay% verify\r
-set CAkey=\OpenSSL\keyCA.ss\r
-set CAcert=\OpenSSL\certCA.ss\r
-set CAserial=\OpenSSL\certCA.srl\r
-set CAreq=\OpenSSL\reqCA.ss\r
-cecopy ..\test\CAss.cnf CE:\OpenSSL\r
-set CAconf=\OpenSSL\CAss.cnf\r
-set CAreq2=\OpenSSL\req2CA.ss \r
-cecopy ..\test\Uss.cnf CE:\OpenSSL\r
-set Uconf=\OpenSSL\Uss.cnf\r
-set Ukey=\OpenSSL\keyU.ss\r
-set Ureq=\OpenSSL\reqU.ss\r
-set Ucert=\OpenSSL\certU.ss\r
-echo make a certificate request using 'req'\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -config %CAconf% -out %CAreq% -keyout %CAkey% -new\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_req\r
-echo convert the certificate request into a self signed certificate using 'x509'\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %CAreq% -days 30 -req -out %CAcert% -signkey %CAkey% "> \OpenSSL\err.ss"\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509\r
-echo --\r
-echo convert a certificate into a certificate request using 'x509'\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -in %CAcert% -x509toreq -signkey %CAkey% -out %CAreq2% "> \OpenSSL\err.ss"\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509_2\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq% -noout\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_1\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq2% -noout\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_2\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %CAcert%\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_3\r
-echo --\r
-echo make another certificate request using 'req'\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -config %Uconf% -out %Ureq% -keyout %Ukey% -new "> \OpenSSL\err.ss"\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_req_gen\r
-echo --\r
-echo sign certificate request with the just created CA via 'x509'\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %Ureq% -days 30 -req -out %Ucert% -CA %CAcert% -CAkey %CAkey% -CAserial %CAserial%\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto e_x_sign\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %Ucert%\r
-echo --\r
-echo Certificate details\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in %Ucert%\r
-cecopy CE:%CAcert% .\r
-cecopy CE:%CAkey% .\r
-cecopy CE:%CAserial% .\r
-cecopy CE:%Ucert% .\r
-cecopy CE:%Ukey% .\r
-echo Everything appeared to work\r
-echo --\r
-echo The generated CA certificate is %CAcert%\r
-echo The generated CA private key is %CAkey%\r
-echo The current CA signing serial number is in %CAserial%\r
-echo The generated user certificate is %Ucert%\r
-echo The generated user private key is %Ukey%\r
-echo --\r
-cedel CE:\OpenSSL\err.ss\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'x509' to self sign a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'x509' convert a certificate to a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo first generated request is invalid\r
-goto end\r
-echo second generated request is invalid\r
-goto end\r
-echo first generated cert is invalid\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
-echo error using 'x509' to sign a certificate request\r
-goto end\r
+rem set ssleay=..\out\ssleay
+set ssleay=%1
+set reqcmd=%ssleay% req
+set x509cmd=%ssleay% x509
+set verifycmd=%ssleay% verify
+set CAkey=\OpenSSL\keyCA.ss
+set CAcert=\OpenSSL\certCA.ss
+set CAserial=\OpenSSL\certCA.srl
+set CAreq=\OpenSSL\reqCA.ss
+cecopy ..\test\CAss.cnf CE:\OpenSSL
+set CAconf=\OpenSSL\CAss.cnf
+set CAreq2=\OpenSSL\req2CA.ss
+cecopy ..\test\Uss.cnf CE:\OpenSSL
+set Uconf=\OpenSSL\Uss.cnf
+set Ukey=\OpenSSL\keyU.ss
+set Ureq=\OpenSSL\reqU.ss
+set Ucert=\OpenSSL\certU.ss
+echo make a certificate request using 'req'
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -config %CAconf% -out %CAreq% -keyout %CAkey% -new
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_req
+echo convert the certificate request into a self signed certificate using 'x509'
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %CAreq% -days 30 -req -out %CAcert% -signkey %CAkey% "> \OpenSSL\err.ss"
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509
+echo --
+echo convert a certificate into a certificate request using 'x509'
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -in %CAcert% -x509toreq -signkey %CAkey% -out %CAreq2% "> \OpenSSL\err.ss"
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_x509_2
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq% -noout
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_1
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -verify -in %CAreq2% -noout
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_2
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %CAcert%
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_vrfy_3
+echo --
+echo make another certificate request using 'req'
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%reqcmd% -config %Uconf% -out %Ureq% -keyout %Ukey% -new "> \OpenSSL\err.ss"
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_req_gen
+echo --
+echo sign certificate request with the just created CA via 'x509'
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -CAcreateserial -in %Ureq% -days 30 -req -out %Ucert% -CA %CAcert% -CAkey %CAkey% -CAserial %CAserial%
+if errorlevel 1 goto e_x_sign
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%verifycmd% -CAfile %CAcert% %Ucert%
+echo --
+echo Certificate details
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%x509cmd% -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in %Ucert%
+cecopy CE:%CAcert% .
+cecopy CE:%CAkey% .
+cecopy CE:%CAserial% .
+cecopy CE:%Ucert% .
+cecopy CE:%Ukey% .
+echo Everything appeared to work
+echo --
+echo The generated CA certificate is %CAcert%
+echo The generated CA private key is %CAkey%
+echo The current CA signing serial number is in %CAserial%
+echo The generated user certificate is %Ucert%
+echo The generated user private key is %Ukey%
+echo --
+cedel CE:\OpenSSL\err.ss
+goto end
+echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request
+goto end
+echo error using 'x509' to self sign a certificate request
+goto end
+echo error using 'x509' convert a certificate to a certificate request
+goto end
+echo first generated request is invalid
+goto end
+echo second generated request is invalid
+goto end
+echo first generated cert is invalid
+goto end
+echo error using 'req' to generate a certificate request
+goto end
+echo error using 'x509' to sign a certificate request
+goto end
-rem called by testpem\r
-echo test %1 %2\r
-%ssleay% %1 -in %2 -out %tmp1%\r
-%cmp% %2 %tmp1%\r
+rem called by testpem
+echo test %1 %2
+%ssleay% %1 -in %2 -out %tmp1%
+%cmp% %2 %tmp1%
-rem called by testpemce\r
-echo test %1 %2\r
-cecopy %2 CE:\OpenSSL\r
-cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 -in \OpenSSL\%2 -out \OpenSSL\%tmp1%\r
-del %tmp1% >nul 2>&1\r
-cecopy CE:\OpenSSL\%tmp1% .\r
-%cmp% %2 %tmp1%\r
+rem called by testpemce
+echo test %1 %2
+cecopy %2 CE:\OpenSSL
+cerun CE:\OpenSSL\%ssleay% %1 -in \OpenSSL\%2 -out \OpenSSL\%tmp1%
+del %tmp1% >nul 2>&1
+cecopy CE:\OpenSSL\%tmp1% .
+%cmp% %2 %tmp1%
-@echo off\r
-echo Generating x86 assember\r
-echo Bignum\r
-cd crypto\bn\asm\r
-perl x86.pl win32n > bn-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo DES\r
-cd crypto\des\asm\r
-perl des-586.pl win32n > d-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo "crypt(3)"\r
-cd crypto\des\asm\r
-perl crypt586.pl win32n > y-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo Blowfish\r
-cd crypto\bf\asm\r
-perl bf-586.pl win32n > b-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo CAST5\r
-cd crypto\cast\asm\r
-perl cast-586.pl win32n > c-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo RC4\r
-cd crypto\rc4\asm\r
-perl rc4-586.pl win32n > r4-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo MD5\r
-cd crypto\md5\asm\r
-perl md5-586.pl win32n > m5-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo SHA1\r
-cd crypto\sha\asm\r
-perl sha1-586.pl win32n > s1-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo RIPEMD160\r
-cd crypto\ripemd\asm\r
-perl rmd-586.pl win32n > rm-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo RC5\32\r
-cd crypto\rc5\asm\r
-perl rc5-586.pl win32n > r5-win32.asm\r
-cd ..\..\..\r
-echo on\r
+@echo off
+echo Generating x86 assember
+echo Bignum
+cd crypto\bn\asm
+perl x86.pl win32n > bn-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo DES
+cd crypto\des\asm
+perl des-586.pl win32n > d-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo "crypt(3)"
+cd crypto\des\asm
+perl crypt586.pl win32n > y-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo Blowfish
+cd crypto\bf\asm
+perl bf-586.pl win32n > b-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo CAST5
+cd crypto\cast\asm
+perl cast-586.pl win32n > c-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo RC4
+cd crypto\rc4\asm
+perl rc4-586.pl win32n > r4-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo MD5
+cd crypto\md5\asm
+perl md5-586.pl win32n > m5-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo SHA1
+cd crypto\sha\asm
+perl sha1-586.pl win32n > s1-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo RIPEMD160
+cd crypto\ripemd\asm
+perl rmd-586.pl win32n > rm-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo RC5\32
+cd crypto\rc5\asm
+perl rc5-586.pl win32n > r5-win32.asm
+cd ..\..\..
+echo on