--- /dev/null
+#include "red_black_tree.h"
+/* FUNCTION: RBTreeCreate */
+/* INPUTS: All the inputs are names of functions. CompFunc takes to */
+/* void pointers to keys and returns 1 if the first arguement is */
+/* "greater than" the second. DestFunc takes a pointer to a key and */
+/* destroys it in the appropriate manner when the node containing that */
+/* key is deleted. InfoDestFunc is similiar to DestFunc except it */
+/* recieves a pointer to the info of a node and destroys it. */
+/* PrintFunc recieves a pointer to the key of a node and prints it. */
+/* PrintInfo recieves a pointer to the info of a node and prints it. */
+/* If RBTreePrint is never called the print functions don't have to be */
+/* defined and NullFunction can be used. */
+/* OUTPUT: This function returns a pointer to the newly created */
+/* red-black tree. */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+rb_red_blk_tree* RBTreeCreate( int (*CompFunc) (const void*,const void*),
+ void (*DestFunc) (void*),
+ void (*InfoDestFunc) (void*),
+ void (*PrintFunc) (const void*),
+ void (*PrintInfo)(void*)) {
+ rb_red_blk_tree* newTree;
+ rb_red_blk_node* temp;
+ newTree=(rb_red_blk_tree*) SafeMalloc(sizeof(rb_red_blk_tree));
+ newTree->Compare= CompFunc;
+ newTree->DestroyKey= DestFunc;
+ newTree->PrintKey= PrintFunc;
+ newTree->PrintInfo= PrintInfo;
+ newTree->DestroyInfo= InfoDestFunc;
+ /* see the comment in the rb_red_blk_tree structure in red_black_tree.h */
+ /* for information on nil and root */
+ temp=newTree->nil= (rb_red_blk_node*) SafeMalloc(sizeof(rb_red_blk_node));
+ temp->parent=temp->left=temp->right=temp;
+ temp->red=0;
+ temp->key=0;
+ temp=newTree->root= (rb_red_blk_node*) SafeMalloc(sizeof(rb_red_blk_node));
+ temp->parent=temp->left=temp->right=newTree->nil;
+ temp->key=0;
+ temp->red=0;
+ return(newTree);
+/* FUNCTION: LeftRotate */
+/* INPUTS: This takes a tree so that it can access the appropriate */
+/* root and nil pointers, and the node to rotate on. */
+/* OUTPUT: None */
+/* Modifies Input: tree, x */
+/* EFFECTS: Rotates as described in _Introduction_To_Algorithms by */
+/* Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest (Chapter 14). Basically this */
+/* makes the parent of x be to the left of x, x the parent of */
+/* its parent before the rotation and fixes other pointers */
+/* accordingly. */
+void LeftRotate(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* x) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* y;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ /* I originally wrote this function to use the sentinel for */
+ /* nil to avoid checking for nil. However this introduces a */
+ /* very subtle bug because sometimes this function modifies */
+ /* the parent pointer of nil. This can be a problem if a */
+ /* function which calls LeftRotate also uses the nil sentinel */
+ /* and expects the nil sentinel's parent pointer to be unchanged */
+ /* after calling this function. For example, when RBDeleteFixUP */
+ /* calls LeftRotate it expects the parent pointer of nil to be */
+ /* unchanged. */
+ y=x->right;
+ x->right=y->left;
+ if (y->left != nil) y->left->parent=x; /* used to use sentinel here */
+ /* and do an unconditional assignment instead of testing for nil */
+ y->parent=x->parent;
+ /* instead of checking if x->parent is the root as in the book, we */
+ /* count on the root sentinel to implicitly take care of this case */
+ if( x == x->parent->left) {
+ x->parent->left=y;
+ } else {
+ x->parent->right=y;
+ }
+ y->left=x;
+ x->parent=y;
+ Assert(!tree->nil->red,"nil not red in LeftRotate");
+/* FUNCTION: RighttRotate */
+/* INPUTS: This takes a tree so that it can access the appropriate */
+/* root and nil pointers, and the node to rotate on. */
+/* OUTPUT: None */
+/* Modifies Input?: tree, y */
+/* EFFECTS: Rotates as described in _Introduction_To_Algorithms by */
+/* Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest (Chapter 14). Basically this */
+/* makes the parent of x be to the left of x, x the parent of */
+/* its parent before the rotation and fixes other pointers */
+/* accordingly. */
+void RightRotate(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* y) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* x;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ /* I originally wrote this function to use the sentinel for */
+ /* nil to avoid checking for nil. However this introduces a */
+ /* very subtle bug because sometimes this function modifies */
+ /* the parent pointer of nil. This can be a problem if a */
+ /* function which calls LeftRotate also uses the nil sentinel */
+ /* and expects the nil sentinel's parent pointer to be unchanged */
+ /* after calling this function. For example, when RBDeleteFixUP */
+ /* calls LeftRotate it expects the parent pointer of nil to be */
+ /* unchanged. */
+ x=y->left;
+ y->left=x->right;
+ if (nil != x->right) x->right->parent=y; /*used to use sentinel here */
+ /* and do an unconditional assignment instead of testing for nil */
+ /* instead of checking if x->parent is the root as in the book, we */
+ /* count on the root sentinel to implicitly take care of this case */
+ x->parent=y->parent;
+ if( y == y->parent->left) {
+ y->parent->left=x;
+ } else {
+ y->parent->right=x;
+ }
+ x->right=y;
+ y->parent=x;
+ Assert(!tree->nil->red,"nil not red in RightRotate");
+/* FUNCTION: TreeInsertHelp */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to insert into and z is the node to insert */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* Modifies Input: tree, z */
+/* EFFECTS: Inserts z into the tree as if it were a regular binary tree */
+/* using the algorithm described in _Introduction_To_Algorithms_ */
+/* by Cormen et al. This funciton is only intended to be called */
+/* by the RBTreeInsert function and not by the user */
+void TreeInsertHelp(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* z) {
+ /* This function should only be called by InsertRBTree (see above) */
+ rb_red_blk_node* x;
+ rb_red_blk_node* y;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ z->left=z->right=nil;
+ y=tree->root;
+ x=tree->root->left;
+ while( x != nil) {
+ y=x;
+ if (1 == tree->Compare(x->key,z->key)) { /* x.key > z.key */
+ x=x->left;
+ } else { /* x,key <= z.key */
+ x=x->right;
+ }
+ }
+ z->parent=y;
+ if ( (y == tree->root) ||
+ (1 == tree->Compare(y->key,z->key))) { /* y.key > z.key */
+ y->left=z;
+ } else {
+ y->right=z;
+ }
+ Assert(!tree->nil->red,"nil not red in TreeInsertHelp");
+/* Before calling Insert RBTree the node x should have its key set */
+/* FUNCTION: RBTreeInsert */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the red-black tree to insert a node which has a key */
+/* pointed to by key and info pointed to by info. */
+/* OUTPUT: This function returns a pointer to the newly inserted node */
+/* which is guarunteed to be valid until this node is deleted. */
+/* What this means is if another data structure stores this */
+/* pointer then the tree does not need to be searched when this */
+/* is to be deleted. */
+/* Modifies Input: tree */
+/* EFFECTS: Creates a node node which contains the appropriate key and */
+/* info pointers and inserts it into the tree. */
+rb_red_blk_node * RBTreeInsert(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, void* key, void* info) {
+ rb_red_blk_node * y;
+ rb_red_blk_node * x;
+ rb_red_blk_node * newNode;
+ x=(rb_red_blk_node*) SafeMalloc(sizeof(rb_red_blk_node));
+ x->key=key;
+ x->info=info;
+ TreeInsertHelp(tree,x);
+ newNode=x;
+ x->red=1;
+ while(x->parent->red) { /* use sentinel instead of checking for root */
+ if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left) {
+ y=x->parent->parent->right;
+ if (y->red) {
+ x->parent->red=0;
+ y->red=0;
+ x->parent->parent->red=1;
+ x=x->parent->parent;
+ } else {
+ if (x == x->parent->right) {
+ x=x->parent;
+ LeftRotate(tree,x);
+ }
+ x->parent->red=0;
+ x->parent->parent->red=1;
+ RightRotate(tree,x->parent->parent);
+ }
+ } else { /* case for x->parent == x->parent->parent->right */
+ y=x->parent->parent->left;
+ if (y->red) {
+ x->parent->red=0;
+ y->red=0;
+ x->parent->parent->red=1;
+ x=x->parent->parent;
+ } else {
+ if (x == x->parent->left) {
+ x=x->parent;
+ RightRotate(tree,x);
+ }
+ x->parent->red=0;
+ x->parent->parent->red=1;
+ LeftRotate(tree,x->parent->parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree->root->left->red=0;
+ return(newNode);
+ Assert(!tree->nil->red,"nil not red in RBTreeInsert");
+ Assert(!tree->root->red,"root not red in RBTreeInsert");
+/* FUNCTION: TreeSuccessor */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree in question, and x is the node we want the */
+/* the successor of. */
+/* OUTPUT: This function returns the successor of x or NULL if no */
+/* successor exists. */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+/* Note: uses the algorithm in _Introduction_To_Algorithms_ */
+rb_red_blk_node* TreeSuccessor(rb_red_blk_tree* tree,rb_red_blk_node* x) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* y;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ rb_red_blk_node* root=tree->root;
+ if (nil != (y = x->right)) { /* assignment to y is intentional */
+ while(y->left != nil) { /* returns the minium of the right subtree of x */
+ y=y->left;
+ }
+ return(y);
+ } else {
+ y=x->parent;
+ while(x == y->right) { /* sentinel used instead of checking for nil */
+ x=y;
+ y=y->parent;
+ }
+ if (y == root) return(nil);
+ return(y);
+ }
+/* FUNCTION: Treepredecessor */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree in question, and x is the node we want the */
+/* the predecessor of. */
+/* OUTPUT: This function returns the predecessor of x or NULL if no */
+/* predecessor exists. */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+/* Note: uses the algorithm in _Introduction_To_Algorithms_ */
+rb_red_blk_node* TreePredecessor(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* x) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* y;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ rb_red_blk_node* root=tree->root;
+ if (nil != (y = x->left)) { /* assignment to y is intentional */
+ while(y->right != nil) { /* returns the maximum of the left subtree of x */
+ y=y->right;
+ }
+ return(y);
+ } else {
+ y=x->parent;
+ while(x == y->left) {
+ if (y == root) return(nil);
+ x=y;
+ y=y->parent;
+ }
+ return(y);
+ }
+/* FUNCTION: InorderTreePrint */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to print and x is the current inorder node */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* EFFECTS: This function recursively prints the nodes of the tree */
+/* inorder using the PrintKey and PrintInfo functions. */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+/* Note: This function should only be called from RBTreePrint */
+void InorderTreePrint(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* x) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ rb_red_blk_node* root=tree->root;
+ if (x != tree->nil) {
+ InorderTreePrint(tree,x->left);
+ printf("info=");
+ tree->PrintInfo(x->info);
+ printf(" key=");
+ tree->PrintKey(x->key);
+ printf(" l->key=");
+ if( x->left == nil) printf("NULL"); else tree->PrintKey(x->left->key);
+ printf(" r->key=");
+ if( x->right == nil) printf("NULL"); else tree->PrintKey(x->right->key);
+ printf(" p->key=");
+ if( x->parent == root) printf("NULL"); else tree->PrintKey(x->parent->key);
+ printf(" red=%i\n",x->red);
+ InorderTreePrint(tree,x->right);
+ }
+/* FUNCTION: TreeDestHelper */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to destroy and x is the current node */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* EFFECTS: This function recursively destroys the nodes of the tree */
+/* postorder using the DestroyKey and DestroyInfo functions. */
+/* Modifies Input: tree, x */
+/* Note: This function should only be called by RBTreeDestroy */
+void TreeDestHelper(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* x) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ if (x != nil) {
+ TreeDestHelper(tree,x->left);
+ TreeDestHelper(tree,x->right);
+ tree->DestroyKey(x->key);
+ tree->DestroyInfo(x->info);
+ free(x);
+ }
+/* FUNCTION: RBTreeDestroy */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to destroy */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* EFFECT: Destroys the key and frees memory */
+/* Modifies Input: tree */
+void RBTreeDestroy(rb_red_blk_tree* tree) {
+ TreeDestHelper(tree,tree->root->left);
+ free(tree->root);
+ free(tree->nil);
+ free(tree);
+/* FUNCTION: RBTreePrint */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to print */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* EFFECT: This function recursively prints the nodes of the tree */
+/* inorder using the PrintKey and PrintInfo functions. */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+void RBTreePrint(rb_red_blk_tree* tree) {
+ InorderTreePrint(tree,tree->root->left);
+/* FUNCTION: RBExactQuery */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to print and q is a pointer to the key */
+/* we are searching for */
+/* OUTPUT: returns the a node with key equal to q. If there are */
+/* multiple nodes with key equal to q this function returns */
+/* the one highest in the tree */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+rb_red_blk_node* RBExactQuery(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, void* q) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* x=tree->root->left;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ int compVal;
+ if (x == nil) return(0);
+ compVal=tree->Compare(x->key,(int*) q);
+ while(0 != compVal) {/*assignemnt*/
+ if (1 == compVal) { /* x->key > q */
+ x=x->left;
+ } else {
+ x=x->right;
+ }
+ if ( x == nil) return(0);
+ compVal=tree->Compare(x->key,(int*) q);
+ }
+ return(x);
+/* FUNCTION: RBDeleteFixUp */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to fix and x is the child of the spliced */
+/* out node in RBTreeDelete. */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* EFFECT: Performs rotations and changes colors to restore red-black */
+/* properties after a node is deleted */
+/* Modifies Input: tree, x */
+/* The algorithm from this function is from _Introduction_To_Algorithms_ */
+void RBDeleteFixUp(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* x) {
+ rb_red_blk_node* root=tree->root->left;
+ rb_red_blk_node* w;
+ while( (!x->red) && (root != x)) {
+ if (x == x->parent->left) {
+ w=x->parent->right;
+ if (w->red) {
+ w->red=0;
+ x->parent->red=1;
+ LeftRotate(tree,x->parent);
+ w=x->parent->right;
+ }
+ if ( (!w->right->red) && (!w->left->red) ) {
+ w->red=1;
+ x=x->parent;
+ } else {
+ if (!w->right->red) {
+ w->left->red=0;
+ w->red=1;
+ RightRotate(tree,w);
+ w=x->parent->right;
+ }
+ w->red=x->parent->red;
+ x->parent->red=0;
+ w->right->red=0;
+ LeftRotate(tree,x->parent);
+ x=root; /* this is to exit while loop */
+ }
+ } else { /* the code below is has left and right switched from above */
+ w=x->parent->left;
+ if (w->red) {
+ w->red=0;
+ x->parent->red=1;
+ RightRotate(tree,x->parent);
+ w=x->parent->left;
+ }
+ if ( (!w->right->red) && (!w->left->red) ) {
+ w->red=1;
+ x=x->parent;
+ } else {
+ if (!w->left->red) {
+ w->right->red=0;
+ w->red=1;
+ LeftRotate(tree,w);
+ w=x->parent->left;
+ }
+ w->red=x->parent->red;
+ x->parent->red=0;
+ w->left->red=0;
+ RightRotate(tree,x->parent);
+ x=root; /* this is to exit while loop */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ x->red=0;
+ Assert(!tree->nil->red,"nil not black in RBDeleteFixUp");
+/* FUNCTION: RBDelete */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to delete node z from */
+/* OUTPUT: none */
+/* EFFECT: Deletes z from tree and frees the key and info of z */
+/* using DestoryKey and DestoryInfo. Then calls */
+/* RBDeleteFixUp to restore red-black properties */
+/* Modifies Input: tree, z */
+/* The algorithm from this function is from _Introduction_To_Algorithms_ */
+void RBDelete(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, rb_red_blk_node* z){
+ rb_red_blk_node* y;
+ rb_red_blk_node* x;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ rb_red_blk_node* root=tree->root;
+ y= ((z->left == nil) || (z->right == nil)) ? z : TreeSuccessor(tree,z);
+ x= (y->left == nil) ? y->right : y->left;
+ if (root == (x->parent = y->parent)) { /* assignment of y->p to x->p is intentional */
+ root->left=x;
+ } else {
+ if (y == y->parent->left) {
+ y->parent->left=x;
+ } else {
+ y->parent->right=x;
+ }
+ }
+ if (y != z) { /* y should not be nil in this case */
+ Assert( (y!=tree->nil),"y is nil in RBDelete\n");
+ /* y is the node to splice out and x is its child */
+ if (!(y->red)) RBDeleteFixUp(tree,x);
+ tree->DestroyKey(z->key);
+ tree->DestroyInfo(z->info);
+ y->left=z->left;
+ y->right=z->right;
+ y->parent=z->parent;
+ y->red=z->red;
+ z->left->parent=z->right->parent=y;
+ if (z == z->parent->left) {
+ z->parent->left=y;
+ } else {
+ z->parent->right=y;
+ }
+ free(z);
+ } else {
+ tree->DestroyKey(y->key);
+ tree->DestroyInfo(y->info);
+ if (!(y->red)) RBDeleteFixUp(tree,x);
+ free(y);
+ }
+ Assert(!tree->nil->red,"nil not black in RBDelete");
+/* FUNCTION: RBDEnumerate */
+/* INPUTS: tree is the tree to look for keys >= low */
+/* and <= high with respect to the Compare function */
+/* OUTPUT: stack containing pointers to the nodes between [low,high] */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+stk_stack* RBEnumerate(rb_red_blk_tree* tree, void* low, void* high) {
+ stk_stack* enumResultStack;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil=tree->nil;
+ rb_red_blk_node* x=tree->root->left;
+ rb_red_blk_node* lastBest=nil;
+ enumResultStack=StackCreate();
+ while(nil != x) {
+ if ( 1 == (tree->Compare(x->key,high)) ) { /* x->key > high */
+ x=x->left;
+ } else {
+ lastBest=x;
+ x=x->right;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( (lastBest != nil) && (1 != tree->Compare(low,lastBest->key))) {
+ StackPush(enumResultStack,lastBest);
+ lastBest=TreePredecessor(tree,lastBest);
+ }
+ return(enumResultStack);
+/* FUNCTION: void Assert(int assertion, char* error) */
+/* INPUTS: assertion should be a predicated that the programmer */
+/* assumes to be true. If this assumption is not true the message */
+/* error is printed and the program exits. */
+/* OUTPUT: None. */
+/* Modifies input: none */
+/* Note: If DEBUG_ASSERT is not defined then assertions should not */
+/* be in use as they will slow down the code. Therefore the */
+/* compiler will complain if an assertion is used when */
+/* DEBUG_ASSERT is undefined. */
+void Assert(int assertion, char* error) {
+ if(!assertion) {
+ printf("Assertion Failed: %s\n",error);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+/*------------------------ misc.c -------------*/
+/* FUNCTION: SafeMalloc */
+/* INPUTS: size is the size to malloc */
+/* OUTPUT: returns pointer to allocated memory if succesful */
+/* EFFECT: mallocs new memory. If malloc fails, prints error message */
+/* and terminates program. */
+/* Modifies Input: none */
+void * SafeMalloc(size_t size) {
+ void * result;
+ if ( (result = malloc(size)) ) { /* assignment intentional */
+ return(result);
+ } else {
+ printf("memory overflow: malloc failed in SafeMalloc.");
+ printf(" Exiting Program.\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ return(0);
+ }
+/* NullFunction does nothing it is included so that it can be passed */
+/* as a function to RBTreeCreate when no other suitable function has */
+/* been defined */
+void NullFunction(void * junk) { ; }
+/*----------------- stack.c ------------ */
+int StackNotEmpty(stk_stack * theStack) {
+ return( theStack ? (theStack->top != NULL) : 0);
+stk_stack * StackJoin(stk_stack * stack1, stk_stack * stack2) {
+ if (!stack1->tail) {
+ free(stack1);
+ return(stack2);
+ } else {
+ stack1->tail->next=stack2->top;
+ stack1->tail=stack2->tail;
+ free(stack2);
+ return(stack1);
+ }
+stk_stack * StackCreate() {
+ stk_stack * newStack;
+ newStack=(stk_stack *) SafeMalloc(sizeof(stk_stack));
+ newStack->top=newStack->tail=NULL;
+ return(newStack);
+void StackPush(stk_stack * theStack, DATA_TYPE newInfoPointer) {
+ stk_stack_node * newNode;
+ if(!theStack->top) {
+ newNode=(stk_stack_node *) SafeMalloc(sizeof(stk_stack_node));
+ newNode->info=newInfoPointer;
+ newNode->next=theStack->top;
+ theStack->top=newNode;
+ theStack->tail=newNode;
+ } else {
+ newNode=(stk_stack_node *) SafeMalloc(sizeof(stk_stack_node));
+ newNode->info=newInfoPointer;
+ newNode->next=theStack->top;
+ theStack->top=newNode;
+ }
+DATA_TYPE StackPop(stk_stack * theStack) {
+ DATA_TYPE popInfo;
+ stk_stack_node * oldNode;
+ if(theStack->top) {
+ popInfo=theStack->top->info;
+ oldNode=theStack->top;
+ theStack->top=theStack->top->next;
+ free(oldNode);
+ if (!theStack->top) theStack->tail=NULL;
+ } else {
+ popInfo=NULL;
+ }
+ return(popInfo);
+void StackDestroy(stk_stack * theStack,void DestFunc(void * a)) {
+ stk_stack_node * x=theStack->top;
+ stk_stack_node * y;
+ if(theStack) {
+ while(x) {
+ y=x->next;
+ DestFunc(x->info);
+ free(x);
+ x=y;
+ }
+ free(theStack);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* ------ misc.h --- */
+#ifndef INC_E_MISC_
+#define INC_E_MISC_
+/* CONVENTIONS: All data structures for red-black trees have the prefix */
+/* "rb_" to prevent name conflicts. */
+/* */
+/* Function names: Each word in a function name begins with */
+/* a capital letter. An example funcntion name is */
+/* CreateRedTree(a,b,c). Furthermore, each function name */
+/* should begin with a capital letter to easily distinguish */
+/* them from variables. */
+/* */
+/* Variable names: Each word in a variable name begins with */
+/* a capital letter EXCEPT the first letter of the variable */
+/* name. For example, int newLongInt. Global variables have */
+/* names beginning with "g". An example of a global */
+/* variable name is gNewtonsConstant. */
+void Assert(int assertion, char* error);
+void * SafeMalloc(size_t size);
+/*--------------------- stack.h --------*/
+/* CONVENTIONS: All data structures for stacks have the prefix */
+/* "stk_" to prevent name conflicts. */
+/* */
+/* Function names: Each word in a function name begins with */
+/* a capital letter. An example funcntion name is */
+/* CreateRedTree(a,b,c). Furthermore, each function name */
+/* should begin with a capital letter to easily distinguish */
+/* them from variables. */
+/* */
+/* Variable names: Each word in a variable name begins with */
+/* a capital letter EXCEPT the first letter of the variable */
+/* name. For example, int newLongInt. Global variables have */
+/* names beginning with "g". An example of a global */
+/* variable name is gNewtonsConstant. */
+/* if DATA_TYPE is undefined then stack.h and stack.c will be code for */
+/* stacks of void *, if they are defined then they will be stacks of the */
+/* appropriate data_type */
+#ifndef DATA_TYPE
+#define DATA_TYPE void *
+typedef struct stk_stack_node {
+ DATA_TYPE info;
+ struct stk_stack_node * next;
+} stk_stack_node;
+typedef struct stk_stack {
+ stk_stack_node * top;
+ stk_stack_node * tail;
+} stk_stack ;
+/* These functions are all very straightforward and self-commenting so */
+/* I didn't think additional comments would be useful */
+stk_stack * StackJoin(stk_stack * stack1, stk_stack * stack2);
+stk_stack * StackCreate();
+void StackPush(stk_stack * theStack, DATA_TYPE newInfoPointer);
+void * StackPop(stk_stack * theStack);
+int StackNotEmpty(stk_stack *);
+/*-------------------------------- red_black_tree.h ----*/
+#ifdef DMALLOC
+#include <dmalloc.h>
+/* CONVENTIONS: All data structures for red-black trees have the prefix */
+/* "rb_" to prevent name conflicts. */
+/* */
+/* Function names: Each word in a function name begins with */
+/* a capital letter. An example funcntion name is */
+/* CreateRedTree(a,b,c). Furthermore, each function name */
+/* should begin with a capital letter to easily distinguish */
+/* them from variables. */
+/* */
+/* Variable names: Each word in a variable name begins with */
+/* a capital letter EXCEPT the first letter of the variable */
+/* name. For example, int newLongInt. Global variables have */
+/* names beginning with "g". An example of a global */
+/* variable name is gNewtonsConstant. */
+/* comment out the line below to remove all the debugging assertion */
+/* checks from the compiled code. */
+#define DEBUG_ASSERT 1
+typedef struct rb_red_blk_node {
+ void* key;
+ void* info;
+ int red; /* if red=0 then the node is black */
+ struct rb_red_blk_node* left;
+ struct rb_red_blk_node* right;
+ struct rb_red_blk_node* parent;
+} rb_red_blk_node;
+/* Compare(a,b) should return 1 if *a > *b, -1 if *a < *b, and 0 otherwise */
+/* Destroy(a) takes a pointer to whatever key might be and frees it accordingly */
+typedef struct rb_red_blk_tree {
+ int (*Compare)(const void* a, const void* b);
+ void (*DestroyKey)(void* a);
+ void (*DestroyInfo)(void* a);
+ void (*PrintKey)(const void* a);
+ void (*PrintInfo)(void* a);
+ /* A sentinel is used for root and for nil. These sentinels are */
+ /* created when RBTreeCreate is caled. root->left should always */
+ /* point to the node which is the root of the tree. nil points to a */
+ /* node which should always be black but has aribtrary children and */
+ /* parent and no key or info. The point of using these sentinels is so */
+ /* that the root and nil nodes do not require special cases in the code */
+ rb_red_blk_node* root;
+ rb_red_blk_node* nil;
+} rb_red_blk_tree;
+rb_red_blk_tree* RBTreeCreate(int (*CompFunc)(const void*, const void*),
+ void (*DestFunc)(void*),
+ void (*InfoDestFunc)(void*),
+ void (*PrintFunc)(const void*),
+ void (*PrintInfo)(void*));
+rb_red_blk_node * RBTreeInsert(rb_red_blk_tree*, void* key, void* info);
+void RBTreePrint(rb_red_blk_tree*);
+void RBDelete(rb_red_blk_tree* , rb_red_blk_node* );
+void RBTreeDestroy(rb_red_blk_tree*);
+rb_red_blk_node* TreePredecessor(rb_red_blk_tree*,rb_red_blk_node*);
+rb_red_blk_node* TreeSuccessor(rb_red_blk_tree*,rb_red_blk_node*);
+rb_red_blk_node* RBExactQuery(rb_red_blk_tree*, void*);
+stk_stack * RBEnumerate(rb_red_blk_tree* tree,void* low, void* high);
+void NullFunction(void*);