--- /dev/null
+Force pass-by-reference to __call
+ class C
+ {
+ function __call($name, $values)
+ {
+ $values[0][0] = 'changed';
+ }
+ }
+ $a = array('original');
+ $b = array('original');
+ $hack =& $b[0];
+ $c = new C;
+ $c->f($a);
+ $c->f($b);
+ var_dump($a, $b);
+array(1) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(8) "original"
+array(1) {
+ [0]=>
+ &string(7) "changed"
--- /dev/null
+Ensure instanceof does not trigger autoload.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ $a = new stdClass;
+ var_dump($a instanceof UndefC);
--- /dev/null
+Ensure catch blocks for unknown exception types do not trigger autoload.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ function f()
+ {
+ throw new Exception();
+ }
+ try {
+ f();
+ }
+ catch (UndefC $u) {
+ echo "In UndefClass catch block.\n";
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ echo "In Exception catch block. Autoload should not have been triggered.\n";
+ }
+In Exception catch block. Autoload should not have been triggered.
--- /dev/null
+Ensure type hints for unknown types do not trigger autoload.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ function f(UndefClass $x)
+ {
+ }
+ f(new stdClass);
+Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to f() must be an instance of UndefClass, instance of stdClass given, called in %s
--- /dev/null
+Ensure implements does trigger autoload.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ class C implements UndefI
+ {
+ }
+In autoload: string(6) "UndefI"
+Fatal error: Interface 'UndefI' not found in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Ensure extends does trigger autoload.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ class C extends UndefBase
+ {
+ }
+In autoload: string(9) "UndefBase"
+Fatal error: Class 'UndefBase' not found in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Ensure callback methods in unknown classes trigger autoload.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ call_user_func("UndefC::test");
+In autoload: string(6) "UndefC"
+Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be valid callback, string given in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Ensure the ReflectionClass constructor triggers autoload.
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ try {
+ new ReflectionClass("UndefC");
+ }
+ catch (ReflectionException $e) {
+ echo $e->getMessage();
+ }
+In autoload: string(6) "UndefC"
+Class UndefC does not exist
--- /dev/null
+Ensure the ReflectionMethod constructor triggers autoload.
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ try {
+ new ReflectionMethod("UndefC::test");
+ }
+ catch (ReflectionException $e) {
+ echo $e->getMessage();
+ }
+In autoload: string(6) "UndefC"
+Class UndefC does not exist
--- /dev/null
+Ensure the ReflectionProperty constructor triggers autoload.
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ try {
+ new ReflectionProperty('UndefC', 'p');
+ }
+ catch (ReflectionException $e) {
+ echo $e->getMessage();
+ }
+In autoload: string(6) "UndefC"
+Class UndefC does not exist
--- /dev/null
+Ensure ReflectionClass::getProperty() triggers autoload
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ $rc = new ReflectionClass("stdClass");
+ try {
+ $rc->getProperty("UndefC::p");
+ } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
+ echo $e->getMessage();
+ }
+In autoload: string(6) "undefc"
+Class undefc does not exist
--- /dev/null
+Ensure ReflectionClass::implementsInterface triggers autoload.
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "In autoload: ";
+ var_dump($name);
+ }
+ $rc = new ReflectionClass("stdClass");
+ try {
+ $rc->implementsInterface("UndefI");
+ } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
+ echo $e->getMessage();
+ }
+In autoload: string(6) "UndefI"
+Interface UndefI does not exist
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Ensure __autoload() allows for recursive calls if the class name differs.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "IN: " . __METHOD__ . "($name)\n";
+ static $i = 0;
+ if ($i++ > 10) {
+ echo "-> Recursion detected - as expected.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ class_exists('UndefinedClass' . $i);
+ echo "OUT: " . __METHOD__ . "($name)\n";
+ }
+ var_dump(class_exists('UndefinedClass0'));
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass0)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass1)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass2)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass3)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass4)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass5)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass6)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass7)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass8)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass9)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass10)
+IN: __autoload(UndefinedClass11)
+-> Recursion detected - as expected.
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass10)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass9)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass8)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass7)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass6)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass5)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass4)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass3)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass2)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass1)
+OUT: __autoload(UndefinedClass0)
--- /dev/null
+Ensure __autoload() recursion is guarded for multiple lookups of same class using difference case.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo __FUNCTION__ . " $name\n";
+ class_exists("undefinedCLASS");
+ }
+ class_exists("unDefinedClass");
+__autoload unDefinedClass
--- /dev/null
+Ensure __autoload() is triggered during unserialization.
+ function __autoload($name)
+ {
+ echo "in autoload: $name\n";
+ }
+ var_dump(unserialize('O:1:"C":0:{}'));
+in autoload: C
+object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class)#%d (1) {
+ ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=>
+ string(1) "C"
--- /dev/null
+Class constant declarations
+ define('DEFINED', 1234);
+ $def = 456;
+ define('DEFINED_TO_VAR', $def);
+ define('DEFINED_TO_UNDEF_VAR', $undef);
+ class C
+ {
+ const c0 = UNDEFINED;
+ const c1 = 1, c2 = 1.5;
+ const c3 = + 1, c4 = + 1.5;
+ const c5 = -1, c6 = -1.5;
+ const c7 = __LINE__;
+ const c8 = __FILE__;
+ const c9 = __CLASS__;
+ const c10 = __METHOD__;
+ const c11 = __FUNCTION__;
+ const c12 = DEFINED;
+ const c13 = DEFINED_TO_VAR;
+ const c14 = DEFINED_TO_UNDEF_VAR;
+ const c15 = "hello1";
+ const c16 = 'hello2';
+ const c17 = C::c16;
+ const c18 = self::c17;
+ }
+ echo "\nAttempt to access various kinds of class constants:\n";
+ var_dump(C::c0);
+ var_dump(C::c1);
+ var_dump(C::c2);
+ var_dump(C::c3);
+ var_dump(C::c4);
+ var_dump(C::c5);
+ var_dump(C::c6);
+ var_dump(C::c7);
+ var_dump(C::c8);
+ var_dump(C::c9);
+ var_dump(C::c10);
+ var_dump(C::c11);
+ var_dump(C::c12);
+ var_dump(C::c13);
+ var_dump(C::c14);
+ var_dump(C::c15);
+ var_dump(C::c16);
+ var_dump(C::c17);
+ var_dump(C::c18);
+ echo "\nExpecting fatal error:\n";
+ var_dump(C::c19);
+ echo "\nYou should not see this.";
+Notice: Undefined variable: undef in %s on line 5
+Attempt to access various kinds of class constants:
+Notice: Use of undefined constant UNDEFINED - assumed 'UNDEFINED' in %s on line %d
+string(9) "UNDEFINED"
+string(%d) "%s"
+string(1) "C"
+string(1) "C"
+string(0) ""
+string(6) "hello1"
+string(6) "hello2"
+string(6) "hello2"
+string(6) "hello2"
+Expecting fatal error:
+Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'c19' in %s on line 53
--- /dev/null
+Basic class support - defining and reading a class constant.
+ class aclass
+ {
+ const myConst = "hello";
+ }
+ echo "\nRead class constant.\n";
+ var_dump(aclass::myConst);
+ echo "\nFail to read class constant from instance.\n";
+ $myInstance = new aclass();
+ var_dump($myInstance->myConst);
+ echo "\nClass constant not visible in object var_dump.\n";
+ var_dump($myInstance)
+Read class constant.
+string(5) "hello"
+Fail to read class constant from instance.
+Notice: Undefined property: aclass::$myConst in %s on line 12
+Class constant not visible in object var_dump.
+object(aclass)#%d (0) {
--- /dev/null
+class A {
+ const MY_CONST = "hello from A";
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Ensure class properties and constants can be defined in terms of constants that are not known at compile time.
+ include 'constants_basic_003.inc';
+ class B
+ {
+ public static $a = A::MY_CONST;
+ public static $c = C::MY_CONST;
+ const ca = A::MY_CONST;
+ const cc = C::MY_CONST;
+ }
+ class C
+ {
+ const MY_CONST = "hello from C";
+ }
+ var_dump(B::$a);
+ var_dump(B::$c);
+ var_dump(B::ca);
+ var_dump(B::cc);
+string(12) "hello from A"
+string(12) "hello from C"
+string(12) "hello from A"
+string(12) "hello from C"
--- /dev/null
+Test properties with array default values using class constants as keys and values.
+ class X
+ {
+ // Static and instance array using class constants
+ public static $sa_x = array(B::KEY => B::VALUE);
+ public $a_x = array(B::KEY => B::VALUE);
+ }
+ class B
+ {
+ const KEY = "key";
+ const VALUE = "value";
+ // Static and instance array using class constants with self
+ public static $sa_b = array(self::KEY => self::VALUE);
+ public $a_b = array(self::KEY => self::VALUE);
+ }
+ class C extends B
+ {
+ // Static and instance array using class constants with parent
+ public static $sa_c_parent = array(parent::KEY => parent::VALUE);
+ public $a_c_parent = array(parent::KEY => parent::VALUE);
+ // Static and instance array using class constants with self (constants should be inherited)
+ public static $sa_c_self = array(self::KEY => self::VALUE);
+ public $a_c_self = array(self::KEY => self::VALUE);
+ // Should also include inherited properties from B.
+ }
+ echo "\nStatic properties:\n";
+ var_dump(X::$sa_x, B::$sa_b, C::$sa_b, C::$sa_c_parent, C::$sa_c_self);
+ echo "\nInstance properties:\n";
+ $x = new x;
+ $b = new B;
+ $c = new C;
+ var_dump($x, $b, $c);
+Static properties:
+array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+Instance properties:
+object(X)#%d (1) {
+ ["a_x"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+ }
+object(B)#%d (1) {
+ ["a_b"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+ }
+object(C)#%d (3) {
+ ["a_c_parent"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+ }
+ ["a_c_self"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+ }
+ ["a_b"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(5) "value"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Test constants with default values based on other constants.
+ class C
+ {
+ const CONST_2 = self::CONST_1;
+ const CONST_1 = self::BASE_CONST;
+ const BASE_CONST = 'hello';
+ }
+ var_dump(C::CONST_1, C::CONST_2);
+string(5) "hello"
+string(5) "hello"
--- /dev/null
+Ensure class constants are not evaluated when a class is looked up to resolve inheritance during runtime.
+ class C
+ {
+ const X = E::A;
+ public static $a = array(K => D::V, E::A => K);
+ }
+ eval('class D extends C { const V = \'test\'; }');
+ class E extends D
+ {
+ const A = "hello";
+ }
+ define('K', "nasty");
+ var_dump(C::X, C::$a, D::X, D::$a, E::X, E::$a);
+string(5) "hello"
+array(2) {
+ ["nasty"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["hello"]=>
+ string(5) "nasty"
+string(5) "hello"
+array(2) {
+ ["nasty"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["hello"]=>
+ string(5) "nasty"
+string(5) "hello"
+array(2) {
+ ["nasty"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["hello"]=>
+ string(5) "nasty"
--- /dev/null
+Error case: duplicate class constant definition
+ class myclass
+ {
+ const myConst = "hello";
+ const myConst = "hello again";
+ }
+Fatal error: Cannot redefine class constant myclass::myConst in %s on line 5
--- /dev/null
+Error case: class constant as an array
+ class myclass
+ {
+ const myConst = array();
+ }
+Fatal error: Arrays are not allowed in class constants in %s on line 4
--- /dev/null
+Basic class support - attempting to pass a class constant by reference.
+ class aclass
+ {
+ const myConst = "hello";
+ }
+ function f(&$a)
+ {
+ $a = "changed";
+ }
+ f(aclass::myConst);
+ var_dump(aclass::myConst);
+Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in %s on line 12
--- /dev/null
+Class constant whose initial value refereces a non-existent class
+ class C
+ {
+ const c1 = D::hello;
+ }
+ $a = new C();
+Fatal error: Class 'D' not found in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Error case: class constant as an encapsed containing a variable
+ class myclass
+ {
+ const myConst = "$myVar";
+ }
+Parse error: %s in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Basic class support - attempting to modify a class constant by assignment
+ class aclass
+ {
+ const myConst = "hello";
+ }
+ echo "\nTrying to modify a class constant directly - should be parse error.\n";
+ aclass::myConst = "no!!";
+ var_dump(aclass::myConst);
+Parse error: %s in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Basic class support - attempting to create a reference to a class constant
+ class aclass
+ {
+ const myConst = "hello";
+ }
+ echo "\nAttempting to create a reference to a class constant - should be parse error.\n";
+ $a = &aclass::myConst;
+Parse error: %s in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Ensure implicit final inherited old-style constructor cannot be overridden.
+ class A {
+ final function A() { }
+ }
+ class B extends A {
+ }
+ class C extends B {
+ function B() { }
+ }
+Fatal error: Cannot override final method A::B() in %s on line 9
--- /dev/null
+Check for inherited old-style constructor.
+ class A
+ {
+ function A()
+ {
+ echo "In " . __METHOD__ . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ }
+ class C extends B
+ {
+ }
+ echo "About to construct new B: ";
+ $b = new B;
+ echo "About to invoke implicit B::B(): ";
+ $b->B();
+ echo "\nAbout to construct new C: ";
+ $c = new C;
+ echo "About to invoke implicit C::B(): ";
+ $c->B();
+ echo "About to invoke implicit C::C(): ";
+ $c->C();
+About to construct new B: In A::A
+About to invoke implicit B::B(): In A::A
+About to construct new C: In A::A
+About to invoke implicit C::B(): In A::A
+About to invoke implicit C::C(): In A::A
--- /dev/null
+In $a->$b[Y](), $b[Y] represents a method name on $a. But in $a->X[Y](), $a->X[Y] represents a global function name.
+ class C
+ {
+ function foo($a, $b)
+ {
+ echo "Called C::foo($a, $b)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $c = new C;
+ $functions[0] = 'foo';
+ $functions[1][2][3][4] = 'foo';
+ $c->$functions[0](1, 2);
+ $c->$functions[1][2][3][4](3, 4);
+ function foo($a, $b)
+ {
+ echo "Called global foo($a, $b)\n";
+ }
+ $c->functions[0] = 'foo';
+ $c->functions[1][2][3][4] = 'foo';
+ $c->functions[0](5, 6);
+ $c->functions[1][2][3][4](7, 8);
+Called C::foo(1, 2)
+Called C::foo(3, 4)
+Called global foo(5, 6)
+Called global foo(7, 8)
--- /dev/null
+Confirm difference between assigning new directly and by reference.
+ echo "Compile-time strict error message should precede this.\n";
+ class Inc
+ {
+ private static $counter = 0;
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->id = ++Inc::$counter;
+ }
+ }
+ $f = new Inc();
+ $k =& $f;
+ echo "\$f initially points to the first object:\n";
+ var_dump($f);
+ echo "Assigning new object directly to \$k affects \$f:\n";
+ $k = new Inc();
+ var_dump($f);
+ echo "Assigning new object by ref to \$k removes it from \$f's reference set, so \$f is unchanged:\n";
+ $k =& new Inc();
+ var_dump($f);
+Strict Standards: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in %s on line 23
+Compile-time strict error message should precede this.
+$f initially points to the first object:
+object(Inc)#%d (1) {
+ ["id"]=>
+ int(1)
+Assigning new object directly to $k affects $f:
+object(Inc)#%d (1) {
+ ["id"]=>
+ int(2)
+Assigning new object by ref to $k removes it from $f's reference set, so $f is unchanged:
+object(Inc)#%d (1) {
+ ["id"]=>
+ int(2)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private static property as private.
+ class A
+ {
+ private static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private static property as private static.
+ class A
+ {
+ private static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private static property as protected.
+ class A
+ {
+ private static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private static property as protected static.
+ class A
+ {
+ private static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private static property as public.
+ class A
+ {
+ private static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private static property as public static.
+ class A
+ {
+ private static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private property as private.
+ class A
+ {
+ private $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private property as private static.
+ class A
+ {
+ private $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private property as protected.
+ class A
+ {
+ private $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private property as protected static.
+ class A
+ {
+ private $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private property as public.
+ class A
+ {
+ private $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited private property as public static.
+ class A
+ {
+ private $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected static property as private.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static A::$p as non static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected static property as private static.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Access level to B::$p must be protected (as in class A) or weaker in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected static property as protected.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static A::$p as non static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected static property as protected static.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected static property as public.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static A::$p as non static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected static property as public static.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot change initial value of property static protected A::$p in class B in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected property as private.
+Included for completeness (duplicates test Zend/tests/errmsg_023.phpt).
+ class A
+ {
+ protected $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Access level to B::$p must be protected (as in class A) or weaker in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected property as private static.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non static A::$p as static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected property as protected.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected property as protected static.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non static A::$p as static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected property as public.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited protected property as public static.
+ class A
+ {
+ protected $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non static A::$p as static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public static property as private.
+ class A
+ {
+ public static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static A::$p as non static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public static property as private static.
+ class A
+ {
+ public static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Access level to B::$p must be public (as in class A) in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public static property as protected.
+ class A
+ {
+ public static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static A::$p as non static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public static property as protected static.
+ class A
+ {
+ public static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Access level to B::$p must be public (as in class A) in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public static property as public.
+ class A
+ {
+ public static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static A::$p as non static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public static property as public static.
+ class A
+ {
+ public static $p = "A::p (static)";
+ static function showA()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ A::showA();
+ B::showA();
+ B::showB();
+A::p (static)
+A::p (static)
+B::p (static)
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public property as private.
+ class A
+ {
+ public $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Access level to B::$p must be public (as in class A) in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public property as private static.
+ class A
+ {
+ public $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ private static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non static A::$p as static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public property as protected.
+ class A
+ {
+ public $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
+Fatal error: Access level to B::$p must be public (as in class A) in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public property as protected static.
+ class A
+ {
+ public $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ protected static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non static A::$p as static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public property as public.
+ class A
+ {
+ public $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public $p = "B::p";
+ function showB()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ $b->showB();
--- /dev/null
+Redeclare inherited public property as public static.
+ class A
+ {
+ public $p = "A::p";
+ function showA()
+ {
+ echo $this->p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ class B extends A
+ {
+ public static $p = "B::p (static)";
+ static function showB()
+ {
+ echo self::$p . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $a = new A;
+ $a->showA();
+ $b = new B;
+ $b->showA();
+ B::showB();
+Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non static A::$p as static B::$p in %s on line 18
--- /dev/null
+Ensure type hints are enforced for functions invoked as callbacks.
+ set_error_handler('myErrorHandler', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);
+ function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
+ echo "$errno: $errstr - $errfile($errline)\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ echo "---> Type hints with callback function:\n";
+ class A { }
+ function f1(A $a) {
+ echo "in f1;\n";
+ }
+ function f2(A $a = null) {
+ echo "in f2;\n";
+ }
+ call_user_func('f1', 1);
+ call_user_func('f1', new A);
+ call_user_func('f2', 1);
+ call_user_func('f2');
+ call_user_func('f2', new A);
+ call_user_func('f2', null);
+ echo "\n\n---> Type hints with callback static method:\n";
+ class C {
+ static function f1(A $a) {
+ if (isset($this)) {
+ echo "in C::f1 (instance);\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "in C::f1 (static);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ static function f2(A $a = null) {
+ if (isset($this)) {
+ echo "in C::f2 (instance);\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "in C::f2 (static);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ call_user_func(array('C', 'f1'), 1);
+ call_user_func(array('C', 'f1'), new A);
+ call_user_func(array('C', 'f2'), 1);
+ call_user_func(array('C', 'f2'));
+ call_user_func(array('C', 'f2'), new A);
+ call_user_func(array('C', 'f2'), null);
+ echo "\n\n---> Type hints with callback instance method:\n";
+ class D {
+ function f1(A $a) {
+ if (isset($this)) {
+ echo "in C::f1 (instance);\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "in C::f1 (static);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function f2(A $a = null) {
+ if (isset($this)) {
+ echo "in C::f2 (instance);\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "in C::f2 (static);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $d = new D;
+ call_user_func(array($d, 'f1'), 1);
+ call_user_func(array($d, 'f1'), new A);
+ call_user_func(array($d, 'f2'), 1);
+ call_user_func(array($d, 'f2'));
+ call_user_func(array($d, 'f2'), new A);
+ call_user_func(array($d, 'f2'), null);
+---> Type hints with callback function:
+4096: Argument 1 passed to f1() must be an instance of A, integer given%s(10)
+in f1;
+in f1;
+4096: Argument 1 passed to f2() must be an instance of A, integer given%s(13)
+in f2;
+in f2;
+in f2;
+in f2;
+---> Type hints with callback static method:
+4096: Argument 1 passed to C::f1() must be an instance of A, integer given%s(26)
+in C::f1 (static);
+in C::f1 (static);
+4096: Argument 1 passed to C::f2() must be an instance of A, integer given%s(33)
+in C::f2 (static);
+in C::f2 (static);
+in C::f2 (static);
+in C::f2 (static);
+---> Type hints with callback instance method:
+4096: Argument 1 passed to D::f1() must be an instance of A, integer given%s(51)
+in C::f1 (instance);
+in C::f1 (instance);
+4096: Argument 1 passed to D::f2() must be an instance of A, integer given%s(58)
+in C::f2 (instance);
+in C::f2 (instance);
+in C::f2 (instance);
+in C::f2 (instance);