--- /dev/null
+; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
+; This is the whole ball of wax for an Inno installer for Python.
+; To use, download Inno Setup from http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.htm/,
+; install it, and double-click on this file. That launches the Inno
+; script compiler. The GUI is extemely simple, and has only one button
+; you may not recognize instantly: click it. You're done. It builds
+; the installer into PCBuild/Python-2.2a1.exe. Size and speed of the
+; installer are competitive with the Wise installer; Inno uninstall
+; seems much quicker than Wise.
+; What's Done
+; -----------
+; All the usual Windows Python files are installed by this now.
+; All the usual Windows Python Start menu entries are created and
+; work fine.
+; The Python install is fully functional for "typical" uses (e.g.,
+; nothing I ever do with Python requires more than this).
+; What's Not Done
+; ---------------
+; No registry entries are written.
+; No installation of files is done into the system dir:
+; The MS DLLs aren't handled at all by this yet.
+; Python22.dll is unpacked into the main Python dir.
+; Inno can't do different things on NT/2000 depending on whether the user
+; has Admin privileges, so I don't know how to "solve" either of those,
+; short of building two installers (one *requiring* Admin privs, the
+; other not doing anything that needs Admin privs).
+; Inno has no concept of variables, so lots of lines in this file need
+; to be fiddled by hand across releases. Simplest way out: stick this
+; file in a giant triple-quoted r-string (note that backslashes are
+; required all over the place here -- forward slashes DON'T WORK in
+; Inno), and use %(yadda)s string interpolation to do substitutions; i.e.,
+; write a very simple Python program to *produce* this script.
+; Which of these controls App Path???
+AppName=Python 2.2 alpha 1
+AppVerName=Python 2.2 alpha 1
+AppCopyright=Copyright © 2001 Python Software Foundation
+; Default install dir; value of {app} later (unless user overrides).
+; {sd} = system root drive, probably "C:".
+; Start menu folder name.
+DefaultGroupName=Python 2.2
+AppId=Python 2.2
+; Point SourceDir to one above PCBuild = src.
+; YAY! That actually worked: means this script can run unchanged from anyone's
+; CVS tree, no matter what they called the top-level directories. Wise
+; required hardcoded absolute paths all over the place.
+AppPublisher=PythonLabs at Digicool
+; uncomment the following line if you want your installation to run on NT 3.51 too.
+; MinVersion=4,3.51
+Name: normal; Description: "Select desired components"; Flags: iscustom
+Name: main; Description: "Python interpreter and library"; Types: normal
+Name: docs; Description: "Python documentation (HTML)"; Types: normal
+Name: tools; Description: "Python utility scripts"; Types: normal
+Name: test; Description: "Python test suite (Lib\test\)"; Types: normal
+; Caution: Using forward slashes instead screws up in amazing ways.
+; Unknown: By the time Components (and other attrs) are added to these lines, they're
+; going to get awfully long. But don't see a way to continue logical lines across
+; physical lines.
+Source: LICENSE; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: LICENSE.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
+Source: README; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
+Source: Misc\News; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: NEWS.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
+Source: PC\*.ico; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\python.exe; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\pythonw.exe; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\w9xpopen.exe; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\python22.dll; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: ..\tcl\bin\tcl83.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: ..\tcl\bin\tk83.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: ..\tcl\lib\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\tcl"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main; Flags: recursesubdirs
+Source: PCbuild\_socket.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_socket.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_sre.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_sre.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_symtable.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_symtable.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_testcapi.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_testcapi.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_tkinter.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_tkinter.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\bsddb.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\bsddb.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\mmap.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\mmap.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\parser.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\parser.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\pyexpat.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\pyexpat.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\select.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\select.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\unicodedata.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\unicodedata.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_winreg.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\_winreg.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\winsound.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\winsound.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\zlib.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\zlib.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PCbuild\python22.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: ..\expat\bin\xmlparse.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: ..\expat\bin\xmltok.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Lib\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Lib\lib-tk\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\lib-tk"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Lib\encodings\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\encodings"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Lib\distutils\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\distutils"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Lib\xml\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\xml"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: main
+Source: Lib\lib-old\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\lib-old"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Lib\site-packages\README; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Include\*.h; DestDir: "{app}\include"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: PC\config.h; DestDir: "{app}\include"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
+Source: Tools\scripts\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\scripts\*.pyw; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\scripts\*.doc; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\scripts\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\webchecker\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\webchecker"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\webchecker\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\webchecker"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\versioncheck\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\versioncheck"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\versioncheck\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\versioncheck"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\idle\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\idle\idle.pyw; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\idle\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\idle\Icons\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle\Icons"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\compiler\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\compiler"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\compiler\compiler\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\compiler\compiler"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\compiler\compiler\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\compiler\compiler"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\pynche\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\pynche\pynche.pyw; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\pynche\X\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche\X"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\pynche\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: Tools\pynche\pynche; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; DestName: pynche.py; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
+Source: html\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: docs
+Source: Lib\test\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
+Source: Lib\test\*.uue; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
+Source: Lib\test\*.xml; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
+Source: Lib\test\*.out; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
+Source: Lib\test\audiotest.au; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
+Source: Lib\test\output\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test\output"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
+Name: "{group}\IDLE (Python GUI)"; Filename: "{app}\pythonw.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "{app}\Tools\idle\idle.pyw"
+Name: "{group}\Module Docs"; Filename: "{app}\pythonw.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "{app}\Tools\Scripts\pydoc.pyw"
+Name: "{group}\Python (command line)"; Filename: "{app}\python.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{group}\Python Manuals"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\index.html"; WorkingDir: "{app}"