connect( mySession, SIGNAL(torrentsUpdated(tr_benc*,bool)), myModel, SLOT(updateTorrents(tr_benc*,bool)) );
connect( mySession, SIGNAL(torrentsUpdated(tr_benc*,bool)), myWindow, SLOT(refreshActionSensitivity()) );
connect( mySession, SIGNAL(torrentsRemoved(tr_benc*)), myModel, SLOT(removeTorrents(tr_benc*)) );
+ // when the session source gets changed, request a full refresh
+ connect( mySession, SIGNAL(sourceChanged()), this, SLOT(onSessionSourceChanged()) );
// when the model sees a torrent for the first time, ask the session for full info on it
connect( myModel, SIGNAL(torrentsAdded(QSet<int>)), mySession, SLOT(initTorrents(QSet<int>)) );
+MyApp :: onSessionSourceChanged( )
+ mySession->initTorrents( );
+ mySession->refreshSessionStats( );
+ mySession->refreshSessionInfo( );
MyApp :: refreshTorrents( )