<term>Crowd Funding Campaigns</term>
- <para>Crowd funding campaigns are cmapaigns we run to get badly wanted features funded. Each pledge chips in a small amount say $100 - $250 each and with enough people/organizations contributing, we have the funds to pay for the work that will help many. If you have an idea for a campaign for a feature you want that you think many others will want, please post to the <ulink url="http://www.postgis.org/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users">PostGIS newsgroup</ulink> your thoughts. </para>
+ <para>Crowd funding campaigns are campaigns we run to get badly wanted features funded that can service a large number of people. Each campaign is specifically focused on a particular feature or set of features. Each sponsor chips in a small fraction of the needed funding and with enough people/organizations contributing, we have the funds to pay for the work that will help many. If you have an idea for a feature you think many others would be willing to co-fund, please post to the <ulink url="http://www.postgis.org/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users">PostGIS newsgroup</ulink> your thoughts and together we can make it happen. </para>
<para>PostGIS 2.0.0 was the first release we tried this strategy. We used <ulink url="http://www.pledgebank.com">PledgeBank</ulink> and we got two successful campaigns out of it.</para>
<para><ulink url="http://www.pledgebank.com/postgistopology"><emphasis role='bold'>postgistopology</emphasis></ulink> - 10 plus sponsors each contributed $250 USD to build toTopoGeometry function and beef up topology support in 2.0.0. It happened.</para>
<para><ulink url="http://www.pledgebank.com/postgis64windows"><emphasis role='bold'>postgis64windows</emphasis></ulink> - 20 someodd sponsors each contributed $100 USD to pay for the work needed to work out PostGIS 64-bit on windows issues. It happened. We now have a 64-bit beta release for PostGIS 2.0.0 and a final one planned for release that will be available on PostgreSQL stack builder.</para>