" finish
-func Test_restricted()
- call Run_restricted_test('!ls', 'E145:')
+func Test_restricted_mode()
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ if has('lua')
+ call assert_fails('lua print("Hello, Vim!")', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('luado return "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('luafile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('call luaeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ endif
-func Run_restricted_test(ex_cmd, error)
- let cmd = GetVimCommand('Xrestricted')
- if cmd == ''
- return
- endif
+ if has('mzscheme')
+ call assert_fails('mzscheme statement', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('mzfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('call mzeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ endif
- " Use a VimEnter autocommand to avoid that the error message is displayed in
- " a dialog with an OK button.
- call writefile([
- \ "func Init()",
- \ " silent! " . a:ex_cmd,
- \ " call writefile([v:errmsg], 'Xrestrout')",
- \ " qa!",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "au VimEnter * call Init()",
- \ ], 'Xrestricted')
- call system(cmd . ' -Z')
- call assert_match(a:error, join(readfile('Xrestrout')))
+ if has('perl')
+ " TODO: how to make Safe mode fail?
+ " call assert_fails('perl system("ls")', 'E981:')
+ " call assert_fails('perldo system("hello")', 'E981:')
+ " call assert_fails('perlfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ " call assert_fails('call perleval("system(\"ls\")")', 'E145:')
+ endif
- call delete('Xrestricted')
- call delete('Xrestrout')
+ if has('python')
+ call assert_fails('python print "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('pydo return "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('pyfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('call pyeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_lua()
- if !has('lua')
- throw 'Skipped: Lua is not supported'
- endif
- call Run_restricted_test('lua print("Hello, Vim!")', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('luado return "hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('luafile somefile', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('call luaeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ if has('python3')
+ call assert_fails('py3 print "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('py3do return "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('py3file somefile', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('call py3eval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_mzscheme()
- if !has('mzscheme')
- throw 'Skipped: MzScheme is not supported'
- endif
- call Run_restricted_test('mzscheme statement', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('mzfile somefile', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('call mzeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ if has('ruby')
+ call assert_fails('ruby print "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('rubydo print "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('rubyfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_perl()
- if !has('perl')
- throw 'Skipped: Perl is not supported'
- endif
- " TODO: how to make Safe mode fail?
- " call Run_restricted_test('perl system("ls")', 'E981:')
- " call Run_restricted_test('perldo system("hello")', 'E981:')
- " call Run_restricted_test('perlfile somefile', 'E981:')
- " call Run_restricted_test('call perleval("system(\"ls\")")', 'E145:')
+ if has('tcl')
+ call assert_fails('tcl puts "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('tcldo puts "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call assert_fails('tclfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_python()
- if !has('python')
- throw 'Skipped: Python is not supported'
- endif
- call Run_restricted_test('python print "hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('pydo return "hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('pyfile somefile', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('call pyeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ if has('clientserver')
+ call assert_fails('let s=remote_peek(10)', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('let s=remote_read(10)', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('let s=remote_send("vim", "abc")', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('let s=server2client(10, "abc")', 'E145:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_python3()
- if !has('python3')
- throw 'Skipped: Python3 is not supported'
- endif
- call Run_restricted_test('py3 print "hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('py3do return "hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('py3file somefile', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('call py3eval("expression")', 'E145:')
+ if has('terminal')
+ call assert_fails('terminal', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('call term_start("vim")', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('call term_dumpwrite(1, "Xfile")', 'E145:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_ruby()
- if !has('ruby')
- throw 'Skipped: Ruby is not supported'
- endif
- call Run_restricted_test('ruby print "Hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('rubydo print "Hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('rubyfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ if has('channel')
+ call assert_fails("call ch_logfile('Xlog')", 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails("call ch_open('localhost:8765')", 'E145:')
+ endif
-func Test_restricted_tcl()
- if !has('tcl')
- throw 'Skipped: Tcl is not supported'
+ if has('job')
+ call assert_fails("call job_start('vim')", 'E145:')
+ endif
+ if has('libcall')
+ call assert_fails("echo libcall('libc.so', 'getenv', 'HOME')", 'E145:')
+ endif
+ call assert_fails("call rename('a', 'b')", 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails("call delete('Xfile')", 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails("call mkdir('Xdir')", 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('!ls', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('shell', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('stop', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('suspend', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('call system("vim")', 'E145:')
+ call assert_fails('call systemlist("vim")', 'E145:')
+ if has('unix')
+ call assert_fails('cd `pwd`', 'E145:')
+ endif
+ call writefile(v:errors, 'Xresult')
+ qa!
+ call writefile(lines, 'Xrestricted')
+ if RunVim([], [], '-Z --clean -S Xrestricted')
+ call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult'))
- call Run_restricted_test('tcl puts "Hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('tcldo puts "Hello"', 'E981:')
- call Run_restricted_test('tclfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call delete('Xrestricted')
+ call delete('Xresult')
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
delfunc! Func2
+" Test for internal functions returning different types
+func Test_InternalFuncRetType()
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ def RetFloat(): float
+ return ceil(1.456)
+ enddef
+ def RetListAny(): list<any>
+ return items({'k' : 'v'})
+ enddef
+ def RetListString(): list<string>
+ return split('a:b:c', ':')
+ enddef
+ def RetListDictAny(): list<dict<any>>
+ return getbufinfo()
+ enddef
+ def RetDictNumber(): dict<number>
+ return wordcount()
+ enddef
+ def RetDictString(): dict<string>
+ return environ()
+ enddef
+ call writefile(lines, 'Xscript')
+ source Xscript
+ call assert_equal(2.0, RetFloat())
+ call assert_equal([['k', 'v']], RetListAny())
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], RetListString())
+ call assert_notequal([], RetListDictAny())
+ call assert_notequal({}, RetDictNumber())
+ call assert_notequal({}, RetDictString())
+ call delete('Xscript')
+" Test for passing too many or too few arguments to internal functions
+func Test_internalfunc_arg_error()
+ let l =<< trim END
+ def! FArgErr(): float
+ return ceil(1.1, 2)
+ enddef
+ call writefile(l, 'Xinvalidarg')
+ call assert_fails('so Xinvalidarg', 'E118:')
+ let l =<< trim END
+ def! FArgErr(): float
+ return ceil()
+ enddef
+ call writefile(l, 'Xinvalidarg')
+ call assert_fails('so Xinvalidarg', 'E119:')
+ call delete('Xinvalidarg')
" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker