# Some RPM platforms use systemd, others sysv, we default to systemd here
INIT_BUILDREQUIRES='BuildRequires: systemd-devel'
INIT_INSTALL='sed -i "s,/^\(ExecStart.*\)dnsdist\(.*\)\$,\1dnsdist -u dnsdist -g dnsdist\2," %{buildroot}/lib/systemd/system/dnsdist.service'
INIT_CONFIGURE='--enable-systemd --with-systemd=/lib/systemd/system \'
# CentOS 6 has protobuf, but not a modern enough boost. We default to with protobuf
+# run as dnsdist user
+sed -i '/^ExecStart/ s/dnsdist/dnsdist -u dnsdist -g dnsdist/' dnsdist.service.in
%configure \
--sysconfdir=/etc/dnsdist \
+mv dnsdistconf.lua dnsdist.conf.sample
make %{?_smp_mflags} check || (cat test-suite.log && false)
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
-%license COPYING
+%doc dnsdist.conf.sample
%doc README.md
+%license COPYING
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/dnsdist