self.assertTrue(m.__class__ is types.ModuleType)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(m, "a"))
+ # Make sure that builtin immutable objects don't support __class__
+ # assignment, because the object instances may be interned.
+ # We set __slots__ = () to ensure that the subclasses are
+ # memory-layout compatible, and thus otherwise reasonable candidates
+ # for __class__ assignment.
+ # The following types have immutable instances, but are not
+ # subclassable and thus don't need to be checked:
+ # NoneType, bool
+ class MyInt(int):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ (1).__class__ = MyInt
+ class MyFloat(float):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ (1.0).__class__ = MyFloat
+ class MyComplex(complex):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ (1 + 2j).__class__ = MyComplex
+ class MyStr(str):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ "a".__class__ = MyStr
+ class MyBytes(bytes):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ b"a".__class__ = MyBytes
+ class MyTuple(tuple):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ ().__class__ = MyTuple
+ class MyFrozenSet(frozenset):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ frozenset().__class__ = MyFrozenSet
def test_slots(self):
# Testing __slots__...
class C0(object):
return -1;
newto = (PyTypeObject *)value;
+ /* In versions of CPython prior to 3.5, the code in
+ compatible_for_assignment was not set up to correctly check for memory
+ layout / slot / etc. compatibility for non-HEAPTYPE classes, so we just
+ disallowed __class__ assignment in any case that wasn't HEAPTYPE ->
+ During the 3.5 development cycle, we fixed the code in
+ compatible_for_assignment to correctly check compatibility between
+ arbitrary types, and started allowing __class__ assignment in all cases
+ where the old and new types did in fact have compatible slots and
+ memory layout (regardless of whether they were implemented as HEAPTYPEs
+ or not).
+ Just before 3.5 was released, though, we discovered that this led to
+ problems with immutable types like int, where the interpreter assumes
+ they are immutable and interns some values. Formerly this wasn't a
+ problem, because they really were immutable -- in particular, all the
+ types where the interpreter applied this interning trick happened to
+ also be statically allocated, so the old HEAPTYPE rules were
+ "accidentally" stopping them from allowing __class__ assignment. But
+ with the changes to __class__ assignment, we started allowing code like
+ class MyInt(int):
+ ...
+ # Modifies the type of *all* instances of 1 in the whole program,
+ # including future instances (!), because the 1 object is interned.
+ (1).__class__ = MyInt
+ (see
+ In theory the proper fix would be to identify which classes rely on
+ this invariant and somehow disallow __class__ assignment only for them,
+ perhaps via some mechanism like a new Py_TPFLAGS_IMMUTABLE flag (a
+ "blacklisting" approach). But in practice, since this problem wasn't
+ noticed late in the 3.5 RC cycle, we're taking the conservative
+ approach and reinstating the same HEAPTYPE->HEAPTYPE check that we used
+ to have, plus a "whitelist". For now, the whitelist consists only of
+ ModuleType subtypes, since those are the cases that motivated the patch
+ in the first place -- see -- and
+ since module objects are mutable we can be sure that they are
+ definitely not being interned. So now we allow HEAPTYPE->HEAPTYPE *or*
+ ModuleType subtype -> ModuleType subtype.
+ So far as we know, all the code beyond the following 'if' statement
+ will correctly handle non-HEAPTYPE classes, and the HEAPTYPE check is
+ needed only to protect that subset of non-HEAPTYPE classes for which
+ the interpreter has baked in the assumption that all instances are
+ truly immutable.
+ */
+ if (!(PyType_IsSubtype(newto, &PyModule_Type) &&
+ PyType_IsSubtype(oldto, &PyModule_Type)) &&
+ (!(newto->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) ||
+ !(oldto->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE))) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "__class__ assignment only supported for heap types "
+ "or ModuleType subclasses");
+ return -1;
+ }
if (compatible_for_assignment(oldto, newto, "__class__")) {
if (newto->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE)