with non-standard cookie handling in some Web browsers.
Reported by Sergey Bobrov.
_LegalCharsPatt = r"[\w\d!#%&'~_`><@,:/\$\*\+\-\.\^\|\)\(\?\}\{\=]"
_CookiePattern = re.compile(r"""
(?x) # This is a verbose pattern
+ \s* # Optional whitespace at start of cookie
(?P<key> # Start of group 'key'
""" + _LegalCharsPatt + r"""+? # Any word of at least one letter
) # End of group 'key'
while 0 <= i < n:
# Start looking for a cookie
- match = patt.search(str, i)
+ match = patt.match(str, i)
if not match:
# No more cookies
+ def test_invalid_cookies(self):
+ # Accepting these could be a security issue
+ C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
+ for s in (']foo=x', '[foo=x', 'blah]foo=x', 'blah[foo=x'):
+ C.load(s)
+ self.assertEqual(dict(C), {})
+ self.assertEqual(C.output(), '')
class MorselTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for the Morsel object."""
Pablo Bleyer
Erik van Blokland
Eric Blossom
+Sergey Bobrov
Finn Bock
Paul Boddie
Matthew Boedicker
+- Lax cookie parsing in http.cookies could be a security issue when combined
+ with non-standard cookie handling in some Web browsers. Reported by
+ Sergey Bobrov.
- Issue #21766: Prevent a security hole in CGIHTTPServer by URL unquoting paths
before checking for a CGI script at that path.