-Now issue a query where you use the geometry operator && to search for a
+Now issue a query where you use the geometry operator && to search for a
bounding box that matches only very few of those rows. Now the query
optimizer sees that the table has only 3 pages and 80 rows. He estimates
that a sequential scan on such a small table is much faster than using
an index. And so he decides to ignore the GIST index. Usually, this
-estimation is correct. But in our case, the && operator has to fetch
+estimation is correct. But in our case, the && operator has to fetch
every geometry from disk to compare the bounding boxes, thus reading all
TOAST pages, too.
-Now change your query to use the && operator against bbox instead of
+Now change your query to use the && operator against bbox instead of
geom_column, like:
-SELECT geom_column FROM mytable WHERE bbox && SetSrid('BOX3D(0 0,1 1)'::box3d,4326);
+SELECT geom_column FROM mytable WHERE bbox && SetSrid('BOX3D(0 0,1 1)'::box3d,4326);