# needed! Make sure they are generated in the temporary build
# directory. Since they have different names for debug and release
# builds, they can go into the same directory.
+ build_temp = os.path.dirname(objects[0])
if export_symbols is not None:
(dll_name, dll_ext) = os.path.splitext(
implib_file = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(objects[0]),
+ build_temp,
ld_args.append ('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file)
+ # Embedded manifests are recommended - see MSDN article titled
+ # "How to: Embed a Manifest Inside a C/C++ Application"
+ # (currently at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235591(VS.80).aspx)
+ # Ask the linker to generate the manifest in the temp dir, so
+ # we can embed it later.
+ temp_manifest = os.path.join(
+ build_temp,
+ os.path.basename(output_filename) + ".manifest")
+ ld_args.append('/MANIFESTFILE:' + temp_manifest)
if extra_preargs:
ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs
if extra_postargs:
except DistutilsExecError as msg:
raise LinkError(msg)
+ # embed the manifest
+ # XXX - this is somewhat fragile - if mt.exe fails, distutils
+ # will still consider the DLL up-to-date, but it will not have a
+ # manifest. Maybe we should link to a temp file? OTOH, that
+ # implies a build environment error that shouldn't go undetected.
+ mfid = 1 if target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE else 2
+ out_arg = '-outputresource:%s;%s' % (output_filename, mfid)
+ try:
+ self.spawn(['mt.exe', '-nologo', '-manifest',
+ temp_manifest, out_arg])
+ except DistutilsExecError as msg:
+ raise LinkError(msg)
log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename)
char install_script[MAX_PATH];
char *pre_install_script; /* run before we install a single file */
+char user_access_control[10]; // one of 'auto', 'force', otherwise none.
int py_major, py_minor; /* Python version selected for installation */
typedef struct PyMethodDef PyMethodDef;
+// XXX - all of these are potentially fragile! We load and unload
+// the Python DLL multiple times - so storing functions pointers
+// is dangerous (although things *look* OK at present)
+// Better might be to roll prepare_script_environment() into
+// LoadPythonDll(), and create a new UnloadPythonDLL() which also
+// clears the global pointers.
void *(*g_Py_BuildValue)(char *, ...);
int (*g_PyArg_ParseTuple)(PyObject *, char *, ...);
+PyObject * (*g_PyLong_FromVoidPtr)(void *);
PyObject *g_PyExc_ValueError;
PyObject *g_PyExc_OSError;
static PyObject *GetRootHKey(PyObject *self)
- return g_Py_BuildValue("l", hkey_root);
+ return g_PyLong_FromVoidPtr(hkey_root);
#define METH_VARARGS 0x0001
py_major, py_minor);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey_name,
- fullpath, &size))
+ fullpath, &size) &&
+ ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey_name,
+ fullpath, &size))
return NULL;
strcat(fullpath, "\\");
strcat(fullpath, fname);
DECLPROC(hPython, PyObject *, Py_BuildValue, (char *, ...));
DECLPROC(hPython, int, PyArg_ParseTuple, (PyObject *, char *, ...));
DECLPROC(hPython, PyObject *, PyErr_Format, (PyObject *, char *));
+ DECLPROC(hPython, PyObject *, PyLong_FromVoidPtr, (void *));
if (!PyImport_ImportModule || !PyObject_GetAttrString ||
!PyObject_SetAttrString || !PyCFunction_New)
return 1;
g_Py_BuildValue = Py_BuildValue;
g_PyArg_ParseTuple = PyArg_ParseTuple;
g_PyErr_Format = PyErr_Format;
+ g_PyLong_FromVoidPtr = PyLong_FromVoidPtr;
return 0;
hPython = LoadPythonDll(pythondll);
if (!hPython) {
- set_failure_reason("Can't load Python for pre-install script");
+ char reason[128];
+ wsprintf(reason, "Can't load Python for pre-install script (%d)", GetLastError());
+ set_failure_reason(reason);
return -1;
rc = do_run_simple_script(hPython, script);
+// subtly different from HasLocalMachinePrivs(), in that after executing
+// an 'elevated' process, we expect this to return TRUE - but there is no
+// such implication for HasLocalMachinePrivs
+BOOL MyIsUserAnAdmin()
+ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNIsUserAnAdmin)();
+ static PFNIsUserAnAdmin pfnIsUserAnAdmin = NULL;
+ HMODULE shell32;
+ // This function isn't guaranteed to be available (and it can't hurt
+ // to leave the library loaded)
+ if (0 == (shell32=LoadLibrary("shell32.dll")))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (0 == (pfnIsUserAnAdmin=(PFNIsUserAnAdmin)GetProcAddress(shell32, "IsUserAnAdmin")))
+ return FALSE;
+ return (*pfnIsUserAnAdmin)();
+// Some magic for Vista's UAC. If there is a target_version, and
+// if that target version is installed in the registry under
+// HKLM, and we are not current administrator, then
+// re-execute ourselves requesting elevation.
+// Split into 2 functions - "should we elevate" and "spawn elevated"
+// Returns TRUE if we should spawn an elevated child
+BOOL NeedAutoUAC()
+ HKEY hk;
+ char key_name[80];
+ OSVERSIONINFO winverinfo;
+ winverinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(winverinfo);
+ // If less than XP, then we can't do it (and its not necessary).
+ if (!GetVersionEx(&winverinfo) || winverinfo.dwMajorVersion < 5)
+ return FALSE;
+ // no Python version info == we can't know yet.
+ if (target_version[0] == '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ // see how python is current installed
+ wsprintf(key_name,
+ "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\%s\\InstallPath",
+ target_version);
+ key_name, 0, KEY_READ, &hk))
+ return FALSE;
+ RegCloseKey(hk);
+ // Python is installed in HKLM - we must elevate.
+ return TRUE;
+// Spawn ourself as an elevated application. On failure, a message is
+// displayed to the user - but this app will always terminate, even
+// on error.
+void SpawnUAC()
+ // interesting failure scenario that has been seen: initial executable
+ // runs from a network drive - but once elevated, that network share
+ // isn't seen, and ShellExecute fails with SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED.
+ int ret = (int)ShellExecute(0, "runas", modulename, "", NULL,
+ if (ret <= 32) {
+ char msg[128];
+ wsprintf(msg, "Failed to start elevated process (ShellExecute returned %d)", ret);
+ MessageBox(0, msg, "Setup", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ }
int DoInstall(void)
char ini_buffer[4096];
install_script, sizeof(install_script),
+ GetPrivateProfileString("Setup", "user_access_control", "",
+ user_access_control, sizeof(user_access_control), ini_file);
+ // See if we need to do the Vista UAC magic.
+ if (strcmp(user_access_control, "force")==0) {
+ if (!MyIsUserAnAdmin()) {
+ SpawnUAC();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // already admin - keep going
+ } else if (strcmp(user_access_control, "auto")==0) {
+ // Check if it looks like we need UAC control, based
+ // on how Python itself was installed.
+ if (!MyIsUserAnAdmin() && NeedAutoUAC()) {
+ SpawnUAC();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // display a warning about unknown values - only the developer
+ // of the extension will see it (until they fix it!)
+ if (user_access_control[0] && strcmp(user_access_control, "none") != 0) {
+ MessageBox(GetFocus(), "Bad user_access_control value", "oops", MB_OK);
+ // nothing to do.
+ }
+ }
hwndMain = CreateBackground(title);