.. literalinclude:: ../contrib/dns64.lua
:language: lua
-Where fe80::21b::77ff:0:0 is your "Pref64" translation prefix and the "ip6.arpa" string is the reversed form of this Pref64 address.
+Where fe80::21b:77ff:0:0 is your "Pref64" translation prefix and the "ip6.arpa" string is the reversed form of this Pref64 address.
Now ensure your script gets loaded by specifying it with :ref:`lua-dns-script=dns64.lua <setting-lua-dns-script>`.
To enhance DNS64, see the :doc:`lua-scripting/index` documentation.
The ``getFakeAAAARecords`` and ``getFakePTRRecords`` followupFunctions
-can be used to implement DNS64. See `DNS64 support in the PowerDNS
-Recursor <dns64.md>`__ for more information.
+can be used to implement DNS64. See :doc:`dns64` for more information.
To get fake AAAA records for DNS64 usage, set dq.followupFunction to
``getFakeAAAARecords``, dq.followupPrefix to e.g. "64:ff9b::" and