stored and displayed that way. However, trailing spaces are treated as
semantically insignificant and disregarded when comparing two values
of type <type>character</type>. In collations where whitespace
- is significant, this behavior can produce unexpected results,
- e.g. <command>SELECT 'a '::CHAR(2) collate "C" <
- 'a\n'::CHAR(2)</command> returns true.
+ is significant, this behavior can produce unexpected results;
+ for example <command>SELECT 'a '::CHAR(2) collate "C" <
+ E'a\n'::CHAR(2)</command> returns true, even though <literal>C</>
+ locale would consider a space to be greater than a newline.
Trailing spaces are removed when converting a <type>character</type> value
to one of the other string types. Note that trailing spaces
<emphasis>are</> semantically significant in
<type>character varying</type> and <type>text</type> values, and
- when using pattern matching, e.g. <literal>LIKE</>,
+ when using pattern matching, that is <literal>LIKE</> and
regular expressions.